[2.1] "Cyclonus" Crit Bino Cyclone by fiqst
tried for the first time ever to do Atziri, since this is the strongest build I've had (sadly), since I usually figure everything out myself from gems to skilltree, managed the double vaal easily, though I have no idea what is happening at the trio, guess it's something you have to learn, since I just jumped in and killed the ranged one first, then the cyclone one I believe, but in the end I couldn't deal with degen placements and the last guy, still I have so much to learn :p
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It took me about 10 tries to beat the map the first time. It's all about timing and experience. Keep it up!
Once you kill her it then it's a game to kill her consistently and eventually, kill her without deaths. When i was actively farming atziri, i had a different set up than regular farming, such as flask swaps, gem swaps and life instead of dps on the tree. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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So I decided to make the switch to a Daresso Defiance just to see what it changed, and man am I glad I did. I have to cover a bit of resistance extra with rings (which costs a lot since one of those needs to be a 40%/40%/60% F/C/L res), but I still stay mostly at the cap.
But yeah, adding constant-uptime Endurance Charges (Daresso's alone is enough to keep End charges up all the time) has skyrocketed my survivablity, especially when you factor in a CWDT+Immortal Call+Inc Duration+Phase Run basically letting me tank through almost any hit. Basically, I'm just mowing through things now with a buff bar that sometimes stretches all the way across my screen, and it's awesome. Again, I'm sad to see that you removed HoA, because I just changed my gems around so I can have the space to throw IIR/IIQ on HoA for some passive item generation. I still haven't gotten around to editing my tree. |
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Well im running this build in warbands and its Great, i can totally commend this build for people who can afford the gear necesary to make this build work (bino,ST and daresso) i can farm atziri now (die 2 or 3 times per run but is fine i just do for the loot)
i just drop my gear here:
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This build is awesome for clearing maps etc. But for atziri? Does atziri gloves+dagger is a better choice for atziri runs? Especially for 3 bosses and queen-
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What would the best setup be for 5l daresso's? Do I drop conc for ice bite/hypo or just not use either of those two gems?
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If you have access to acuity then you don't need bino. Using a rare/mirrored dagger instead will give you stronger dps and good life sustain without frenzy charges. There are 2 good options: Equip dagger+ST and keep the tree the same. Equip bino+rare and get pure dagger nodes, including adders touch. Use blood magic in the chest. In the Psychlonus build that i did (see notes), i equipped a mirrored sword and acuity and the results were very strong. @Ginnryu The tooltip you see in the guide is what a 5L looks like (hypo/Icebite doesn't have a tooltip value). So dropping that green gem will still show a strong dps. The combination of P2L+WED is very strong and shouldn't be split. You might have trouble with dealing enough lightning damage to curse if you drop P2L, which also means you lose the 50% damage multiplier of shocking. Dropping conc effect will drop your dps by quite a bit. So i think dropping hypo/IB is a better choice. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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" Alrighty got it, thanks for the quick reply. |
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im currently running this on warbands with pretty similar stats to what you posted in the OP. Im currently running 77s without much trouble building my 78 pool. I am planning on taking this build to 82 maps and have been having lots of fun with it.
what are we swapping out P2L for when running ele reflect maps? even with topaz+capped resists I find myself getting insta-killed on like 4 trash whites. Im assuming we swap in either of the crit gems or increased AOE. Im guessing youve playtested rat's nest and felt it wasnt worth the loss in damage? I assume the increased damage we take from abyssus isnt that big of a deal with an evasion setup with acrobatics. I like the changes you made with dropping HOA and adding whirling blades. Havent had a chance to try out the acrobatics setup you switched to but the video looked good. Anyways thanks for the great guide |
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I find that i need to remove both p2l and hatred to deal with ele reflect maps, but in all honesty, i just roll over reflect mods. I haven't playtested rat's nest in this build, but i have used it on a reave build and i do notice a little more survivability and the fact that i one-shot a lot of mobs anyway, the clear speed wasn't that much slower. I think with the dps we get from rat's nest would still clear maps at a satisfying pace. The reduced degen from blood rage is nice too. I would love to see someone record gameplay at high level maps using armor so we could get a real world comparison between the 2 defence systems. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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