[Official] Kripp Wand Templar
" For example GMP/LMP whole attack (all projectiles at once) were rolling will they crit or not, so basically this change doesn't affect the build at all. The change was made for multistrike gem in general, I believe. Not sure about flasks though, it's quite hard to test that, mobs die too quick usually ^.^ --- Continuing previous discussion and my opinion on Wake of Destruction boots: Had an opportunity to try out them today, so... Well, I didn't like no-movspeed on them the most. With them, MS is -11% (3% MS node in shadow tree not taken yet), and thats hell slow. I am quite heavily overcapped on resists so that didn't matter, and lifepool is decent enough to not feel crucial difference between 70life on old boots and none on Wakes. DPS difference is quite high in numbers (18.7k vs 15.4k), but in action I didn't feel too much of a difference, whole screen dies in couple hits anyway. Another thing, that would make only more problems than give benefits in reflect maps/on reflect packs, especially in HC. So imho, good boots with life, movspeed (and resists) are better than Wakes. Take into consideration, that it's only my opinion, based on my own experiences and preferred playstyle. | |
@mysticfruit: - the way i interpret is:
- before patch: when you fired power siphon (whether 3 or 5 projectiles with LMP/GMP) each individual projectile has it's own roll to determine whether it is a critical hit or not, so you had a mixture of non-critical and critical hits. I'm not certain whether this was applied to only the initial 3/or 5 projectiles or each projectile which was chained also got a re-roll to determine if it would be a crit. - after patch: when you fire your power siphon it determines whether all hits will be crits or all hits will be non-crits. So you will get one or the other for all projectiles per action instead of a mixture. - This is not good for an elemental reflect pack when you crit as all the hits will be crits if you fire your AoE. It's a bit hard to tell on the flasks, I haven't really noticed any less effectivenes on flask recharges after the patch. And it appears to refill a tonne on crits so I'd imagine each individual mob hit by a crit still gives you one charge refill instead of one charge per action. @d3s0, With regards to use of uniques, Maligros, Starkonjas and Wake of Destructions, they do indeed add alot of DPS and some utility such as lots of dex and attack speed for the evasion based uniques. With all of them on I have over 7.5k Aoe (GMP) and 30k Single with 6 charges (sigh i didnt get the 7th). So if you're playing softcore and just want to go glass cannon and are fine on resists and life they are fine, I wouldn't recommend in hard core of course except maybe the starkonjas helm which also has a high life roll (and if your accuracy is adequate). Reflect packs are problematic with or without Wake of Destruction. I get by with swapping a leveled LOH gem with the weapon elemental, enfeeble the mob, health and granite pot (lvl 84 currently), though tedious it gets you by in solo. You should not be using your single target on an elemental reflect if ur dps is high. At the end of the day it really just depends whether your characters defensive stats are adequate enough and you want the DPS or not and if you're softcore or hardcore. (i have the move speed node and 20 qual artic armour which gives move speed, combined with unlimited quicksilver i'm not bothered with the movespeed :) (i use double quicksilver at times depending on the map mods) though i see your predicament. I think if i ever found high life with high move speed boots and chaos resists i would switch back to normal rare boots, but every boot I've found so far with move speed is still garbage overall with regards to benefits compared to the Wake o Destructo. (edit: gear is on page 58) Baked Beans - Meme Dreams https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_a2zFbPIIiE4kURsvQ4Dw Last edited by PoE17#3475 on Apr 9, 2013, 3:42:48 AM
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Yup all that about uniques is true. Well, I am happy about using Maligaros (because on gloves you usually have life and dps rolls and don't care too much about resists anyway), so the attspd and cc+multiplier are definately worth taking in tradeoff to some less life, imho. Maybe even in HC, that would more depend on your overall gear level.
Tried Wakes, now time for Starkonja :D Will give my opinion about it in next couple of days after I try it out :) Talking about chains, I believe if projectile crits, chain should have been critting aswell, already. Otherwise it would make no sense, since in all logic, it's the same projectile afterall, just chaining through 2 more targets. | |
can i use this wand in this build?
Brokthefearless Tofastforme Deadismyfriend Coldshoulder |
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" Although it has 2-3 nice mods, it isn't recommended to use 1.1 attacks/sec wands. Only the imbued wands that have at least 1.5 attack speed. ign: oXu / Hedonic / PuppyPower
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" Correction: Carved, Engraved, Imbued. Though, you won't see many carved and engraved ones... | |
whats wrong with my gear Guys? dont think iam strong énough , see all the dps u Guys deal?
my Ps dps is 833.5 and single target 2900 (with auras) WHat du i need to replace and with what? hope u can help me Ign:
Brokthefearless Tofastforme Deadismyfriend Coldshoulder |
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sup, i need help badly
i started this but went ele cleave instead to level up got to merciless with no trouble at all using cleave, had like 1.5k aoe and 1.8k single target (using item rarity and item quantity) the problem is, i'm lvl 54 now and i have absolutely no idea what to do to get dps (just transitioned) my dps is horrible and i have to swap weapons to use single target, i need 2 farm ledge until at least 60 and at the rate i'm going it'll take FOREVER! with ele cleave i was doing it pretty easy (went from 51 to 54 with it, decided to transition) here is my shitty gear, i do have some currency to spend but everything that seems to be even remotely good is expensive as shit, so i need help with budget in order to be able to do ledge and then farm merveil for some gear!
i run: wrath, anger, discipline, clarity, determination i have, using LMP: 1600 mana (1173 reserved, 427 left) 93,7 mana regen 1300 armour 83% lightning resist (8passing from cap) 70% fire resist 74% cold resist 2582 life 77% chance to hit 332 aoe dps 1.50 aps need to know WHAT to upgrade and how, possibly with budget limitation and which one needs to be upgraded the most and what i can give up on (like life, armour, resist, mana, mana regen, etc) also, the stats on my 5l are pretty crap but usable, should i spend more chaos (already spent 3 to get to this) on it? thanks for the help ! Last edited by viniciusxis#5174 on Apr 10, 2013, 11:44:38 AM
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" Put anger and wrath in the helm, they benefit way more from the +2 gems |
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Thanks , but how can u Guys g'et 12k dps+?
Brokthefearless Tofastforme Deadismyfriend Coldshoulder |
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