[2.1] "Cyclonus" Crit Bino Cyclone by fiqst

MortalKombat3 wrote:
fiqst wrote:

Taking Adder's Touch only improves the performance of the dagger and does nothing for the secondary.

But i thought life regeneration, granted by Bino, doesnt stack anyway. Yes, i'm aware, that the bonuses wont apply to secondary weapon, but at least for Soul Taker, that isnt a big issue, since Bino's hits contribute around 2/3 of your DPS, while Soul Taker's - only 1/3. Even if Secondary weapon is close to Bino in terms of DPS, i still think Adder's touch is worth it, as is doesnt depend on any frenzy charges (which is quite handy).

fiqst wrote:

I don't rely on life leech that much. It's the Bino regen that works best, and this is unchanged in 2.0

I meant, you no longer need that "life leech" bonus, granted by Blood Rage. In previous patch, it was solid, now it is too weak.

fiqst wrote:

The reason for the soul taker / bino combo is how easy it is to find these items for sale. Nobody's willing to wait for the right Gemini claw to become available.

Yeah, you're right there, but claw with decent rolls will greatly out-perform Soul Taker in terms of DPS, and no, i dont mean perfect gear only...

fiqst wrote:

If not, I'll drop HoA for HoI+ ice bite

As far as i know, Ice Bite grants frenzy charge when you kill a frozen enemy with supported skill. Do you really plan to kill enemies with HoI? Its explosion damage is quite pathetic compared to your attack damage, you know... Even with Culling Strike added, i dont think it will be good enough with your attack DPS and crit damage...

Few other thoughts and questions about 2.0:
Rallying Cry. This Warcry grants decent mana regeneration (free Clarity) and a bit of "increased damage" as well. OF course, you got 300+% increased attack damage already, but for HoA burning effect and on-hit poison (which directly converts into life regeneration for you) your "increased damage" is pretty low. I think, it's worth a try, at least.
Also, i noted, that (quality) Cyclone itself now has smaller AoE (+10% instead of +20%), and Concentrated Effect's drawback is now multiplicative.
So, i want to ask, is it really better, that Increased AoE gem? I heard, that AoE increses for Cyclone directly affect clear speed...
I also found, that your build has quite low bonus to evasion, despite being evasion-based (due to acrobatics). Shouldnt you try to get a bit more evasion, if possible?
And if you intend to use Snakebite+Blood Rage anyway, shouldnt you get more %life regen from the tree? You got just 2.8%, while Blood Rage deal 5.6-6% degen, so you'll lose HP over time when out of combat, and that is not cool.
You can also try using Blood Dance boots for Frenzy charges, but they got quite crappy stats (and you already have gloves and helm slot occupied by uniques), and with all that regen from Bino, you dont really need extra 3% life regen...

Adder's touch is useless unless you plan to use dual dagger. Believe me, I've done extensive testing on many types of dw crit setups.

I should add that soul taker adds a lot more dps than you think. With all the crit nodes and power charges, even soul taker gets a lot of crit chance(like 40/45%). However, what it does do is give you infinite mana, allowing for infinite spam, which even mana on hit will not allow.

HoI with Ice Bite isn't too bad. HoI actually hits for a lot of damage.

I'm not a fan of warcries in melee builds. All they do is slow you down, when you could be killing stuff instead.

As for using Inc AoE, its a personal choice.

Getting higher evasion is not feasible. Not enough points nor enough gear slots.

In 2.0 blood rage is only 4% degen, and even with 25% it should be possible to sustain maximum charges.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
4% Blood Rage degen should turn into 5.6-6% degen with Abyssus (depending on its rolls), because it's physical damage.

As for Adder's Touch VS unique glove... Well, i think need to test both on practice to make final verdict. For me, 25% chance to get a charge on kill seems NOT enough for stable sustainance. And since we have little defences and HP (and Abyssus), losing frenzy charges can end deadly.
That's why i ask to test it on practice.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Last edited by MortalKombat3#6961 on Jul 9, 2015, 4:00:06 PM
Just as an example, it is possible to sustain flicker strike with only blood dance boots. With the kill speed this build gets, frenzy charges are no biggie.
For try, for see, and for know.

This is a buff
When will this be updated? I love this build!
Last edited by Orikfricai#2261 on Jul 10, 2015, 11:49:33 PM
Orikfricai wrote:
When will this be updated? I love this build!

In a few hours when i have a little time
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
Build looks really cool. I'm starting the new league, could you tell me what equipment is most essential to the build so I can focus on those items first?
fiqst wrote:
Orikfricai wrote:
When will this be updated? I love this build!

In a few hours when i have a little time

Did you tested Bino's life regen after patch? I hope they didnt nerfed it...
Also, is Bloodrage still enough to keep charges up all time?

BTW, it seems i was wrong about frenzy charges. They add 4% more damage now, so they're worth investments.
IGN: MortalKombat
Molten Strike build guide: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1346504

There is no knowledge
That is not power
Apologies for the delay, it will take a little while to update this as i use the character for 2 builds so i have to use some regrets.

An update to come tonight!
So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death.
Much appreciated, you are the man!
Can anyone post skill tree for 2.0? I am complete beginner that likes to learn every little thing in game, and I want to follow this build on my completely new duelist.

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