Zeno's Bino's Kitchen Knife Crit ST/Reave build. 1.1.4.
" Yes. I've been busy lately but when i get the full respec and the new leagues start i will update the guide for 1.2.
Palace Dominus solo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNJVoBsjzkU I died because i'm bad, but as you can see the build can easily solo the hardest content.
Short videos showcasing the build
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ivBfU6csPWw Ele weakness+100% extra damage as cold+Boss turbo Shipyard DPS screenshots are out of date! Currently dealing 49k Reave and 16k ST with Rat's Nest, 70k+/25k+ with Abyssus.
DPS Screenshots
Reave with Abyssus http://i.imgur.com/vA9vloK.png
Reave with Rat's Nest http://i.imgur.com/enawaQr.png Spectral Throw with Abyssus http://i.imgur.com/4gKbKT7.png Spectral Throw with Rat's Nest http://i.imgur.com/q3sx8NX.png
the Gear
Iron Reflexes vs Evasion based
Recently i began running the build with Acrobatics and Ondars guile to test how evasion compares to IR.
Honestly i like both specs a lot. They each have their ups and their downs. I feel like IR based is easier for a newer/less experienced player. It's easier to gear for and reflect was never much of an issue with me as long as i used ST and not Reave. Overall though i think Evasion based has a slight edge. Since switching to evasion based i simply faceroll 78 maps without really taking damage most of the time and reflect does zero damage. The downside is i have to panic pot sometimes when i DO get hit and manually dodge phys based spells(EK, evangelist bubbles). Both specs are great. I suggest IR if you are newer or have less currency. I'd reccomend evasion based if you are looking to get the most you can out of this build. Goals for the build. 1. High crit chance (70%+) 2. Insane DPS for soloing level 78 maps. 3. Be tanky enough to survive rough map mods.
1. Insane Crit Chance. 70%+ Crit chance with no charges is easily achievable.
2. Great DPS. 45k+ Reave/Doublestrike(4 linked) and 15k+Spectral Throw are somewhat easy to reach with thsi build. 3. Decent block chance/Life makes it easy to run rough map mods, even solo.
1. Little room for error. Using Whirling Blades to dodge various skills and attacks is key to staying alive.
2. If you aren't killing anything, Bino's sustain can't help you survive big bursts of damage.
The key thing about the tree is that you can start from Shadow or ranger easily. I prefer leveling as a ranger, so i went that way. Shadow is perfectly viable, but takes less life nodes early on. This tree can easily achieve 4500 HP with 4 uniques equipped. This tree sacrifices some crit for more block chance. With a good shield and a couple more nodes you could easily hit 75 block chance.
Leveling Passives
60 Points
Normal=Oak. 40 HP far outweighs the rewards from the other bandits or a skill point.
Cruel=Oak. This build doesn't gain a TON of physical damage and mostly relies on crit to do damage, the 18% physical damage can make a significant improvement to your DPS. Merciless=Kill/Alira/Kraytin/Oak. Any of these 4 rewards can work to your advantage. I took the frenzy charge because at this time I don't utilize the power charges. I'll likely change my reward to power charge in the future. One of the biggest parts about my specific build is the Bino's Kitchen Knife unique dagger. The healing you get when killing an enemy can be HUGE and makes soloing maps quite easy. The heal can be upwards of 3k+ per second self buffed. A picture showing the regen i can generate with a 4 link reave.http://imgur.com/nCaJC9w (Not updated, keep forgetting) The heal and poison from Bino's are calculated in the same way. When you kill an enemy you heal for 10% of the damage done on the killing blow for 2 seconds. The AOE poison damage is the same, 10% of the killing blow gets thrown out in an AOE as poison damage per second, for 2 seconds. Heres where it gets even better, the passive "Adder's Touch" says "Critical strikes with Daggers poison the enemy". This damage is the exact same as the damage from Bino's. So when you crit you deal 10% of the damage to that enemy each second fopr 2 seconds as well.
5 Link: Spectral Throw>LMP>Faster Attacks>Physical Projectile Attack Damage>Increased Critical Damage>(6th link)Additional Accuracy HEAVILY preferred.
4 link: CWDT(level 1)>Enduring Cry(level 5)>Immortal Call(level 3)>Increased Duration(Max level, 20/20 prefered)
4 Link: Reave>Melee Physical Damage> Multistrike>Concentrated Effect
3 Link: Reduced Mana>Hatred>Grace
2 Link: Critical Weakness>Blood magic
Whirling Blades
Whirling Blades (Quality preferred)>Faster Attacks.
Last edited by Zeno666#1179 on Aug 14, 2014, 5:16:03 AM
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Can you post a tree for Shadow ?
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" It's almost the exact same as the one i posted. Instead of getting the evasion nodes at the ranger start, get the IPD with 1 handed melee weapons/projectile damage from the shadow and connect over into Haste. Besides that, the tree is 100% the same |
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So u use reave for poisoning everything on the screen and then clearing them with spectral throw,, that's the idea?
Why don't u use puncture + dmg over time nodes like "entropy" and "growth and decay"? (or u haven't tested it?) then the mings heart makes a bigger sense. And is your survivability enough with a little armor/block and 4k hp and insane regen from binos? And for shield what do u say for using aegis aurora and a es/eva armor? or belly of the beast (for more hp) and a rare shield with res/hp? I made a build from ranger using puncture as the main skill, whats your thoughts? http://poebuilder.com/#character/AAAAAgIAAF4EfgV9BbUF-QguDkgRlhXwFr8Y2xmOGtsbrSP2JDwmlSepKaUyATpYPeJI7klRSn1OKlKvVUtW6lb1VvpaSFptW69h4mKsZ6Bte3BScFZ2gniufeN_xocZh3aH24hCjDaQG5fQmhObJpuNnaOdqqOKpn-nNKdcrUqxs7IZtMW00bVIt9O5PsBRwcXIDM0mzerPetN-1QDWndfL227b1N0N3vbjhOdU53To1uwY7UHtg-4O7_Dz6vlj_Kv8xQ== Last edited by Halava#4689 on Apr 8, 2014, 8:30:12 AM
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" I've tried out a DOT based build and the damage simply isn't very good because Bino's doesn't have very good base damage to inflict a huge hit from puncture. My build scales off crit alone. If you don't crit, you may as well be missing because the damage is somewhat low. A 300+DPS Dagger would be far better for a build that involves puncture because the higher initial hit would create a bigger bleed. Puncture also requires you to be in a mobs face all the time, leaving little room to use ST from a safe distance. Ming's is great because ES based targets take a ton of damage before their ES even breaks, usually their life is 20-30% gone before their ES even breaks. This can also be helpful if you enjoy PvP because not everyone has the gear to stack chaos resist, and it also protects me greatly from all sources of chaos resist. Ming's is the single biggest damage boost a Phys based build can get from a ring slot IMO. I use Reave for 2 main reasons. 1) It hits harder per hit than double strike(Which does the damage over 2 smaller hits) which creates bigger heals and posion damage from Bino's. It's also an AOE and single target skill combined which improves clear speeds. With VERY similar damage to Doublestrike (DPS is about 2k lower overall) i find it a much better alternative than any other skill. Belly of the beast is good, but it simply doesn't provide the raw armor/evasion you COULD get on a rare chest. Mine isn't the best but when i find one with similar stats and 1500+ Evasion i'll be making the switch. Aegis could be good if you went with several hybrid ES pieces and got more block nodes, but this makes it harder to gear in general. Without ES you're wasting a shield slot. I Would prefer to use a very high armor/block shield. A 1k+ armor/Evasion shield with 30%+ block would be preferable, but i'm on ambush and finding a suitable upgrade takes time. |
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Love the build, have been playing an extremely similar one and it's probably my favorite build so far. What are your thoughts on Power Charges? With one node and by using a Power Charge on Crit support gem you can have 4 power charges for 200% increased crit chance basically at all time.
I have been using ST + PCoC + Inc Crit + FA to generate charges when needed and just kill everything with my 5L ST. However I have never ran high level maps and don't have nearly the gear that you do. Would it be worth losing the single target DPS on Reave for a higher DPS ST like I am running? Or is it a large difference in kill speed for bosses and better to run Reave? IGN: Dmillz
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" In general i find i kill things faster than it would take to generate the charges so i don't use them. As long as you can push 70%+ Crit chance the rest of your focus should be damage and crit multi. I've thought about losing the single target attack in favor of power charges, but i simply can't see it being worth it. The DPS is insane and the heal i get from ST is less than half what i get from using Reave. If i had a 6 link i could likely run PCOC on my main ST setup, but i still think i'd prefer BM/Added fire/Life Gain on Hit because of the utility. |
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"Fair enough that makes sense! I'll definitely take it off my single target. Have you thought about running it in your 5L in place of Faster Attacks/Phys Proj Dmg? The 200% crit chance with your dagger/multiplier will give you almost 20% more crit, and is worth just over 100% MORE damage (.0952*2 * 5.55 = 1.05), this would also apply to your Reave. IGN: Dmillz
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" Yeah i've considered it, but again stuff tends to die before the charges even matter. If the game offered harder content it might be more worth losing initial damage to gain the charges. With a slightly augmented tree i can hit 95% crit chance with just 3 charges pretty easily. If i ran my tree that way i would use the charges for sure. but until i hit 95%, investing into raw damage feels stronger. Last edited by Zeno666#1179 on Apr 8, 2014, 11:01:18 PM
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double post OP
Last edited by Zeno666#1179 on Apr 8, 2014, 11:01:30 PM
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