[2.1] "Cyclonus" Crit Bino Cyclone by fiqst
My tweaks to the build are as follows:
Replace Increased Burning Damage with Reduced Mana. Link to Shadow area through Blood Drinker or get +1 Frenzy charge and 18% Frenzy duration (costs 1 more point, not sure if this is the best use of it). Refund the Charisma cluster, allowing 6 skill points to be spent elsewhere. Replace a 10 Dex node with the 10% physical damage node between Slight of Hand and Quickness. From here there are 3 options: 5 points in Scion life wheel for +25% max life. (boring but best from a pure hp perspective) 5 points to take Sanctity and 'Discipline and Training' near the Templar start for 1% health regen per second, +15% max life, +30 max life, 20str/10dex/10int, 20% increased armor, and 10% increased energy shield. (What I'm currently using. At -49% chaos res, blood rage costs me 1 hp every 4-5 seconds) 5 points to Devotion in the Templar area for +50 strength, +14% max life, and 5% increased buff strength. (Extra frenzy charge could be dropped to bump the hp here to +20%) Thoughts so far: Most of the time I feel like I only notice Inc Burn Damage is gone when I'm looking for it. Crit overkills still one shot trash. Stuff that runs away when burning is more annoying if I get unlucky with the initial kill. Only time I really felt it missing was during Atziri Add phase. I'm at 102 skill points/lvl 85/5L daresso's atm, the missing passives and better rings/ammy/belt would probably close that small gap even further. When I get to 92~ I'll give Devotion a try. I'd really like to keep Discipline and Training and grab it through Elementalist for more health and some elemental damage, but that would require dropping too much damage-wise I think (though the blood drinker cluster + 1 travel node could be swapped for Devotion to keep hp the same). Last edited by bladesofwill#4547 on Jan 6, 2015, 1:25:11 AM
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Excellent write up, thank you! If you'd like, please post your items and some stats and i'll start a community builds section.
In my other build I have dropped charisma and dropped HoT as the auto curse, in favour of a CoC - curse. The 6 points was spread towards more life (+250) and more dps and crit. In Cyclonus I plan to do the same. Other changes planned are transferring HoA to a 4L with Increased AoE and adding assassin's mark to the secondary cyclone. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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I hadn't considered dropping the auto cursing, thats something I'll have to experiment with.
On another note, have you considered adding blood magic to cyclone and replacing soul taker with another dagger? This could let us take some of the dagger nodes in the shadow area, including adders touch, and return to using maligaro's over snakebite. |
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" Good possibilities but addlers touch is 7 nodes away. You'll be sacrifising a major dps gem and 7 dps/life nodes to equip Mali's, which has no life. I have tested it before and you'll have better dps but it doesn't compensate the loss of life and passives. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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So, this is the tree I'm currently running on my dual doryani cycloner.
211% life for more comfortable leveling. Makes life easier, especially since that I have a terrible computer as well as a shitty internet conection. Other major stats are: -Phys damage = 202% -Attack speed = 62% -Crit(total) = 400% -Crit multi = 70% -Move speed = 13% When I reach level 92/93, I'm planning to run one of the following. These trees have less life, but since I use belly of the beast, I'll still be at a comfortable 5k, as compared to the 6k+ I currently get. This is where I need your advice. I can't decide which tree to go with. Here's the first one, with a lot of investment into ranger area: Major stats are: -168% life -360% phys damage -68% Attack speed -440% increased crit -70% Crit multi -15% movespeed Now the other tree, which goes up to galvanic hammer for crit and a power charge. Major stats are: -159% life -312% phys damage -58% Attack speed -465% increased crit + 1 addtional power charge = 515% -100% Crit multi -9% movespeed My gear:
Now, about your tree, I think that the 1h cluster Strong Arm is better than Studious Combatant. Feel free to test. Thanks! P.S. Would appreciate advice on saving up for 6l belly :P For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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Very nice build Ether.
I used to enjoy using Belly but i've since fallen in love with the Daresso endurance charge mechanic and CoC-IC. but Belly would definitely be better for your double catalyst because coc-ic would be unreliable and noone likes to stop and cast IC. Out of those 2 trees i prefer the second one with the extra pc. The first tree looks like more physical damage and more speed. But the extra crit and extra crit multi of the second blows it away. Galvanic Hammer is beastly, there's way more ele damage than physical. I think you're right about strong arm over studious, i will change both builds when i get the chance. Thanks for that.
My favourite way to earn currency is collecting jewellery and belts from lvl 72+ maps and alch'ing them.
I usually only collect diamond rings for the chance to use my own rings instead of buying them. I collect every amulet and use the onyx recipe. I alch rings worth 5-10c on a regular basis with only the cost of alch's. The rubbish rings are used in the chaos recipe. lvl 75 stuff can be used for the regal recipe. Sometimes i find very decent rings worth a few ex. My best alch ever was: which received 15ex offers. All alch'ed stuff goes into a shop and i get sales all the time. This method is not the best way to get rich but you earn through just playing the game, which i prefer. I really hate trade chat. So many strikes within one breath.
But only one strike needed, for certain death. |
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Thanks for the insight mate. I was favouring the one with galvanic hammer a bit. The reduction in physical and aps is negligible, and the huge extra crit is really nice. I wouldnt be able to do this tree without a belly though, which will take me to 5k life. Previously I was trying to take galvanic hammer while still trying to get 180% life, which sounds feasible for a level 100 lol.
Btw, I just got level 90 yesterday, which was awesome. Now just 3/4 more levels to go.
I have been using the alching method recently and I have to admit, it has gotten me some pretty nice results. If nothing else, since I can easily sustain 75+ maps now, it gets me a lot of regals.
For someone with as limited game time as me, this is likely one of the better methods. Dat ring tho...ungodly For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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i feel silly just asking this question but where do u get power charges from?
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Herald of thunder is linked to curse on hit which applies assassin's mark. Cursed enemies have a chance to give a power charge. This is a very good method and allows for near permanent power charges.
For try, for see, and for know.
This is a buff |
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i will be level 90 in a couple of days (or 1 day...it depends if my new home will have internet acces)
again just wanted to say thanks for making viable dw builds for 1.3 my gear
the rings, amulet and belt are going to be used until 90.. after that i can relax and do what i realy like in game.. which is mf-ing hmm i think i will also drop the chest. maybe replace it with this
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