Suggestions for Race Season 8
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" I don't feel like that anymore to be honest. Take my duelist run. I've done several runs, most of them meh, over and over. Then one race I get decent pack sizes through the race and then roll a little bit of attack speed on my weapon. Boom, #1 duelist. I'd have to be pretty deluded to take much pride in that. Now I just sit and wait hoping someone else of similar or greater racing competence doesn't roll more attack speed. I won't really venture to argue further, as I realize the opinions of someone that has played way too much can be equally polluted as those of someone who hasn't played enough. ie I'm burned out and salty Just regarding your last point, surely the creative titans behind Path of Exile can come up with something that is interesting, but doesn't come at the cost of physically and emotionally draining players over the course of a season. We can hope, and we will see. Last edited by boof#2056 on May 5, 2014, 3:02:53 PM
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With so many lenghty posts I feel like I've missed an opportunity for shitposting :(
I share boof's point of view for signature, while I've only one to claim, packs rng is way too strong and makes most run pointless On the ms issue, I think it's necessary for the game to implement a solution as part of the first quest, I can only imagine what people go through when they first try this game and have to suffer a 1h marauder with 30% chance to hit, -8 movement speed and double paua ring killing machine | |
well double posting that's new for me :d
Last edited by Pam#2190 on May 6, 2014, 7:47:31 AM
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I'm in the minority in our "race group" but I personally hate what signatures have become. There is no disincentive in racing anymore. What I mean by this is:
As we trend more and more to less and less RNG, or perhaps narrowing the variance (150-300 instead of 50-300 in the aforementioned example) the effort is to make it more fair like an "esport". The problem is there is no downside to any style of play in PoE. When I was first introduced to racing it occurred once a week, and it was a fucking event. You did NOT want to die because not only did you waste that week, but then you had to sulk an entire week until the next race. I'm not particularly advocating for 1 race a week, but I do miss the sense of urgency and desire to do my absolute best in the race. Now, with the current "meta" for people who have a legitimate shot to set a record there are a series of checks that occur on the way to having a chance to set a record. Now you do NOT modify your play in any way if you don't meet these checks. For instance on Marauder it could be: 1. Driftwood off hillock 2. Blacksmith + tribal\chopper before Brutus 3. Topaz ring dropped or off vendor for Sins 4. Blue packs that are easy 5. Greater Lifes on vendor if you haven't seen drops 6. More Blacksmiths for level 18 and 23 weapons. You probably don't need all of these to happen, but 5 of 6 to have a real shot. The difference between now and then is you would change nothing despite getting none of these things. You go at the same "pace" but obviously you have less levels and clearly less gear because your kill speed is reduced so much. Basically it is the reverse Ele Templar effect. For any who don't understand, Ele Templar Cleave would kill everything it encountered since it did so incredibly efficiently (.3 - .4 APS) and farming everything means you in general have great "race" RNG. So for those times when you don't have the gear to function, you have a negative feedback loop because in a fixed race, with docks being more or less fixed (say 1.2-1.3 mil average per 5 minutes), you know you need X minutes once you get there to have a realistic chance to set the record. I don't really know what the answer is, but I can say I am sick of fixed seed racing since it eliminates a huge part of what makes a racer good. I'd rather have maphack\zoomhack fixed then wave the white flag about the subject. I guess we can all dream. I personally hate the IPD recipe and recipes in general. All we've done is shift the RNG to different items or different game systems. Whereas before not getting a well rolled weapon put you behind (but the other person needed to roll another weapon or two as well, giving you a chance to make it up), now if you don't make an early weapon at an optimal point, you will be behind the entire race. Before the vendor recipe I was never truly behind until Ancient Pyramid or Act 3, and even then not by much until docks farming if I couldn't make a weapon (and I went 15 races in s1 where I got 2nd because of weapon RNG). The thing is I lost to 7 different people having the race of their lives(besides Alkaizer), that they never repeated. Is there truly anything wrong with this outcome in a game based on RNG? This added to the fact that it is not consistent. Recipe for weapons, no recipes for boots. No guaranteed white items on vendors. I can't believe I'm saying this, but man I love Descent now with all the changes(still needs the non choice of medium flask\QS to be changed or removed)and Descent Champs(still needs first 3 zone + rukuku tweaks). I don't think there is any real RNG in those races beyond density, which occurs in every race type. So I think also part of my issue with the current game is we're trying to shoehorn the old race types into the new ones. Racing is trending to shorter and shorter times, meaning the early RNG plays such a huge factor now, and it is multiplied by any early woes even with recipes. IF you have blacksmith\quality weapon woes, you will be short on currency (since you don't have inventory room for blues\rares). Edit: Forgot, please remove shrines, they only worsen RNG. TLDR: I want to have my race and fix the issues too. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter." Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on May 6, 2014, 3:53:56 PM
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" Not a fan of exploring? | |
" Get good bro. My favorite all time Nugiyen quote is "The first three zones in DC are easy and I never get lost in them". Plenty of people in the mumble shouted him down on this comment right in the moment, but yea those zones are silly at times. The main issue is the far south east and far south west exits that aren't connected to anything else. Edit: I know you know this Boof, I just tend to restate ELI5 for any Dev who might read this. "When I close my eyes, I see this thing, a sign, I see this name in bright blue neon lights with a purple outline. And this name is so bright and so sharp that the sign - it just blows up because the name is so powerful... It says, "Diamond Supporter." Last edited by Morsexier#3505 on May 6, 2014, 6:34:23 PM
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" The trick is Mors if you go left and then right then up and then back down you will find it.. It works for me every time! Last edited by Rithz#0502 on May 6, 2014, 7:16:20 PM
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One thing that legitimately needs to be removed is that gem drops from racing. If Descent (please god no) ever becomings a signature race I hope every class besides marauder/witch/scion are removed from signature records.
Basically the other 4 classes will benefit greatly if they find the rightful gem drop. Today I found flameblast in descent champs and out leveled the next shadow by 2 levels (without killing gravicius) If I would of killed him, (I ran out of time) I would of hit 26 and been 3 levels ahead of 2nd place shadow... Whats sad is I found flameblast in Inner Halls 1, so if I actually found it at level 10 I probably could have hit 27. I bet a shadow could still or would have hit 32 in the normal signature race if they got flameblast anywhere from Lower prison ---> Mervil. Too bad the highest record is only 30 though because the gem rewards are so dumpster. |
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" Idk if they need to remove the gem drops i think they really need to work on the quest rewards like half the classes in certain races are just trash because they give u dumpster skills to work with. Like in descent scion starts with st and dbl strike with a gg corroded. Meanwhile rangers and shadows get fucked and another thing that needs to be fixed in descent is the potion situation. making you choose between mediums and quicksilvers is dumb. basically remove descent is what im saying |
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