Heres some "Feedback"

^cool post Charan, i view myself as a "tester" like you call it, trying to combine in-game mechanics and finding overall balance errors in them or within synergy's that i believe the dev's have overlooked.

I also put a lot of value on the "player-experience" within the game, from all category's of players.

Sadly my issue seems to be utilizing my in-game characters as examples in those post's to serve as an example to highlight these errors, usually resulting in personal attacks on my example and not the underlying problem i am trying to highlight.

Which in turn is quite demotivating. However, if i get a few post's that seem to be objective and try to touch the points i am highlighting i consider my "feedback" and my experience with providing it as a "positive" result.

Even if there stance does not align with mine, i have no particular issue with that. My point is always to highlight a concern and hope somebody with the power to act on that information get's to read it. Whether they act or not is of no concern to me.

I do find it rather sad that some people would rather defend a broken balance to serve there own goals then to see this game have a solid future in terms of balance and overall

I suppose that i am "passionate" in that regard.

But i agree with your assessment, people evolve from minute to minute, as such, inertia is impossible to achieve.
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
@Charan: That post should be framed on the wall at GGG.

@Worldbreaker: No I don't mean you. :) I don't mean anyone who posts positive or negative feedback from either of Charan's categories, actually. I mean people who create threads that are literally "I hate all your pathetic fanboys, I don't play this game anymore and you're all losers for still playing such a shitty game."

It's totally against the no-hate policy, totally NOT constructive, totally NOT even Feedback, or Gameplay Discussion, or even General Discussion for that matter...hell I'll go as far to say it doesn't even belong in Off Topic. It belongs in the trash, along with the people posting it.

But, as we saw a few days ago, these threads that should be deleted don't get deleted, and the posters don't even get probated.

/thread (at least for me)

Edit: Oh and I do still play, way too much in fact. ;) I love this game with all it's splendor and blemishes.
Last edited by Psyborg#3642 on May 27, 2014, 11:57:27 AM
Well, Charan's post is way too good for these forums and explains so much.

The number of people aswell that fit into his 'change' theory, that I have seen go from #2 -> #1 is amazing.

But yeah, as psy said, the problem is those posts like "Cyclone is super shit and GGG suck". That isn't feedback, thats just trash. No matter how much valuable discussion comes from it the original post is pointless
Fuck desync. This game sucks. Fix your trash netcode.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Path of Exile is my first game forum experience in any real depth. I posted some builds for D2 vanilla back in the early 2000s, but typically had little interest in what others had to say other than direct queries regarding said builds. Gamefaqs I use for browsing but the one time I got even vaguely involved on a game board, I found it very hostile and personal.

So if there's one thing I've learned about game fora from CB to now, it's that you really can divide player feedback into two neat categories, and it's extremely easy to spot which is which.

The majority of gamers give subjective feedback, working from their own game play, desires, dislikes, etc. For them, it's all about improving their personal experience. This is fairly typical and not in any way inferior or a failure. When most people are asked to give feedback, they instinctively do so from a personal standpoint.

Unfortunately, as we've all observed, 'personal' can very easily slide into 'passionate', and it's not a long trip that to outright abrasive. Anyone who has worked in customer service will know that feedback is overwhelmingly negative, because a happy customer should be the standard rather than the exception. People often only speak up when they feel something is wrong. So feedback from this first category runs a fairly high chance of being caustic and...well, not very personable. It is synonymous with a complaint, and really should be addressed directly to the devs rather than posted in public *if* the person wants to make their complaint heard by the right people.

Category 1, then, is gamer feedback, with the primary concern being the personal experience.

The other category typically only comes from players who give feedback not because they're dissatisfied with the experience but because they view feedback as a chance to improve the game in and of itself. They might be right or wrong, but the tonal difference between the first category of feedback and this second type is extremely stark. You can see that person is not being precious about certain skills or items, and any defences or offences made regarding game elements are justified, primarily because people in this second category *desperately* do not want to be mistaken for someone from the first. People from this second category likely view themselves less as gamers and more testers; to them, the devs are not the enemy threatening to nerf their build or destroy their pleasure. That's not to say everything is chummy and fine -- this second category can still be very hostile towards the game and the developers, but always in the spirit of believing that the game is worth criticising, worth adjusting, worth possibly even 'saving'.

The downside to this category is that it can be hard to extract from the analysis any real stance or suggestions for remedy. And if personal gameplay feedback can come across as vitriolic or antagonistic, then objective game feedback can just as easily be interpreted as wishy-washy whiteknighting or dev arse-kissing.

...Most veterans to a game will oscillate between the categories, but ultimately can be placed in one or the other.

Finally, and most importantly, the transition between them is typically one way and often very violent: as the game evolves, or fails to evolve, objective posters inevitably buckle under the weight of remaining objective. It's so much easier to care about one's personal gameplay experiences than the overall health of a game. The process is elastic, and everyone has their snapping point.

Conversely, I've never seen anyone go from posting personal, defensive, wary feedback to objective, neutral analysis and observation. I've seen a few try, but it's almost like watching someone who has seen years of combat fighting for their country struggle to adapt to a society where some pampered nerd gets to tell them what to do and expects their respect rather than earns it.

Sometimes it seems like charan is the only reasonable poster on these forums.

I feel like I'm starting to give up on POE and the feedback forums. There just isn't enough intelligent discussion going on, 90% of the stuff I see here is some guy defending some completely broken situation. You can't even find reason in any of it.

When I finally give up on this game I hope you continue to carry the torch charan. Poe is so close to being the best pc game of all time and a small handful of crippling issues that people keep defending just won't let it get there.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Are you implying that my feedback was somehow not intelligent or constructive!?
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."
Fuck desync. This game sucks. Fix your trash netcode.

No you!
Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes
The character of my posts is directly related to the amount of alcohol I consume.

My sober posts are attempts at being calm and understanding, but then drunk Max shows up after about 11PM and all the posts are dedicated to taking things as un-seriously as possible and making bad jokes.

"I would have listened... I would have understood!" - Scion

Have you removed Asus ROG/GameFirst yet?
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
Are you implying that my feedback was somehow not intelligent or constructive!?

Nope. Can't say I remember seeing you post here at all.

There's a handful of other guys who come on here defending the most ridiculous broken shit though, it makes me want to give up on humanity.
my evasion is so high i only insta rip sometimes
Bug Fixes:
People were using cyclone for actual melee builds, so we nerfed it and made blade vortex. Also, we went ahead and made cyclone great for CoC casters while we were at it.
Legatus1982 wrote:
CliveHowlitzer wrote:
Are you implying that my feedback was somehow not intelligent or constructive!?

Nope. Can't say I remember seeing you post here at all.

There's a handful of other guys who come on here defending the most ridiculous broken shit though, it makes me want to give up on humanity.

Can't remember seeing me post here!? You are on my shit list now. You are so not getting a Clive Howlitzer Christmas card.
"Danger is like jello, there's always room for more."

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