The ultimate sollution to RNG: progressive crafting!
Same as every time: learn math:
google: law of large numbers Only motivation of such threads are to lower the mean of needed orbs. So, just sry, but sorry no! IGN: Surak Methred Wrathclaws Boxender_Gladiator Dunkler_Beschwörer Lady_Discharge
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U can lower the variance of the probability distribution
(how likely it is to get a 6L with x fusing or less is a cumulative gaussian distributions, since the central limit theorem holds) means the prob is stronger located around the average. But a broad variance is the friend of the poor. First u need to HAVE 1k fusings to waste them. Just saying... IGN: Surak Methred Wrathclaws Boxender_Gladiator Dunkler_Beschwörer Lady_Discharge
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