Monster XP gain in Races per area - Information on monsters / experience in each zone
Hello everybody, I put this together to give an idea on what monsters might be better to kill in each zone. This might not be useful for some but others looking for some more useful racing information, I mention the better monsters in each area you hit often in races. Looking for constructive feedback, opinions on maybe something to change or add. Thanks for checking this out. It is a work in progress.
Google docs : Source: I did this on stream as well so I highlighted it. Down below is the video of making and putting this information together. The info on google docs is just below. The levels posted after each area is roughly the level I am when I leave that area. The underlined parts in the listed area is either the monster name or the description for it. Magic monsters in most cases give in most cases 3.4x+ or so in XP. Rares in some cases give 9-10x the amount. Kill most or all magic packs and rare monsters that you can kill quickly. Act 1 The Coast(Level 2): Cannibal & Gravel Eater give more than Zombies. Tidal Island(Level 3): Tide Striders give more xp but have ES. They are only a tiny bit more so not worth much more effort to kill. Mud Flats(Level 3 or 4): Zombies give least xp here. Great Rhoas give the highest xp Submerged Lower Submerged: Cursed spawns give the least xp, Cave crustaceans give just over double and each phase of the crabs gives double xp. Both phases give 2x equivalent, so killing a crab fully = 4 cursed spawns. Upper Submerged(level 4/5): 2x Flesh Eater = 1x Merveil Daughter, Brood princess = 5.5x Daughter, worth fighting if you find bonus damage early on / good weapon. Most likely avoid Daughters if melee. Ledge(Level 6/7): Ancient Archer = most xp, Cannibals and melee skeletons are the same. Kuduku in my opinion not worth fighting. Climb(Level 7/8): Burning Bowmen give the most, all the other monsters are the same. Ironpoint not worth doing, roughly 5.5-6.5x monster kills. Prison Lower Prison(Level 8): Necromancer gives the most but has ES, Skeleton archers are 2nd then Brittle Thief’s(melee skeleton) and zombies. Upper Prison(Level 9): Reviver gives most as usual but has the ES and curse. Casters + Archer give the most then the melee skeletons. You can be level 8 and 87% and Brutus will level you. Prisoner’s Gate(Level 10): All monsters give same xp here, Burning Menace gives XP equivalent to 10 monster kills. Bearded Shaman have ES so might not want to prioritize over other monsters. Ship Graveyard(Level 10): Chargers(Murk Runners) give most , Merveils Chosen + Water elementals(Seething Brine) give 2nd then the Spectral Corsairs give least. Coves(Level 11): Zombies give least XP, this seems to be the case in most areas. Crabs and granite eaters give second. Gulls give the most by roughly 33%. Caverns Cavern of Wrath(Level 11/12): The ranged Spectral Bowmen give more XP then the melee Ashen Buccaneer’s. Singing Siren’s give the most but they aren’t too common in this area. It takes more than two slimy bloodsuckers to be equivalent to one ghost pirate. Unique Amarissa is roughly 5.5x Spectral Bowmen, if you can kill in a second or two it might be worth it. I usually kill in the fixed signature race. Cavern of Anger(Level 12/13): Merveil’s Attendant gives the most XP, Obsidian eaters give a bit less. Roughly 2x unstable larvae and Slimy Bloodsuckers = 1 of a bigger monster in this zone. Ambrosia gives more XP then Merveil but is really dangerous unless you have high fire res. By more XP granted from Ambrosia it just means for one phase of Merveil. Both phases of Merveil still grants more. Act 2 Southern Forest(Level 13): Two small monkeys is just under a big monkey. This area is amazing for monster XP / density. Just kill everything. Riverways(Level 14/15): Silverback big monkeys give the most XP but they are extremely rare to come by. Two little monkeys give a bit over 2x the XP of a Cobra which is the 2nd highest. Cobras only give a tiny amount more than snipers. Snipers give roughly 20% more xp then the thugs. . Ranged monsters give more XP in general. Blackwood(Level 14/15): Devourers give just over 1.5x XP in this area compared to the other monsters on average. Night Adders(cobras) give the 2nd highest, followed by Shadow Archers and Merciless Killers. Melee shadow stalkers and spiders give the least here. Old Fields(Level 14/15): Carnage Chieftain and Ruined Titans give the same XP here. Ruined Titans generally aren’t in big packs so usually skip them if theres only 1 or 2. Two monkeys is more XP then a Kraityn’s Scout but not as much as a chieftain. Crossroads(Level 15): Blood Chieftain, Hulking Titans and Bone Crunchers all give same XP. Killing Calaf the unique is equivalent to 3.6 bone crunchers. Kill him if you can kill fast. Aside from that, the archers give more XP then the melee bandits and 2x Monkeys gives just over 1 Scout equivalent in XP. Chamber of Sins Chamber of Sins 1(Level 15/16): Necromancers give the most but have ES as usual, Archers are the 2nd highest after that. Two spiders is more XP than one archer. The zombies give roughly 25% less XP then an archer. Chamber of Sins 2(Level 16): Sin Lords give the most XP, 2nd is the Plagued Bowman and Bone Wardens. Spiders give least XP but only by about 20% less. Chamber of Sins 3(Level 16/17): Sin lords at the top(necromancers are always the highest but have ES, take longer to kill). This is similar to chambers 2, spiders give a bit less than the Sparking Bones & Mages. Weaver’s Chambers(level 17/18): Two of the little spiders here gives more XP then one big spider. Western Forest(Level 18): Alira’s Deadeye give the most, aside from them the monsters give the same experience. Broken Bridge(level 18/19): Bears and Rumbling Mass give the most, 2nd are the ranged Kraityn’s Snipers and then the melee Thralls. Vaal Ruins Vaal Ruins 1(level 19): Constructs give the most, Vaal Fallen & Vaal Recluse give the same. Vaal Ruins 2(Level 19/20): Constructs give the most here again then the Serpents are second and last the Fallen. Wetlands(level 20): Hairy Bonecrunchers(bears) give the most, Cobras 2nd, Ambusher third and Oak’s Devoted last. This area the monsters might not be too dense so you might want to focus more on density. Can’t be picky in this area. Caverns Caverns 1(level 20/21): Shaggy Monstrosity give the highest XP, Archers are second. It takes more than two Venomous Spawns to be equivalent to one archer. Caverns 2(Level 20/21): Crunchers are the highest followed by Constructs. All the other monsters give the same aside from Slimy Nemesis which takes more than two to be equivalent of a non bear monster. Ancient Pyramid(Level 21/22): Cairn Annihilators(constructs) give the highest XP. Crypt stalkers are 2nd highest, after that all the casters are the same. Act 3 City of Sarn(Level 24/25): Less XP Than Pyramid but easier monsters, more density generally. Restless archers are the highest, flayed warrior(melee skeletons) and Undying Outcast are tied for second. Swarmers give the least XP but two of them combined gives more than 1 Restless Archer. Slums(level 24/25): Queens are most XP but are dangerous. Usually they are not in groups. Spine Serpents give the second most, third is Undying Outcast. Two carrion minions is equivalent to one queen kill. Warehouse District(level 25/26): Barbed Serpents are best XP, Flayed Archers are second. All the other monsters are tied for third. Serpents give roughly 25% more than the Undying monsters & the Restless Labourers. Marketplace(Level 25/26): Queens are the most XP but mentioned before, they usually are not in groups. Two carrion minions is about the same as a queen and more than one Undying Impaler. Battlefront(Level 26): Blackguard Mages / Scouts(quest item) / Soldiers all give same XP. Two small ribbons gives more XP than a blackguard. Galvanic Ribbon is the highest but two Assault Ribbons gives more. Docks(level 26+ - end of the race): Brittle Longshoremen + Dockhand Archers give the highest XP. Voidbearers give the 2nd most. The melee monsters are all tied for third. Edited by: Talismannn Last edited by terrex#7466 on Apr 17, 2014, 4:59:35 PM
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Nice work terrex!
Definetly very useful information for everyone who just got into racing |
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Pretty nice, thanks!
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Thx for the posts :) Updated OP at the start. Added notes about magic and stuff.
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If you can kill the area boss, do it. It can drop qs/boots/some other nice stuff.
alt art shop view-thread/1195695 for contact | |
" Some can take too long to kill depending on your dps. |
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I have a special theory about maximum experience
never tested it out, just a little, I also have not have patience to be the fastest exp in the world, so its just a theory! +/- you are lvl 30 you get 90% experience even in a lvl25area? you get 20%more exp per kill from a lvl30 monster then from a lvl26monster 120%/90% = 33.33%MORE exp per kill if do lvl30 area instead of lvl25 area if you do lvl25 area on your lvl30char instead of a lvl30area you need 33%LESS total tankyniss this allow 33%MORE dps you also kill monster 25% faster(have less life) = ontop you have 20%more passives that gives 20%more dps 133*1.25*1.2 = 199.5% if do lvl25 area instead of lvl30 area, you have 100%MORE killspeed 200*0.666 = 133.32 if do lvl25 area when lvl30, instead of a lvl30area, you gain 33%MORE exp e/ that may sounds like a blabla but if you gone include keystone passives / gem-lvl / alternation drops / disco-enjoyments / and reacting to this theorycrafts when make build plan / etc I realy beleave, that lower lvl area's are always better for me! (but yes, I always use spell-damage instead of attack-weapon-damage, that also matters alot) the wiki-poe, have a nice formula that shows howmatch exp-penalty you get at witch area lvl Last edited by Tommyvv#4596 on Apr 17, 2014, 5:37:56 PM
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" In the end it really does come down to your clear speed. If you cant kill higher level monsters as fast the XP gain might not be equal to clearing lower level ones at turbo speed. |
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Thanks for that list. Very usefull. (free bump aswell)
/global 4745
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I notice a big level jump from Ancient Pyramid to Sarn; do you just farm there or do you usually gain that many levels just from running through?
Also thanks for this! I'm usually stuck farming Western Forest until the end of 85 mins, and the Weaver's Chamber scares me. |
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