[FUSION] We Don't Need 2 Guilds To Measure Up Like Stubby Does (STD/TMT) 248/250 66 Stash Tabs

I'd be very interested in joining. I'm very active, love to grind, and have teamspeak. My ingame name is "jsjackstar"
Hey dude, i am "high"ly interested in joining your guild. It looks pretty sick and im pretty new so it would be very useful to have guild members with knowledge of the game, especially when im baked.
IGN: Desunc

Bill Gates once said: "I will always hire lazy people, because lazy people find the fastest ways to get the job done"
Hey dude, i am "high"ly interested in joining your guild. It looks pretty sick and im pretty new so it would be very useful to have guild members with knowledge of the game, especially when im baked.
IGN: Desunc

Bill Gates once said: "I will always hire lazy people, because lazy people find the fastest ways to get the job done"
shadvec wrote:
Hey been around a cpl years wanted to know if u guys had a hardcore player base or no thanks.

sorry not a whole lot of HC players here. Good luck looking though.
All invites are out and can be found in your guild tab under your social menu (s). Once joined, please join guild chat by taking the lower left drop down in your chat window or just type & before your message.

We now have only 3 spots left open. Welcome aboard everyone ;-)
Hello i was away for a couple of weeks playing RoS and seems i got kicked can i get back ? thanks
Hello FusionReactor,

Started playing a few weeks ago and I am enjoying myself. I have three characters, all Standard:

57 Marauder
28 Ranger
4 Shadow

All my time up to this point has been solo. The gear on the marauder is self found; the gear on the others includes some hand me downs.

I have been carefully looking for a guild over the past two weeks, and yours stuck out because of the organization and leadership. I am not your typical gamer (several outside interests, also most likely older than most), so the choice is important to me.

If accepted I will experiment with Teamspeak as typing while fighting is generally a fatal combination. Thanks for the consideration, and if you need additional info please PM either in game or on the boards.

IGN: Tanuden
woot clan bump :v
I am looking to join the guild. IGN is Howlerx
Hi, I would like to be added to the waiting list. Been playing since Jan, currently playing Rampage as DontTrapMeBro. I also have uniques to donate once the rip to Standard hits. Thanks for the consideration.

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