Chris's point on train mode and more descent:champions races in season 8?
So Chris thinks that training mode for d:c will make people to loose interest in participation in it and that is why it will not be implemented? So how do I suppose to get good at hardest classes (with dumpster skill rewards or mass items + fight control required) without training? The only way now is to sacrifice your participation ladder position and try different strategies on the actual races, which is very not fun.
If developers (and Chris) afraid that people stop do races (which they doing for a log time you know), maybe they should improve rewards instead, so there will be a point in doing races? I mean, look at this 1 alch worth 600 points reward, not even 1 alch 360 point reward, what kind of dumpster useless rewards this is? (For a regular player, not race junkie like me who doesn't care about rewards. I maybe got bored of descent champions long ago, but I still play any race I can, because there is no choice in current ladder structure). Remember this multi-account flask grinding in season 5, ring grind in s6. And now only thing that worth grind for some people who likes to customize their characters is laser sword, and that's it. And I don't think that more d:c for next season is a good idea. Maybe with some major skills rewards re-balance and with totally reworked last 4 zones. alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact Last edited by jstq#1440 on May 5, 2014, 5:16:17 AM
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They're right to limit people's access to races like DC, though they should periodically run a 24 hr event that's not part of the season, that allows people to try things out. I would say at least once a season.
The thought that there will be MORE DC in the next season fills me with that feeling you get in your gut as you realize you're about to get hit with some massive diarrhea. If they do add more DC, they really should either rework the amount of points it gives (make it less) or add a 1500 tier reward. Last edited by boof#2056 on May 5, 2014, 11:22:05 AM
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Now we get DC:C as a Signature.
That´s the Training mode NurbelST Level 97 Low Life Animate Weapon (Standart)
DerNurbler Level 96 Low Life Animate Weapon (Talisman/Standart) Animate_Weapon_for_Life (Essence) |
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I think it's high time GGG let whomever is in charge of making race related decisions out of the dungeon, and allow him at long last access to internet.
Come on GGG, do the humane thing. | |
They should have a practice mode for this race now that it is the signature. Congrats to the racers in advance that can do almost every single one of them
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I'm so disappointed...
After Descent being the sig, they should've known better by now. Even though they are making a few changes, DC has many of the same problems as the original descent had: . Gem drops (in the original descent, at least two of the records for witch were done with ice nova dropping - at the time, it wasn't a chest gem) . No vendor . No zone reset - good luck getting good density in the last 3 zones because it is what will determine if you get a record or not. Whatever happened before the last 3 zones almost doesn't matter. It also has arcers which is a mob i absolutely hate. You can't maneuver around them, they auto-aim you from offscreen. If there's a random pot or crate on the ground, they can even chain off that and hit you again. You either have the light res or you don't. Well, I guess you can't please everyone. Gratz to the people who enjoy Descent Champions tho im not sure how much % of the racing community it is and i doubt at the end of the next season you will still enjoy it. I'm not even sure if i want to participate next season... PJSalt BibleThump Last edited by tagpt#6445 on May 16, 2014, 2:52:19 AM
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Yeah, agree with you on all points. Rip season eight* I guess.
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact Last edited by jstq#1440 on May 16, 2014, 4:43:18 AM
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CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] |
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Descent Champions, I'm so exci..
![]() #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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