What's coming in 1.1.2b?

Fixed a bug where cosmetic pets would sometimes never move after being summoned. This was a long-standing bug that has been in the game for over two years.

I remember this was a long time issue. I also remember being told that the bug wont be easy to fix. And at last, there it is. Now my kiwi will never leave my side again.
Great work GGG, they listened to player feedback about the rogues. I am really happy about the changes listed.
Kamikave wrote:
Whenever you feel like correcting the loot. Because I tried to play lately with a new character, and it is as naked with the things I get from monsters as I started. Diablo II had this problem past the first playtrough, but for PoE it's from the start. I really like this game, but all levels and power trees are useless if you can't get the gear to go with it.

Yeah man I hear you there.. I've been checking out RoS lately since Im tired of grinding POE to get shit for drops, and I have to say that it has been a blast dropping legendary after legendary and they are ALL usable. Even if the item is not an upgrade, you can salvage it and use the part to reroll stats on other legs.. I love POE, but when you take away our drops it turns into an endless grind. If your going to take away all our MF (quantity), then at least buff the drop rates.
IGN Ken__Kaniff
cool 3d alt art
Don't forget to drink your milk 👌
Shadowness_ wrote:
Fixed a bug where cosmetic pets would sometimes never move after being summoned. This was a long-standing bug that has been in the game for over two years.

I remember this was a long time issue. I also remember being told that the bug wont be easy to fix. And at last, there it is. Now my kiwi will never leave my side again.

It has seemed to me that the game client would crash more often with a Kiwi out than with any other pet. Any chance this fix fixes that?
Meh... see ya next season.
I'm the Ps guy: Psomm, Pso, Psong, pso-on and pso-phorth.
i really like the change to the vaal skill usage of exiles.

flameblast seems to need more than a nerf just at higher levels though... searing bond also. and the summoner exile is just too deadly. maybe the nerf to rogue exile life will also affect her minions summoned (?), which would reduce the damage done by minion instability

im curious how the rogue exile life nerf will play out...theres a tenuous balance between the amount of life they have and how much damage they do, i realize (right now both the life and damage is a bit too much) ...but it seems impossible to me to make it like a fast-paced pvp interaction without giving them (or for a couple of them -keeping the-) ticket-to-standard damage to compensate for the lowered life... otherwise theyll be just like any other mob with a life nerf, and rebalancing of the tougher ones. that said, it shouldnt be that way bc in hc we'd continue to be in constant fear of them, lol. the high-life, mid-damage range some of the more balanced exiles are in seems ideal to me... but we'll see.

Last edited by awave#0377 on Apr 15, 2014, 3:36:40 PM
Fixed a bug where cosmetic pets would sometimes never move after being summoned. This was a long-standing bug that has been in the game for over two years.

what was the reason to make exiles so frightening in the first place? it was to be expected that alot of people complain about the increased difficulty.

what's the reason behind the mentioning that the pet bug existed since 2 years? i really saw just one guy complaining in very sharp tone about his pet disappearing all the time and insisting, this was broken since 4-5 patches ago.

now that you devs gave in to another demand of making the game easier, can we expect currency drops being buffed as well? please say in advance to i can stop defending low drop rates.
Nice to see bug pet fixed!

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