1.3 Blitz Diarrhea | Static Strike | Feb 3. Major Update!
Update: to avoid any misunderstanding, the build version (1.3) has been switched with the latest game patch, 1.1.3 that is. Build is currently at lvl 74, there should be a major update between lvls 75 and 80.
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i'd like to know your tooltip dps if you dont mind, because i'm pretty sure your math are more than incorrect !
Currently doing a spreadsheet with your data, and seeing as you count WED Gem as 67% Increased elemental damage with weapon is just the beginning i'm afraid. No hard feelings, trying to help you out and myself at the same time as i'm trying to figure out the best way to scale the damage of this unique skill that is molten strike. I'll take a closer look later today but i'd really like to know your tooltip dps if your gear/data is still the same as listed on this thread. |
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There is something wrong with your AoE damage calculation because your cleaning speed looks as if you had 5-7k dps, not 38k lol
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@ZigZog: my toolpit dps at the moment is ~6,700 (which is only my melee dps). I used all the formulas provided by PoE Wiki + other posters. Also, I'm not quite sure I understand your remark about WED, lvl 18 gem gives you 57% incr. wed. Q20 gives you another 10%, which in total is 67%. I counted it as weapon elemental damage only and that's why it isn't calculated in the projectile damage. But, if my math is wrong I'd be glad to see where I failed. :)
@Yoff: the listed melee + AoE dps is indeed very tricky. In fact it's melee dps + AoE from all three projectiles pulled together and to reach this kind of dps is only possible while fightning bigger mobs e.g. beasts and golems where my melee attack and all three projectiles have the chance to hit the same mob. And you're very right about my much lower dps in both videos as both vids were made before most of my offensive nodes, so while my melee dps was kinda ok-ish, my AoE dps sucked big time. Of course, it's possible that my calculations are wrong. But, still it's a 100 passive damage and both videos were made way before. As a matter of fact, I'm still 9 passives away from the 100 mark. Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on May 5, 2014, 9:36:09 AM
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Long story short; WED Gem is More weapon elemental damage, and the quality is Increased weapon elemental damage, one is additive, the other is multiplicative.
I ll just do the math on my side and copy pasterino it here so you can see how it works. I only saw that and knowing that it's wrong ther emight be some more mistakes made along the way, just give me some time to do it and i'll get back to you on this thread asap ! EDIT : is this your tooltip dps with the data you wrote on your first page or did you make some changes ? Last edited by ZigZog#6140 on May 5, 2014, 10:05:14 AM
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This is my toolpit dps with a very comparable data, I'm using exactly the same items, although there are some changes on the gem/tree level:
- Molten Strike, Multristrike and Hatred are all lvl 17 (not 18); - Faster Attacks is lvl 19 (not 18); - I have only 4 frenzy charges (not 6, have still to pick them); - I have 50% less increased physical damage off nodes; - and 8% less Attack Speed. Also, I'm uploading a video where I kill merciless Piety slightly faster (despite Piety's ele res) than my lvl 85 crazy attack speed melee crit Ranger (both kills without frenzy charges). edit: checked my toolpit once again, 6,590 and not 6,700 as stated. Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on May 5, 2014, 10:42:20 AM
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Ok ! My calculations end up on 6566 Tooltip DPS (lower probably because of some rouding issues that i'm not aware of (yet))
I added you ingame if you want to talk more about it. I used the data you pasted on the first page for this calculation, countin only the 4 frenzy charges you talked about. I end up with 6.59 Attacks per second, and an average of 172 physical damage, 182 cold damage and 639 fire damage per melee hit (i ll appreciate if you let me know if your tooltip is near these values, again, rounding issues might not give you the exact same numbers) As i dont have the exact values of min / max damage for each type of element i can only give you for now the average damage per type (physical, cold and fire) |
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![]() My toolpit at lvl 74, with 52% less physical damage (50% off nodes + 2% off a str passive), 8% less attack speed and 2 less frenzy charges. And lower gem levels (except Faster Attacks). |
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Dzwonsson, ZigZog makes a good point about the more vs. increased thing. I forgot about that crap when I was doing my calculations. I could write a calculator that would be pretty spot on. Same as him, it might be a few numbers off because of rounding. However, it seems like it's more work than it's worth. especially since the main point of the calculations was to see which way was going to net more damage.
Edit: I kind of want to do this now. It's been a few months since I've done any programming. Would be good practice. SynTrSr - Trickster Soulrend/Bane Last edited by generaldave#2914 on May 5, 2014, 11:58:40 AM
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I'd really appreciate if you guys could pull together some software or at least an accurate formula that would help not only me, but also other players trying to figure thrir future dps. I bet it'd prevent many build from being a massive dps fail once leveled.
Last edited by Dzwonsson#4696 on May 5, 2014, 12:28:54 PM
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