Dmillz's 1H Molten Strike Volcano Build (Invasion easy) - 1.1.3
Last Updated: 5/26/2014
Update Log
5/5/2014 - Added new "Super Tanky" skill tree for Invasion.
5/6/2014 - Added skill trees for using Three Dragons helm. Added Three Dragons to "Wants" gear list. 5/7/2014 - Updated Mace Tree. Updated Mace Three Dragons tree. Updated Gems sections. Added more info on Conc Effect. Added Point Blank section to "How this build works". Added PPAD to gems. Added DPS Calculator Spreadsheet. 5/8/2014 - Added Blood Rage back in. Added 2% mana leech on gear highly wanted. Updated Progress section. Added thoughts on Three Dragons 5/9/2014 - Updated 2 week race tree 5/10/2014 - Updated 2 week race tree again. Added skill progression 5/12/2014 - Testing Tempest Shield with Three Dragons on 5/13/2014 - Added Mana Management section to Gameplay. Added Warlords Mark if having mana problems. Updated race progress. Added Tempest Shield to Gems section 5/26/2014 - Updated current gear This is mostly for me to keep track of for myself, but any feedback, suggestions, or questions are welcomed! For in-depth community driven discussion please go to: Community Molten Strike Discussion - Three Dragons is very very strong, I shock everything except some major bosses (I shocked Kole and Piety). Mana leech on gear is VERY effective. Get both. Blood Rage is also really good once you have good regen or chaos res. Please read the damn post before asking questions!! I am not currently playing this character very much so updates will be infrequent. The passives are done for use in an HC league. This is supposed to be a general guideline, adjust as wanted/needed!
Resolute Technique
Point Blank Iron Grip 250%+ life 5.5% life regen/second 3% max all resists, 4% to max fire 6 endurance charges 70% fire/elemental damage 100%+ physical damage 84%+ armor and 50%+ evasion 15%+ attack speed All of this for just 94 points. You can get a TON more damage with weapon specific nodes that my base build does not include, or more HP/Block if you want defence.
Pros and Cons
Cheap (only 4L required). No uniques/expensive rares needed (but scales with them extremely well) Very tanky High single target DPS Cons: Medium AOE clear speed Mana management! (easy with mana leech/mana on gear)
How this build works
Molten Strike skill does two completely separate things simultaneously, a melee attack (which deals 120% of the base damage, and of which 60% of the physical damage is converted to firedamage), and a ranged attack (which shoots 3 projectiles, which deal 1.2 * 0.6 = 72% of the base damage of the attack each, and of which 60% of the physical damage is converted to fire damage. This means the best way to scale the damage is through Physical Damage.
Avatar of Fire
" While Avatar of Fire does add decent DPS to most of your damage, it doesn't help at all vs the one thing that slows you down a little, high fire res monsters. For this reason I am not taking AoF and I recommend you don't either!
Three Dragons
Three Dragons essentially makes it so our fire damage can shock. This is incredibly strong as Molten Strike does a lot of fire damage in a lot of fast hits, meaning that everything is going to be constantly shocked. This provides up to a 90% damage increase.
Point Blank
Please read through this page. There are several comments by GGG employees explaning the mechanics of Point Blank with Molten Strike.
Will update
I do not take any weapon specific passives for the base build, however maces/swords/axes all have some amazing passives right along the main tree. Simply spec into the ones you wish to use. Do not take Avatar of Fire until very late, it is not worth it unless you can run Fire Penetration or have extremely high WED on gear!
4L: Molten Strike + Multistrike + WED + LGOH
5L: Molten Strike + Multistrike + WED + LGOH(LL) + Concentrated Effect 6L: Molten Strike + Multistrike + WED + LGOH(LL) + Concentrated Effect + Faster Attacks/Physical Projectile Attack Damage Concentrated Effect's AOE reduction is a bit noticeable but provides a MASSIVE dps boost. Stronger than anything else in a 5L. I recommend trying it. If you don't like the reduced AOE, you can swap in an Increase AOE gem for trash and Conc Effect for bosses. Also once you start using Conc Effect Life Leech becomes better than LGoH. LMP/GMP is NOT worth using as the reduced damage greatly lowers your damage unless every projectile hits the same target. Gems like Melee Physical Damage increase the tooltip of Molten Strike by a lot. However they only affect the initial hit and do NOT increase the damage of the projectiles and therefore is not worth using. Use Warlord's mark if you are having mana problems. 4L: Leap Slam + Faster Attacks + Blood Magic + Blood Rage 4L: Enfeeble + Enduring Cry + Flammability(Ele Weakness) + Blood Magic 3L/4L: Tempest Shield + Reduced Mana + Ele Prolif + Blind (Drop Ele Prolif w/o Three Dragons) 3L/4L: Cast on Damage Taken + Immortal Call + Inc Duration 3L: Hatred + Reduced Mana + Determination
Three Dragons helm.
Highest physical DPS 1h weapon you can get. As much life/resists/elemental damage as you can get on everything else. 2% Mana Leech
Doryani's Catalyst 1h Mace
WED on gear Lightning Coil High block shield (Perandus/Lioneye's Remorse/Aegis Aurora) + Stone of Lazhwar Doryani's Invitation Belt (Fire)
Oak, Kraityn, Oak/Passive
Movement + Positioning
While this build is fully capable of facetanking and brawling just about everything in the game (I facetanked Merciless Kole with 1k armor at lv60), playing positionally will greatly improve your clear speed. Instead of leap slamming into the middle of a huge pack, position yourself at an edge and always keep the pack in front of you. From here Shift+Click in front of you to attack, and reposition as needed to keep everything in front of you. This will focus all of the projectiles into the pack and hit a lot more monsters with them! Mana Management With mana flasks it's very important to use them properly to maximize the mana return. The first thing you should do is try to get either Charge Recovery or Extra Charges. Don't waste too many alterations if you don't have a lot, this is more of a luxury than a necessity. Next and one of the most important is when using them, always wait until you are ALMOST out of mana (1 attack away) before using any flasks. This way you can burn more mana while the flask is running and prolong the effect, it's basically like your skills have no costs for 4-5 seconds. Lastly, always rotate the flask you are using, this way they can both recharge from the monsters you are killing. You should never have one full and one empty flask. I am able to sustain a 5L Molten Strike (a mana cost of 64/attack) with only 2 flasks running Hatred. This means I only have 200 free mana to use. Getting Mana Leech helps a lot but is definitely not mandatory.
Current Progress
I am level 71 on Ambush. The damage is very very high I can 1 shot blue mobs in a 69 map and shock stack Piety.
Lioneye's is giving me 3k armor with only 1 small shield passive, physical damage is a joke at this point and I still have Block + Determination to add. Three Dragons shock stacks everything except for some major bosses and provides a nice clear speed boost. I recently got mana leech on a ring (2%) and holy crap it's way more effective than I thought. Highly recommend, I can sustain my attacks with 1 occasional mana flask. When I get a couple mana nodes and maybe some + mana on gear I will be able to run two 60% auras and sustain with only 1 mana flask. Lastly I started running Blood Rage. With -22% chaos I degen maybe 3hp/second.
Calculating DPS
Huge thanks to Fearmonger for providing this.
I will be running this build in the upcoming Invasion/Ambush 2 week race. I have been very impressed so far by how strong it is.
2 Week Race Build
Getting RT early is very important as you will have almost no accuracy.
Here you pick up the core of the build, Iron Grip + Point Blank. I will be picking up Diamond Flesh for the resists, I can spec out of this later when my gear is better. From here I will either go Templar or Duelist based on how things are going. Templar is more defensive whereas Duelist is more offensive. Likely I will go Templar. I want to keep the number of passives down so I cut a lot of stuff. Prioritizing defence over damage because Iron Grip + Point Blank provides a LOT of damage and I will be in a party. A better solo variation from Duelist is posted on Page 6. Update: RIP'd at level 40 due to internet outage (yay!). Was stupidly easy up to this point, I fought every Invasion boss and cleared every Corrupted area on the way. Rerolling as an Arc witch for the race now because I've been wanting to try it for awhile. Back up to lv45! IGN: Dmillz Last edited by Dmillz#6641 on May 27, 2014, 5:58:37 PM
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Just wanted to see how it works with my stuff and i got 25k dps in 5l woe its 6l but i need to change colors, i am using it with bor for block chance but get 32k with abyss and carcass, should try point blank and we need to discover if phys projectile dmg or faster projectiles work whit molten strike.
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PPAD will work with molten strike, the projectiles will get the bonus attack damage, then convert to fire. I wouldn't run faster projectiles at all though.
IGN: Dmillz
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Huge updates have been made.
IGN: Dmillz
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similar tree to what I've been planning. Blood rage would be one big difference and not using a BM gem the other. I've got a few other tricks I'm working on but first I need to theory optimize (while at work hehe) then hopefully find some time to grow this.
good luck! thanks for the sheet. I'll be tweaking it or using for reference. EDIT: It looks like you're double dipping into the passives. C5 and D9 both use same passives. C5 is calculated using passives then it is added to other modifiers then uses the passives again to get D9. I don't think that's right. also, Shouldn't the melee physical damage from Multistrike should add to the physical component but of course not add anything to the fire component. I guess it would be added in after fire conversion to the 40% remaining. Pacific (GMT -8) Time Last edited by Madcow1120#4324 on May 2, 2014, 5:03:21 PM
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It's the same build i'm doing, the only difference i plan to use bm gem in the 5l (faster atk in 6l) and run grace hatred and tempest shield or ele aura, so i take IR, and i dont think ill take amplify. Im in ledge merci now on invasion, the hard part is getting a nice 1h.
"The exodus of humanity in search of a new home? It is like spreading a virus in the healthy space."
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" I updated my spreadsheet, and the damage on it is purely is projectile portion of Molten Strike that's why I didn't add it. I would use Fearmongers new spreadsheet, it's laid out way nicer and has a few options. I double checked it over and all the numbers seem good! IGN: Dmillz
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You will have problems with clarity, its a str based character.
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" Take some int on gear and grab a +30 node. Don't want to run a max level one anyways. IGN: Dmillz
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I can run bm gem? if i have mana issues?