Molten Strike & Point Blank interaction

A bit offtopic, but if someone knows the answer, I'd really appreciate it:

If I take Master of the Arena which gives +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range, will that increase the max distance of the MS projectiles? Cause if so, it would decrease the effectiveness of Point Blank, in which case I'd obviously avoid taking it.
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank:
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui":
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw:
ComradeSerge wrote:
Is the max distance of the Molten Strike projectiles so low that it always triggers the 50% more dmg from point blank? Is there any way to know what the max distance of MS projectiles is?
The projectiles travel a random distance between 5 units and 20 units, with the latter distance being affected by AoE increases (the minimum distances is always 5). Point Blank gives a 50% damage bonus only until range 10, which would thus cover only a third of the projectiles with no AoE increase.

Humperding wrote:
Yesterday i tried molten strike with a one hand axe and with the wideswing unique axe. I noticed that wit wideswing the projectiles seemed to spread much more. So maybe projectile range has something to do with weapon range (or i am just imagining things, possible).
ComradeSerge wrote:
A bit offtopic, but if someone knows the answer, I'd really appreciate it:

If I take Master of the Arena which gives +2 to Melee Weapon and Unarmed range, will that increase the max distance of the MS projectiles? Cause if so, it would decrease the effectiveness of Point Blank, in which case I'd obviously avoid taking it.
Weapon range affects how far from you the melee attack can hit. It has no effect on the distance the projectiles travel, however, since the projectiles spawn at the point of impact, rather than on the player, that will affect how far total from the player they reach, since tey can thus start further from the player.
Mark_GGG wrote:
The projectiles travel a random distance between 5 units and 20 units, with the latter distance being affected by AoE increases (the minimum distances is always 5). Point Blank gives a 50% damage bonus only until range 10, which would thus cover only a third of the projectiles with no AoE increase.

So from the sound of this, if you grab point blank, it's super important to also use conc effect?

Mark_GGG wrote:
since the projectiles spawn at the point of impact, rather than on the player, that will affect how far total from the player they reach

Will the projectiles always hit 5 - 20 units from the point of impact? Is point blank calculated from the point of spawn for the projectiles or calculated from character distance?

Also, if I run away after the melee hit, and end up >5 units away by the time they land, have I ruined the point blank interaction (assuming it's from character distance to the landing)
Last edited by FreeMark#1538 on May 6, 2014, 11:02:38 PM
Point blank cares about how far the projectile moved, not about distance from the player.
Iron Grip and Point Blank is still the way to go imo.

The Damage Penalty from PB doesn't start until after 35.

I'd just use Conc, Multi, MPD, WED, Fire Pen (WED/FirePen is nice with AoF, since you'd have 100% conversion w/ Molten). LMP/GMP only reduces the damage for no reason.
EA IGN: We_Have_Monk_at_Home

*Burnt out and waiting for either PoE1 League or new PoE2 Classes.*
Mark_GGG wrote:
ComradeSerge wrote:
Is the max distance of the Molten Strike projectiles so low that it always triggers the 50% more dmg from point blank? Is there any way to know what the max distance of MS projectiles is?
The projectiles travel a random distance between 5 units and 20 units, with the latter distance being affected by AoE increases (the minimum distances is always 5). Point Blank gives a 50% damage bonus only until range 10, which would thus cover only a third of the projectiles with no AoE increase.
Thanks for the info, Mark.

To clarify this for people who need clarification:
  • Past 10 units, Point Blank's bonus scales down linearly 2% per unit, until reach it reaches 0% more (same damage as without Point Blank) at a distance of 35 units. This means Point Blank on Molten Strike and 0% increased AoE would be an average increase of about 43% more damage, at always at least 30% more damage.
  • Mark said "with no AoE increase" because increasing AoE radius allows projectiles to travel further than 20 units. So if you have % increase AoE, Point Blank becomes less effective. With 40% increased area of effect, Point Blank gives an average of 35.75% more damage, and always at least 14% more damage.
  • Conversely, if you have reduced Area of Effect (through Concentrated Effect), Point Blank becomes more effective; assuming -30% AoE, Point Blank gives an average of 48% more damage, and always at least 42% more.

It's worth noting that LMP and GMP have a % less Projectile Damage penalty, so you don't reduce your Melee damage as a result of using the support.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
Last edited by ScrotieMcB#2697 on May 7, 2014, 12:34:46 AM
Mark_GGG wrote:
The projectiles travel a random distance between 5 units and 20 units, with the latter distance being affected by AoE increases (the minimum distances is always 5). Point Blank gives a 50% damage bonus only until range 10, which would thus cover only a third of the projectiles with no AoE increase.

Well, that was pretty close, it's probably due to random nature of the spell, I spammed it in place for 5 minutes and never saw it travel past 16 unit mark.

Any info on individual fireball explosion radius, if possible?

ScrotieMcB wrote:
Conversely, if you have reduced Area of Effect (through Concentrated Effect), Point Blank becomes more effective; assuming -30% AoE, Point Blank gives an average of 48% more damage, and always at least 42% more.

And there's one more thing, if both of the radii reduce by same percentage you get better coverage because area increases by a square, same as firestorm.
Wish the armchair developers would go back to developing armchairs.

ComradeSerge wrote:
Abstrx wrote:
i saw no evidence of the Molten Strike or the Spectral Throw behaving any diferently with teh Point Blank.

And by that you mean what exactly? :D

Meaning i used the Point Blank gem with Molten Strike instead of going all the way to the keystone.

I could not tell that it made any change to the damage output. My point blank gem is only at level 4 now in the 2nd act of Cruel.

I have continued to play with it in my 6L as it slows the attack speed which seems to prevent the Spectral Throw from flying off the screen which seems to have the bad result of the monsters it kills not leaving drops.
Thanks a lot for the info, Mark, that really helps a lot! Also, thanks to Scroti for further maths on the numbers.

I made a Reddit post on this: (quoted both Mark and Scroti)
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank:
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui":
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw:
Last edited by ComradeSerge#4604 on May 7, 2014, 7:21:09 AM
Now that we've gotten more into MS mechanics, can someone explain how Physical Projectile Damage interacts with MS projectiles?
1H+Shield High Block&Spell Block Tank:
Ice Crash Crit Staff AKA "The Shaterring Karui":
Tanky Block+AR+EV Ranger Crit Reave Dagger/Claw:

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