[1.2]Red Hot Duelist, WoE+BoR = Manlier than ZiggyD's Heavy Metal Marauder
[Updated 23.09.14 with a 51 point skill tree and general directions. Fixed some spelling errors and explained more about passive choices.]
[Updated .09.14 with new lvl 100 skill tree. Not many Molts left to give away. Removed exclamation mark. I hate exclamation marks.] Suck it Aussie. ![]() This is a guide designed for beginners! All items and keystones will have a link to the Wiki so you don't have to open a new tab and google everything yourself. Do you want to watch the world burn without getting that annoying ass shrine that casts the weakest fire storm you've ever witnessed? If you don't I'm going to have to revoke your man-card and sentence you to drive a PT-Cruiser for the rest of your life, sell your Liverpool shirts and buy Manchester United shirts, shave your chest and glue a fedora to the ignorant boulder you call a head. Don't sleep on Molten Strike, sacrilege! With patch 1.....something, a new skill was introduced to Wraeclast, (Reddit taught me that that "Wraeclast" literally means "path of exile" in ye olde English btw.) and it was glorious. In GGG's build of the week a few weeks ago Chris Wilson tried to convince you that a shield and 1-handed weapon was the way to go. We're gonna defy Christus and go for damage and bad-assery, throwing caution to the wind and laugh in the face of elemental damage. Pros - Fast attacks and simple build, nothing complicated - Can be cheap and slightly weaker or kind or pricey and absolutely insane - Molten Strike is a quest reward for killing Hillock and with therefor be with you forever and ever. And ever. Overly attached skill gem. - Puts Dual Strike to shame - Makes girls moan louder than Peter North - Makes me moan louder than Sasha Gray - Fun to play and easy to customize for your own preference - Dual Wield just got a buff! - Burn shit 'till the cows come home - Great opportunity to use Cast When Damage Taken on yet another melee build - High single target damage even with melee splash. Cons - Makes me moan louder than Sasha Gray - Squishy like 60 year old breasts - Bringer of Rain takes away your chest armor, this piece is not necessary but highly recommended. - It's a duelist, not a shadow, so you miss out on the shadow's more than seductive voice. - Very unintelligent build makes it tricky to level Purity of Elements. Gems for this build and gems to look out for
Blind. Awesome defensive gem that doesn't have a mana cost multiplier. With the AoE and Melee Splash this can truly be a life saver. Weapon Elemental Damage. This gem is really good if you want more fire damage. Melee Physical Damage. Greatly increases your single target damage and removes the melee splash damage penalty. It's also the gem I switch melee splash out for when I'm farming Piety Faster Attacks. The more you attack the more damage you do, simple as that. Quality on this gem is really powerful, but don't sweat it if you can't afford it, the base gem is all but shabby. Leap Slam. Mobility is important when farming bosses and it's also fantastic with 2 Brightbeaks equipped. Cast When Damage Taken. This gem makes self casting curses and other skills that increases your chances of survival inferior. Molten Shell. This is the first gem you need for CWDT. It gives a boost to your armor, thats pretty much it. Enduring Cry, or as I like to call it, the "COME AT ME BRO!"-gem. Boosts your defenses when surrounded by foes. The more mobs the better. Warlords Mark. You want 2 of this curse. 1 for self casting and 1 for CWDT. The CWDT one can't be leveled up much, but the self casting one can be used before engaging large packs, rare mobs, bosses and exiles who wants nothing more than to see your head above their mantle piece. Hatred. Before we start running Grace in the end game, this will be a big boost in damage. Purity of Elements. This aura is really important in the late stages of the game. If you decide to push currency into the Bringer of Rain you can't equip chest armor, severely denting your elemental resistances. This + Grace is what will be keeping you alive with the help of the constant leech you get from attacking cursed packs. Reduced Mana. This is for your auras, it'll make sure you can still attack when you have your purity and damage aura up. Mana Leech. With auras up you're gonna be limited to a small amount of mana. But do not fret, with this gem you'll suck the souls right back with every attack. Grace. With the Iron Reflexes this aura turns from something legit graceful to the least graceful thing in the world. It will help you to effectively take every hit on the chin. Nothing graceful about that, but hey, irony makes people laugh. Sometimes. Leveling
So you pick the duelist, make up a ntame that screams testosterone more than the sexy skinhead dude in American History X, turn off all the game audio, turn on some bad-ass music, preferably a combination of Slipknot, Tom Waits and Blink182 for the slick combination of big balls, obscure intelligence and that arrogant boy-ish charm the cutest girls always seems to like. Choose Molten Strike as your quest reward and proceed to do all the Act 1 quests for maximum experience before taking Merveil on. On another quest in Act 1 you'll get the chance to choose Fire Trap as your quest reward. This skill is great for leveling alongside Molten Strike. When you get to Act 2 you may have colleced a respectable amount of Alteration and Transmutation orbs. If you're lucky you have enough to purchase 2 Chaos Orbs. If you can boast of wealth such as this I highly recommend to buy 2 Brightbeak Warhammers. The Brightbeaks has 50% increased attack speed, something that works awesomely with Molten Strike because of the not so unique AoE part of the skill. At some point during Act 2 you'll be offered the Warlord's Mark This will be your main curse throughout the game. With high attack speed higher than Mt.Pyre you're gonna need to sustain it somehow. WL is an effective curse for this. In addition to give mana leech it gives you a chance to gain 1 endurance charge per killed enemy in addition to a high amount of life leech, giving you the opportunity to allocate Blood Magic on the skill tree. Another good way to level is to find a powerful hammer, axe or two handed sword to use Molten Strike with. It works with every weapon class so it's already superior to Dual Strike and Double Strike. Yeah. I said it Double Critters. As for the bandit quests: - Help Oak - Help Oak - Kill all Gearing priorities early game and pre lategame
It's not hard to gear characters like these in the beginning. If you want to take use of the Dual Wield nodes you're picking up for your late game weapon you can choose two weapons or a sword&board approach might be more to your liking. The other option is to gear yourself with a 2hander. The second option will always give more dps at a more steady pace. Crit daggers isn't taken into the equation because of the lack of crit nodes in the passive tree. Here are some examples for gear you should look out for On this chest you have acceptable armor for it's level and 2 resists. By 32 you should have started to move through Battlefront where lightning resistance is key. No life, sadly. 4 links, high damage, additional elemental damage with a chance to crit. This can be a life saver. Life + 2 resists. Nothing wrong with that. At lvl 35 you should have allocated Iron Reflexes a while ago. This chest has no movement speed penalty, has 3 resists and high evasion, which is converted to armor with IR. Slitherpinch is good for 1 reason and 1 reason only. Mana leech. With this equipped along with the next item on the list, you can free up a flask spot to stack more life flasks or a resist flask. Wurm's Molt is my favorite unique. You can use it almost straight away, it has mana leech, life leech, cold resistance for Merveil AND life. It doesn't get better than this, and it's cheap as hell. Write me a poem about this belt and I'll give you one for free. Seriously, I got 2 to spare. Limbsplit is great because it has culling strike and a level requirement that puts the game devs to shame. This is way OP at lvl 13, it's totally bullshit. Abuse it as long as you can. Deidbell is one of those uniques commonly referred to as "crap unique". I disagree but not strongly. It has high armor and gives 20% phys damage. However when you need your life leech the most this helmet cancels out the effect of it. Dick move, GGG. These rings have a few things in common. Low level requirement, mana leech and more than 1 resist. Passive tree and what to allocate when.
51 point example tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQBmSu9gd3jXznKkITZqZSQbIdqYSGE73Tteu9gSwUtQKAwT2RSE0ybLRcdV5dgQRHVvqfv42NwNJO2QU4qKaVbr90N_MVnoId2Sn3A83z1iiLAphjbwYvbpwlYXLDT_IFBNe9ttDrt 2 handed weapon damage, axe damage, dual wield damage + life and utility. Thats all you need to level quick. Get a decent axe to level with and use Molten Strike to get the levels on it from the start. You can choose whether to spec the DW nodes by the Duelist starting area or to get Leather and Steel. Both are good defensive options. Duality used to be a priority in this build because of the life and DW bonuses it gave, but that cluster no longer gives more life, so thats now a dead end in the beginning. The 2% block nodes will smack your defenses full in the face (in a good way, kind of like when you accidentally brush by a cute girl when in a cramped area) once you reach lvl 60 and can equip WoE. After this you're gonna want to move over to Resolute Technique to give the whole Accuracy stat the biggest middle finger gaming has ever seen. This is also a good place to start using Life Leech or LGOH to counter reflect, which now that I think of it never bothered me with this build. This is what my lvl 100 passive tree will look like if I'm lucky. Yes. It makes me hard too. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQBmSu9gUd-FFJlTYTZmy0XHVeXYEER1b6n7-NjcDSTqZSQbIdqYSEaVWSjNugB54N8qAdngDpS4mGVmyb4MHdlpw48n8unMBQgUEcYkSSbgIr3TXYrQXSezdIhVw2Rzrvt9zJyqXzZ2WGsqlnzTjLlvfZVWf7AGpBVp4QaOLZBTioppVuvwPN89YoiwKYY28GL26cJWFyw0_yBQTXvbbQ67d0NkAr8xWegh3ZKfRR1pMKpczkOLPshVeRRWK9GaXgNqW618t_vKNsdyift_EtsFocZ7DhX4nflMokEsxRN8B-iAKloVvruDu960359df66 My gear, in all it's glory and shame
My gear is nowhere near perfect or even good. The only things I have equipped worth more than 10c is the axe and helmet. Bringer of Rain, you know what this does. No movement speed and hardly any armor. Badly rolled IIR gloves. Worn for the 15%all resist. 2 low resists and a low life roll. 24% phys is alright, though. This is the first ring I've found that I've kept for long. It's solid. This I have on because of the sick attributes. This keeps me away from so many int and dex nodes. Some wonky resists. Wings of Entropy. Not even linked properly yet. Lastly, auras. For the most part I like to run Purity of Elements and Hatred. After I got the BoR I've considered having Grace up instead of Hatred because of the lack of a chest piece. It's up to you. Hatred for damage, Grace for defense. ![]() If you have any questions or simply wonder where you need to send your fanmail and underwear, just PM me or reply to the thread and I'll help you out. Last edited by OlaSarcasm#6690 on Sep 23, 2014, 3:49:12 PM
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Wurms molt, itll make you jolt while bringing you to a halt, yet it give more dps than a Colt.
Put this, regen it gives you many, while wearing this you will pull tons of fanny, including my mexican mate, Manny. This belt unlocks an unknown stat known as swag, people may think youre a fag, but you dont care because you will recieve no lag. All this just from the one little belt ( which im expecting for this poem ;) ) the insanely sexy, a little mexi, hint of texi, yet wreaks of my ex lexi, the Wurms Molt. |
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" That's... brilliant :D |
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" enjoy the belt, may it grant you many hours of leveling. |
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updated for 1.2, will re-do the lower lvl passive trees if anyone asks for it later
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Can you up your passive skills again when i open it there no skill points ...
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The link continues to the right, I got the same problem just make sure that you select all of it, Im leveling one right now no problem (except I dont have mana every 2 seconds) so how viable is this build for farming dominus, maps and etc?
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How HC viable is this?
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" I'm doing that tomorrow, thanks for stopping by the thread! |
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" a really easy solution to the mana problem is to add BM to your BOR instead of any other gem. That way you can skip any aura node in the tree and run 2 auras instead of 1, effectively giving you 0 mana problems. If you can run 2 offensive auras, like Hatred and Anger/Wrath your DPS will severely increase, especially if you're lucky enough to get WED on your gear to enhance the fire damage from WoE. I suggest having Blood Magic, Multistrike, Molten Strike in the BOR. The last gem can be conc effect, phys damage, added fire, increased phys or life leech. What gems you're using can be switched out depending on what map you're running. If you're running a more dangerous map it's really easy to swap phys damage for life leech etc. |
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