[1.3.] DPS-Melee 100k+ XxHighSocietyxX -ATZIRI(video) NEXT UPDATE at ACT4

I saw that u briefly mentioned MELEE SPLASH for ppl who wishes to use axes such as soul taker. Is it possible to clear the minions in atziri w/o melee splash? Im concerned about how much they will heal her. If I need to substitute the gem in, which one should I remove.

I decided to use my lightning coil
double strike-
faster attack-
conc effect-
melee phys dmg-
melee dmg on full life
Last edited by obscenely#2967 on Jun 30, 2014, 11:38:44 AM
I found this
Chundadragon wrote:
Adrinok wrote:

- Can a pure life build kill her? What's the minimum amount of HP you need to survive?
- Can a CI build kill her? What's the minimum amount of ES you need to survive?
- Can you kill her with a 25 ex budget? 50 ex budget? 100 ex budget? etc.
- Is 75/65 block even a good thing for this fight?
- What attacks works best against her?
- What's the minimum DPS you need for the whole fight? Splash and single target.
- Can you simply single target her down rather than switch to melee splash for add phase? (This was stated by a GGG member some time ago)

-Yep, it's been done as low as 4k life. (Righteous Arcer)
-Yep, but no reason to go CI when low-life exists.
-25 ex, probably not. Think about it, for a 25 ex budget you get out 60 ex gloves? Hmmm... Lowest budget I've seen is Kaoms RF - around 45 ex.
-75/65 block is really not that good. Spell block is very meh, no-one low-life went spell block because we prefer to hit 99% fire and lightning which is far more powerful. If you have 65% spell block and a spell hits you, you're dead. End of. 75% block is nice vs. Spears but there are other mechanics e.g. Ondar's that require only 6 points vs. block which is like a passive tree mission.
-Attacks? Ones that do shittons of damage.
-From what Loin did, 35k spectral was enough. I'd hazard a guess that you could even go down to 25k Spectral. Generally, spectral tooltip is like 1/2-1/3 of melee so maybe 75k melee? Easily achieveable with a crit build.
-Yes you can if you have the DPS to back it up - but there is no reason to. Why sit around and masturbate when you can just kill the adds with a splash ability and reduce the time of the fight?

At some point it contradicts your build for killing Uber since your Max Fire and Lightning resistance is only 77 and u dont really carry fire pots. Also you focus primary on spell block and block which he considers "meh"

Whats your opinion regarding this. SOrry if it sounds like im bashing your build. Im just trying to find a build that can help me defeat uber
people with not capped lightning resists killed uber... but with 50+ ms and just dodged everything...
hello my little padawan :D

1st take resolut technique!

2nd not anger, take Hatered!

3rd you chose the aura tree, so 9 passive not in dmgnodes-passives... to compare it, run extra haste+anger

4th. i dont trust poebuilder calculated dps :D

because, i had bor with same gems doublestrike-multi-meleedmg full life- firedmg.. and got 40k dps with nearly same soultaker, running hatered, haste

Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670

MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903

MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691
Decept1on wrote:
hello my little padawan :D

1st take resolut technique!

2nd not anger, take Hatered!

3rd you chose the aura tree, so 9 passive not in dmgnodes-passives... to compare it, run extra haste+anger

4th. i dont trust poebuilder calculated dps :D

because, i had bor with same gems doublestrike-multi-meleedmg full life- firedmg.. and got 40k dps with nearly same soultaker, running hatered, haste

When i run in grps i reach only 20k
change add chaos dmg to add fire, and run hatered+haste ill post 2 pictures of a group :P their you see whats possible
Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670

MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903

MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691
Decept1on wrote:
change add chaos dmg to add fire, and run hatered+haste ill post 2 pictures of a group :P their you see whats possible

Well ty on the advice still have ot get new gloves and rings.Currently im rocking

Solo (PoF/L + Disc + Hatred)
Single target: 28.5k dps
multi target: 17.9k dps

single target: ~40k dps

Since I am wearing Lightning Coil I dont think I can drop PoL, due to its passive, for either Haste or Grace.



I made some necessary tweaks due to lack of Int on gear as well as decide to get more Life node instead of armor/block nodes.

Important Defensive stats
blocks: 69/62
eHP: ~3.9k
armour: 10.8k

Once I get my gloves and rings updated I will start running Atziri. It only sucks that we have to rely on a flask for Chaos resistance. I may have to buy an additional ring just for those parts, since I would hate to lose a port from dying to trash mobs chaos dmg.

So with upgrade i will see more dps and eHP, I iwll keep u updated how my struggles go with atziri
Last edited by obscenely#2967 on Jul 6, 2014, 8:54:07 PM
keep working :)
Atziri Farm-Service http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/941670

MY SHOP -> view-thread/923903

MY BUILD: DPS Melee (duellist/marauder) -> /view-thread/938691
i was able to upgrade my gloves( dps now 30k)

Now I recently tried atziri with my current setup. It is much harder w/o legacy aegis. The 2nd phase ( trio) was the hardest part. first and third phase not really an issue if u know the mechanics already

word of advice during first phase: Try and get them both down at the same rtime. Fuck they hit hard when they rage
Last edited by obscenely#2967 on Jul 7, 2014, 4:54:46 PM

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