[1.2] 'Say hello to my little friend' 40K Puncture/28K LMP Lightning Arrow

Asidra wrote:
Just so you know, there is no such thing as 100% chance to evade, even with Ondar's. And Dodge checks first and is separate. Evasion is capped at 95%, which would happen when your chance to evade a mob is 47.5% or more. In that scenario, you would have a 60% chance of being hit (first roll - Dodge check) to which it would then check your Evasion at a 5% chance to be hit - 3% (.6*.05) on average you'd still be hit by 3% of ranged attacks.

Any extra Dodge from Daresso's or Darkray's goes in the first part of the Dodge calculation, reducing the 60% you'd get hit.

Ahh fair enough, thanks for the comment, learn something new each day.

I have updated the build to include Daresso's Defiance, the added endurance charges make a huge difference to how long immortal call lasts. And the added dodge doesn't hurt.
Thread updated with Self Buffed Damage and Defensive Screenshots
Well hell you have a 400pdps bow, of course you're doing nuts damage. Have you seen wombo's frostwall version of this? It's somewhere over in shadow.
How to make a build: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/510084
Current guides: N/A
What do you mean by "I use Frenzy up until the final boss, changing to puncture to bleed them.
Its about map bosses?
Kirielis wrote:
Well hell you have a 400pdps bow, of course you're doing nuts damage. Have you seen wombo's frostwall version of this? It's somewhere over in shadow.

I've tried this with a friends Lioneye's Glare with only 320DPS and I have very smiliar dps and results with lightning arrow. Remember none of my gems are qaulity yet, and none of them are level 20. I'm also not running any 6L attacks as I can't afford/haven't had the luck to 6L any of my gear.

You can easily get your LA to 4.5K on a 5L with qauli gems and any bow over 300DPS.

Asag wrote:
What do you mean by "I use Frenzy up until the final boss, changing to puncture to bleed them.
Its about map bosses?

Yeah for Map Bosses, and it really depends on the boss. Most bosses I'll just tank with Frenzy, however some bosses are more difficult, you hit them with puncture, once they are bleeding kite out of harms way and then do it again till they bleed out.
Last edited by AngryCustard#6831 on May 25, 2014, 7:51:53 PM
How much mana pool do you have how do you leech mana? only 2% mana leech?
Last edited by pelll#5674 on May 25, 2014, 7:04:50 PM
pelll wrote:
How much mana pool do you have how do you leech mana? only 2% mana leech?

Mana was a small issue for me, I have a mana pool of a little over 450. Rather than focusing on more mana directly I've tried to get as many of the increased mana regen rate nodes. I've also added another 1% mana leech on my gear for a total of 3% which is enough for me to sustain level 19 0% qauli 5L frenzy when attacking bosses. I only very occasionally need to use a mana pot to sustain my 5L lightning arrow, but I kill mobs so quickly that it's only ever an issue against high health blue mobs(bears), you're better off using single target frenzy against those mobs anyway.

Post updated to reflect my new rings/amulet.
Last edited by AngryCustard#6831 on May 26, 2014, 5:42:28 PM
Just completed a pretty massive respec of this character. The goal of the respec was to address some small mana issues that I was having sustaining Frenzy.

Now have a mana pool of over 750 and 5% mana leech 2% passive 3% through gear. Can sustain all attacks with only the very occasional mana pot required.

Main post updated to reflect passive tree changes.

Main post now includes gameplay video. Adding more of these.
Last edited by AngryCustard#6831 on May 27, 2014, 8:52:06 PM
Thread now includes three gameplay video's.

75 Necropolis, Physical Reflect
76 Precinct, Fracture
77 Shipyard, Physical Reflect
Why no more nodes with phys/crit and deadly draw in your build?

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