[Official] Kripp Wand Templar
Cool build Kripp it seems to work out very well ;-)
Congrats on the race win. Im trying different variations of Eldritch builds and it seems to work very well for most elemental / weapon damage based builds. Thanks for inspiration :D |
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" Can someone give me an answer on this please? |
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" I swe what you did there. |
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Thx for sharing Kripp, very useful post~~
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Hi Kripp!
I really appreciate your work on many games and the way you explain your playstyle and choices in detail on Youtube. I see why your build is strong, especially for team-based playstyle. But I don't understand how you deal with deal with Chaos damage. I also have a questions on a few things in your build, specifically the nodes you bypassed: 1. 16% Chaos Resist node Isn't it a really rare bonus? 2. Power charge duration node Is it because you gain charges very fast? 3. All of Shield nodes There is a set of nodes 6 nodes that together grant 8% block, 30% allres, 35% defences and 12% spell block. Isn't it really good? 4. AOE size. You have lots of auras, and Conduit. Why don't you take it? I'm not sure if I understand the mechanics of PoE clearly, but I suppose that Energy Shield is multiplied by ES nodes, and added to mana which is multiplied by mana nodes? Because then taking not mana nodes makes sense. Thank you! Last edited by Tirinir#3443 on Feb 1, 2013, 4:59:36 AM
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" Last edited by Mugiwara#4116 on Feb 1, 2013, 6:12:46 AM
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" No, it does not. I tested it. |
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Instead of going the melee way during lvling up, I went straight with the elemental nodes and use Freezing Pulse with Faster Projectiles and Lesser Multiple Projectiles.
For LMP just play a shadow to the second skill quest in A2. Once you got it... your killspeed is damn fast. And here's a list of all the skills and where to get them, if you don't want to spend your rare mats on those. General Elemental Weakness -> Drop Chain -> Drop Templar N/A1 Brutus -> Tempest Shield / Anger / Summon Skeletons N/A1 Merveil -> Weapon Elemental Dmg N/A2 Chamber of Sins -> Enduring Cry / Wrath N/A2 Maligaro -> Weapon Elemental Dmg N/A3 Clarissa -> Enduring Cry N/A3 Sever Right Hand -> Weapon Elemental Dmg C/A1 Hillok -> Discipline / Determination C/A1 Medicine Chest -> Weapon Elemental Dmg C/A1 Brutus -> Discipline C/A1 Merveil -> Spell Totem C/A2 Maligaro -> Weapon Elemental Dmg / Reduced Mana C/A3 Clarissa -> Clarity / Discipline C/A3 Sever Right Hand -> Reduced Mana / Spell Totem / Weapon Elemental Dmg M/A1 Medicine Chest -> Faster Attacks / Reduced Mana M/A1 Brutus -> Clarity M/A1 Merveil -> Faster Attacks / Weapon Elemental Dmg / Reduced Mana M/A2 Maligaro -> Weapon Elemental Dmg / Reduced Mana M/A3 Sever Right Hand -> Faster Attacks / Weapon Elemental Dmg Duelist N/A2 Chamber of Sins -> Enduring Cry / Anger N/A2 Maligaro -> Accuracy N/A3 Clarissa -> Enduring Cry C/A1 Hillok -> Grace C/A1 Medicine Chest -> Life Leech C/A1 Brutus -> Clarity / Grace C/A1 Merveil -> LMP / Faster Attacks C/A2 Maligaro -> LMP / Life Leech / Faster Attacks Shadow N/A1 Brutus -> Clarity / Wrath / Summon Skeletons / Power Siphon N/A1 Merveil -> Increased Crit Dmg N/A2 Chamber of Sins -> Power Siphon / Summon Skeletons N/A2 Maligaro -> Lesser Multiple Projectiles (LMP) N/A3 Clarissa -> Enfeeble N/A3 Sever Right Hand -> LMP C/A1 Hillok -> Grace / Tempest Shield / Discipline C/A1 Medicine Chest -> LMP / Life Leech C/A1 Brutus -> Clarity C/A1 Merveil -> LMP / Increased Crit Dmg / Faster Attacks C/A2 Maligaro -> Increased Crit Dmg / Faster Attacks / Faster Casting C/A3 Clarissa -> Clarity C/A3 Sever Right Hand -> LMP / Faster Attacks / Faster Casting M/A1 Medicine -> LMP / Faster Attacks / Faster Casting M/A1 Brutus -> Clarity M/A1 Merveil -> LMP / Faster Attacks / Faster Casting M/A2 Maligaro -> LMP / Faster Attacks / Faster Casting Witch N/A1 Brutus -> Power Siphon / Wrath / Clarity N/A2 Medicine Chest -> Summon Skeletons This list is not complete, but should get you started. To obtain most of them you play 1 Shadow to N/A2 Maligaro, 1 Witch to N/A2 Medicine and a Duelist to C/A1 Merveil. Then you buy Faster Casting via trade and you are all set, because the rest of the skills can be obtained with your Templar. More info on quest skill rewards can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/lv?key=0ApGQzMqD8JhZdDROM2FTeDdmUTFkRk9kdUhHTnFRcUE&toomany=true#gid=1 http://blackrabbit2999.blogspot.com/2012/07/path-of-exile-quest-gem-reward-list.html Last edited by worthy456#6574 on Feb 1, 2013, 10:08:02 AM
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Honestly, i am trying to get this current char of mine working by using projectile weakness as curse instead of elemental weakness.
I am aware of the fact that chain wont work properly with it, that's why i am not using it. So far, it works really good. I can totally dump my accuracy and never care about it. The +% damage cursed mobs take also works really awesome. A 20% quality level 20 projectile weakness can reach nearly 70% chance to pierce. Imho, that's very fair alternative to chain. The damage i lose from not having elemental weakness curse can be retained from using another support gem ( since i dont need chain anymore ). Edit : A thing i wanted to ask : Why did you not skill the +16% chaos resistance node? I feel like chaos damage has been buffed a lot for non-CI users. Did you already reach the 0% mark by gear? Last edited by diktaturr194#4837 on Feb 1, 2013, 9:51:04 AM
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