Dmillz's 1H Molten Strike Volcano Build (Invasion easy) - 1.1.3
" It's good for leveling but not once you have decent gear late game. I currently have 4k armor without it and 1300 evasion. Having 5300 vs 4000 armor is very little difference. However with 1300 evasion I have about 20% chance to evade on top of the 4000 armor. Check out the build I posted for the race at the bottom of the OP! IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on May 9, 2014, 12:51:18 PM
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" Thanks for the comments! Yeah, my biggest concern is the difficulty in keeping two decent weapons. The reason I like the idea of dual-wielding is that I've been testing the build in Invasion, and Molten Strike's projectiles are unpredictable enough that it's been annoying using it as my primary AoE attack. I expect a faster attacks gem, and eventually Multistrike, will help with that, but the dual-wield build grants about 50% more projectiles without them and I think the early Point Blank should really capitalize on that. I guess running Groundslam at early levels would compensate though. Also, I think the +15%ish increased movement speed and early Iron Reflexes are non-trivial advantages in a race for those of us playing solo and mostly self-found, and we can still go 1-hand plus shield. It does require taking the two slightly sub-optimal melee damage nodes right at the beginning, but it actually completes the core build as early as 48 points:
to (still 48 points after respeccing 9 points): and then eventually to something like this at 81 points (since that is where your race build ends), though there's plenty of flexibility here to focus on damage, max resists or block: I think that's what I'll end up doing but I'd love to hear any additional thoughts you might have. |
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I just compared those two Builds, looks like you are skipping the whole Duelist Tree and alot Shield Passives/Elemental Adaption at the Top. Also you will not require a mace for this build.
I'm no expert but I have a few questions, 1) It looks like the Shield Passives are not really good until you have some more Passives to destribute, because I dont see alot of them in the 2Week Build Tree. 2) I guess you are starting with Resolute Technique, Iron Grip, Unwavering Stance, Iron Reflexes.. is that correct? Whats next on the order after this? 3) Does it make sense to use Blood Magic for leveling or am I better off using Hatred or Determination? I'll play solo. 4) When do you transition into 1h+Shield? I thought starting with 2h is not a bad move Thanks for your Help. Last edited by guffel87#1889 on May 9, 2014, 1:36:06 PM
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I actually forgot about how Molten Strike is mediocre AOE without Multistrike, but you are definitely correct about that. You might want to run ST/Groundslam then transition to Molten Strike later on when you have more attack speed.
Most of your builds are pretty good, and while movement speed is very nice I wouldn't put passives into it, not in a 2 weeks race where you aren't super pressed for time. You end-game build needs some reworking IMO. Since you are starting Duelist I wouldn't go up past Templar, better to spend your points in the Duelist/Ranger area. Something like this: IGN: Dmillz
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" Ok here goes. 1) Correct. Shield passives are extremely strong, but getting other nodes is just too important. They are a luxury! 2) Correct. After that go Templar probably. I'll post a progression tree today. 3) You can but I found the mana cost of MS is very low pre-5L. Running Grace(IR) or Hatred would be better and just use 1-2 mana flasks. 4) Whenever you start feeling squishy! 2H is definitely better early on you will do more than 2x the damage of a 1H. If you are playing solo I would honestly recommend the Duelist start I posted just above this. It's less tanky (still 174% though) but has a lot more attack speed which will really help your AOE. IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on May 9, 2014, 1:59:56 PM
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" Thanks! You're right, that's much stronger. I don't know that side of the tree as well and it clearly shows. I agree regarding movement speed long term, but 9% of it comes along with 36% accuracy and 20 dex which I'm thinking might be helpful until RT is available. Regarding Celerity, I was thinking to spec out in order to rush either Iron Grip / Unwavering Stance or Resolute Technique since the alternative was to sit on some extra strength nodes for like five levels. Now I'm thinking it's better to fill out the right-hand side of your tree instead and then temporarily respec some of those nodes to rush the left side if necessary. Also, Finesse looks like an MVP to me before RT is available. |
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I'm running a variant with a soul taker and alphas with 3 auras (hatred/wrath/anger). Currently level 77 with level 17 gems and pushing around 9500 tooltip dps. I have 4600 hp/7500 armor.
I always have the ability to swap in grace and determination if a map needs more armor at the cost of dps. This is my planned build. My int pool means wrath is a little hard to keep leveled and need to find int gear to bring it to level 20. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Here's my gear: I don't have life in gloves/boots, but i have pieces i could swap in to fill those gaps if needed. Rings are a little lackluster. Not sure if i love my neck either. Ideally id like a RRBB boots, but im out of chromatics at this moment. I think i'd put molten shell in their as well. ---- ign: dcms Last edited by dcish#2463 on May 9, 2014, 3:36:33 PM
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Nice gear, build looks pretty solid. I would replace LGoH with Life Leech, it'll be way more effective with your damage.
IGN: Dmillz
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Thanks, ill give it a shot and see how it plays out.
ign: dcms |
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Nice build,im lvl 20 and works very well but i have some ideas in my mind...if i pick pheonix shiel + vitality+pof and ~5 points to mana nodes worth it for RF ? What do u think ?my 3rd aura would be determination and also looking to link MS with gmp -aoe-blind
RNGesus my best friend ! Last edited by daubine#6774 on May 9, 2014, 9:09:51 PM
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