[Official] Kripp Wand Templar
" Eventually you don't won't them, but don't hesitate to at least grab the 16% if you need it. It's very easy to spec into, and respec out of. IGN: dbk or BONGSANDTHONGS if you prefer
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I was wondering why we help oak in normal instead of just getting a passive point for say an 8% life node?
IGN: Arlianth
Check out my LA build: 1782214 |
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" Because 40hp is way more than an 8% node will ever provide, assuming a build that isn't terrible ofc. Ign: Krissam / KrsShootsYou
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Just giving a heads up to ppl with a shelved wand templar that its a great farming char!
im speedfarming 66-69 maps with this gear and 2 multiaccounts afk (total 173 Qty 210 Rarity) with great results! (about 1 unique drop every 3 maps, which take 2-5mins to rush through) (rest of items are purely survivability or dps supporting, 3600dps buffed lmp chain siphon and 3900hp in MF setup) as you can see I'm not even close to having optimized rarity. i think its even possible to manage with wondertrap boots on a templar if u have 1600hp at 35% should be doable feel free to share your experience MF'ing with this build! extra tip: best maps to MF are small ones stacked with huge mob chunks, if u can position urself well its a lmp chain fest and u can clear maps in less than 10 pulls total allowing for superfast clears for instance +30-50% rare mobs pack size island, beach, reef, mountain ledge or any other very small, high density map is super for this kind of farming tip2: drop determination for purity to make up for andy's -20%, if ur armor doesnt suck u can manage low level maps without it. tip3: only do easy maps with 2-6 alterations (best is rare mobs and pack size for pure unique farming, but magic mobs, totems , area inhabited by skeles, phys reflect or haste mods are great too) IgN: Dolpiff (8x Elem wander). Former CB ranger. Pm me on forums or ig if I won an auction, or to claim an item of mine you won. Last edited by dolpiff#6716 on Mar 27, 2013, 6:32:21 PM
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" Dunno why you are jealous, since your wand is actually better than his, dps-wise, eventhough it has 2 "wasted" mods :) | |
" I've been playing my 83 Wand templar extensively since open beta start and don't have nearly that equip. DPS of my best equip is less than yours in MF gear, HP is less and i suppose Armor is a lot less aswell. So i guess MFing is possible with just about every char thats viable endgame - given the right equip. You just can't pull that off with 3600 HP, 2600 damage on Chain+LMP PowerSiphon in a 5Link and about 2500 armor total ;) IGN: GonsNomNom (Echoes of the Atlas) Last edited by bl0b#0974 on Mar 28, 2013, 5:24:12 AM
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i guess i'll show me new wand also, puts me at 80% crit and 600% multiplier, sound of endless breaking glass is glorious with this build :)
Also been running lvl 11 artic armor with this build on top of the 7 auras and 6-link AoE, adds a nice defensive bonus.
Baked Beans - Meme Dreams https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_a2zFbPIIiE4kURsvQ4Dw Last edited by PoE17#3475 on Mar 28, 2013, 7:43:01 AM
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" actually its not viable anymore, I hadnt had time to play last week, and as someone made me realize in the other thread about MF in the general forum, they nerfed multis in 1.0.4 so my unique farming with 100% less quantity isn't even a third of what it was :/ IgN: Dolpiff (8x Elem wander). Former CB ranger.
Pm me on forums or ig if I won an auction, or to claim an item of mine you won. |
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So I have these three wands. The one with the increased Physical Dmg actually gives me the most DPS -_-. Is there any reason I shouldn't use it? Further more, I rolled these, what do you think current prices on them are if I was to sell one. Thanks.
bye bye PoE Last edited by Selky62#3493 on Mar 28, 2013, 7:00:26 PM
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Also, LMP vs GMP? I have to drop an aura (usually grace, not sure what else I should drop *shrug*) to use GMP in my 5L, but it does seem to clear a room a lot faster. Are other peoople using LMP or GMP and what level are you?
What quality gems are worth getting?? Even if they're just 10% or so? Quality power siphon worth it? What else? bye bye PoE Last edited by Selky62#3493 on Mar 28, 2013, 7:05:31 PM
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