Havoc's Beginner Guide AKA Git Gud™ Guide
Live Gameplay can be found at twitch.tv/havoc616
Youtube VODS can be found at youtube.com/havoc616 1.3 BUILDS 1. Download https://github.com/EmmittJ/PoESkillTree/releases/tag/2.1.1pre1 2. Copy + Paste the poeurl into the build link bar and click Load Build 3. Enjoy your NiceBuild™ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Crit Shockwave Totem Witch http://poeurl.com/y76z9WM Shockwave Totem - Faster Casting - Crit DMG - Inc Aoe - Conc/Added Fire Conc Effect was only really needed for beyond mobs and bosses. You can choose between Carcass Jack and Cloak or whatever chest you want to wear. Bandits: OAK - OAK - ALIRA Auras: Clarity - Hatred - Herald of Thunder | If not MoM add Herald of Ice / Ashe With the rest of your points get more Life or Damage depending on how comfortable you are. GUIDE: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1000748 If you go non-crit swt and you are not playing support please delete your character. Crit Lightning Spells Witch http://poeurl.com/y76v2yP Arc - Light Pen - Spell Echo - Crit DMG - Life Leech Auras: HoT + CoH + Ass Mark + PoL + Clarity + AA if MoM Bandits: Oak - SKILL - Power Charge Vaal Pact, EB is Optional but Cloak of Defiance is Recommended Crit Lightning Tendrils Witch http://poeurl.com/y76vOpu Lightning Tendrils - Light Pen - Spell Echo/Inc Aoe - Crit DMG - Life Leech Put in Conc on bosses Auras: HoT + CoH + Ass Mark + PoL + Clarity + AA if MoM Bandits: Oak - SKILL - Power Charge Vaal Pact, EB is Optional but Cloak of Defiance is Recommended Flameblast Templar http://poeurl.com/y76x8z5 Flameblast - Ele Prolif - Fire Pen - Spell Echo - Conc/Inc AoE Bandits: Oak - SKILL - SKILL With your remaining Points get either EB if you are going Cloak or Zealot's Oath and %ES nodes if you are going Hybrid (Life/ES). Auras: Clarity - Purity of Fire if MoM add Disc/W.e if Hybrid Life Phys Crit Daggers Shadow http://poeurl.com/y76Ff4J Flicker - Melee Phys - MultiStrike - Melee Splash - Crit Dmg Spectral - LMP/GMP - Crit DMG - Phys Proj - Faster Attacks - PCoC Bandits: OAK - OAK - ALIRA Auras: Grace & Hatred (or Herald of Ashe/Thunder) You need Blood Rage and Vaal Pact for flicker. You should be wearing a lightning coil. Life Ele Crit Dagger Shadow http://poeurl.com/y767Wfw Spectral - LMP/GMP - Crit DMG - Wed - Life Leech Auras: Prism Guardian: Clarity | Herald of Ice & Thunder + Anger + Wrath Bandits: OAK - KRAITYN - ALIRA I would go Phys Crit over Ele Crit Personally Flame Totem Witch http://poeurl.com/y76IOsP - Cloak of Defiance Version http://poeurl.com/y76KYmH - Infernal Mantle Flame Totem - Faster casting - Crit DMG - Faster Proj - GMP Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA Auras: Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder | If MoM + Clarity + Haste/W.e In the Infernal Mantle Build choose Life/DMG/REGEN once you get past that point. http://poeurl.com/y76OBNd - LowLife Auras: Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder + Clarity + Haste + Disc + W.e Groundslam Marauder http://poeurl.com/y76V0fX Groundslam - Melee Phys - Multistrike - Added Fire - Faster Attacks Consider Gems such as: Inc Aoe / Conc Effect / End Charge on Stun / Stun Gem Bandits: OAK - OAK - OAK Auras: Determ/Hatred/Grace/Herald of Ashe Choose whatever you want out of those 4 Crit Bows Ranger http://poeurl.com/y76Ytzq Consider Vaal Pact / Blood Letting / more Life Nodes Tornado Shot - GMP/LMP - Phys Proj - Crit DMG - Faster Attacks/Pcoc Split Arrow - Chain - Phys Proj - Crit DMG - Faster Attacks Puncture - Phys Proj - Crit DMG - Additional Accuracy Bandits: OAK - OAK/KRAITLYN - ALIRA I don't like Drillneck but feel free to get pierce nodes/gem and use it. Auras: Grace + Hatred Accuracy vs Evasion: https://imgur.com/SpTBxka Summon Raging Spirits Witch http://poeurl.com/y763alM Summon Raging Spirits - Melee Phys - Multistrike - Spell Echo - Melee Splash Auras: Generosity Hatred + Haste + Clarity Bandits: OAK - SKILL/ALIRA - SKILL Pyre Ice Spear Prolif Shadow http://poeurl.com/y77cLbL Ice Spear - Cold to Fire - Elemental Proliferation - Crit Dmg - Fire Pen Auras: Clarity + PoF Use Rubies + AA + Rise for Reflect Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA Lioneye's Buzzsaw Shadow http://poeurl.com/y77gFDb Split Arrow - WED - BM - LGOH - FA Auras: Hatred + Wrath + Anger + Haste Bandits: OAK - KRAITYN - SKILL CoC Discharge Shadow http://poeurl.com/y77kBLu - Malachai's Simula, Armour Shield http://poeurl.com/y77kQnQ - Rat's Nest + Saffels Cyclone - Discharge - CoC - Life Leech - Ice Nova/BM/Light Pen Auras: Grace + PoL + PoF (Or haste) if using BM Gem Bandits: OAK - KRAITYN - ALIRA Use Voll's Protector Chest Ele Piscator's Wander Shadow http://poeurl.com/y77rI6h Power Siphon - GMP/LMP - Life Leech - WED - CHAIN Get either Life/DMG/Mana Regen with remaining points Auras: Wrath + Anger + Haste - Clarity on Prism Guardian if needed Bandits: OAK - KRAITYN - ALIRA Phys Wander Shadow http://poeurl.com/y8nVOBv Power Siphon - GMP/LMP - CRIT DMG - WED/Phys Proj - CHAIN Get either Life/DMG/Mana Regen with remaining points Auras: Wrath + Anger + Haste - Clarity on Prism Guardian if needed Bandits: OAK - KRAITYN - ALIRA I'm not sure whether WED or Phys Proj is better, experiment! Facebreakers Marauder http://poeurl.com/y77xXrm http://poeurl.com/y77yRL2 Cyclone - Added Fire - Conc - Blood Magic (BoR Setup) Infernal Blow - Added Fire - Multistrike - Melee Splash (BoR Setup) Auras: Grace + Determ/Hatred/Heralds Bandits: OAK - OAK - OAK/SKILL The idea is to use a high armour rare shield/lioneye's remorse to have 10-20K+ Armour and run grace/evasion gear to have 10K evasion along with maxblock to be extremely tanky versus attack damage. You could definitely alter the build if you wanted to use Aegis. Windripper Shadow http://poeurl.com/y8nQoX0 Tornado Shot - LL - BM - WED - GMP/LMP - Crit Dmg Split Arrow - LL - BM - WED - Chain - FA Auras: Wrath + Anger + Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder Bandits: OAK - KRAITYN - ALIRA You need an Alpha Howl. Firetrap Templar (Can start Shadow) http://poeurl.com/y8nUgcY Firetrap - Conc - Ele Prolif - Chance to Ignite - Fire Pen Auras: Clarity + Whatever you want Bandits: OAK - SKILL - SKILL Searing Touch is highly recommended. Crit Staff Shadow http://poeurl.com/y8n17Jd Groundslam - Multistrike - Melee Phys - PCoC - Added Fire/Crit Dmg Auras: Hatred + Choose Between (Herald of Ashe / Grace / Thunder ) Bandits: OAK - OAK - ALIRA Pledge of Hands Crit Spells/EK Witch http://poeurl.com/y8n73eX EK - Faster Proj - Life Leech - Faster Casting - Crit Dmg/Added Fire Auras: Clarity + Hatred + Herald of Thunder Bandits: OAK - OAK - ALIRA Crit Ice Nova / Glacial Cascade Witch http://poeurl.com/y8oroJS Ice Nova/Glacial - Cold to Fire - Spell Echo - Inc Aoe/Conc - Crit Dmg/Faster Casting/Pcoc Auras: Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassins Mark | Clarity + Purity of Ice + Herald of Ice Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA AA + Cloak Highly Recommended Crit Freezing Pulse Witch http://poeurl.com/y8orX5K Freezing Pulse - Cold to Fire - Spell Echo - GMP/LMP - Crit Dmg/Faster Casting/Pcoc Auras: Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassins Mark | Clarity + Purity of Ice + Herald of Ice Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA AA + Cloak Highly Recommended Crit Ice Spear Totems Witch http://poeurl.com/y8orT0s Spell Totem - Ice Spear - Faster Casting - GMP/LMP - Cold Pen Auras: Herald of Thunder + Clarity + Herald of Ice + Whatever Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA Explosive Arrow Witch GUIDE: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1083181 Summoner Witch http://poeurl.com/y8ok1UU - Hybrid Summoner http://poeurl.com/y8olNLD - Life EB Summoner http://pastebin.com/CVaVBwrR - Example Links, there are many ways to make a summoner, be creative http://pastebin.com/PzEW7abu - Another Example of what your links might look like If you want BIG Dps as a summoner, you need Hatred + Haste + Generosity + Aura Nodes and should utilize flesh offering + vaal haste. Crit Fireball Infernal Mantle Prolif Witch http://poeurl.com/y8oqlMh Fireball - Ele Prolif - Fire Pen - Crit Dmg - Spell Echo/GMP/LMP/Conc Auras: Herald of Thunder + Curse on Hit + Assassins Mark (Herald of Ice if no mobs left to prolif to a boss) Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA Facebreaker Shield Charge Prolif http://poeurl.com/y8owRvs Shield Charge - Melee Phys - Added Fire - Added Cold - Added Lightning Auras: Herald of Ashe + Ele Prolif + Inc Burning Dmg | Hated + Whatever Bandits: OAK - OAK - OAK/SKILL Could probably work with CI + Vaal Pact + Bloodrage with Melee on Full Life As Well Dual Spark Totems http://poeurl.com/y8ozcE6 Spark - Faster Casting - Light Pen - Fork - Crit Dmg Auras: Clarity + Herald of Ice + Herald of Thunder Bandits: OAK - SKILL - ALIRA 2H AXE Marauder http://poeurl.com/y8rAHsp Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616 HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines #1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013) Last edited by Havoc6#1629 on Dec 29, 2014, 6:08:22 AM
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Noice Builds m8 CHEA
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Youtube.com/Ecdub984 Twitch.tv/Ecdubs |
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Build Factory updated? Like a kid in the candy store ^_^
Please feel free to message me if you are having problems about anything!! I would love to help!
Stay frosty exiles! You'll Never Walk Alone! |
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" Banned Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines #1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013) |
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Thanks again for the help on the Pyre Prolif build mate!! Much appreciated!
I always wanted to try out the Pyre for something, hope this does the trick. I guess it's safe to assume I have to aim to get a Cloak of Defiance right? |
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" Yeah I would probably use Cloak (There is a reason it's in 90% of the spell caster builds) but you could get away without it, possibly using a hybrid ES/Life version with Zealot's Oath instead. Twitch.tv/Havoc616 --- Youtube.com/Havoc616
HvR 100 #1 SC/World - HvA 100 #2 Nemesis/#3 HC - HvTradeAfterMap 100 #1 Bloodlines #1 Atziri & Uber Atziri Kill Invasion - #1 Bloodlines Uber Kill Fix Level 100 Ladder Bug (November 2013) |
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I would like to see a duelist dualwielder build :D
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Hey Havoc, thanks for all the hard work helping us out. I modified your life based Uber Atziri ST build to just run maps/normal Atziri but with more damage. Could you take a quick look and tell me what you think? I've tried many different paths and I can't seem to get anything more efficient balancing DPS and life, but maybe you can. Thanks! :)
http://poeurl.com/y8oMWGU |
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