[1.1] Another RF Build guide - with maths!

Background info
After hesitating from building righteous fire (RF) after hearing about it being "expensive" and "can't run lots of map mods" I had to try it for myself, and frankly the limitations are nowhere near as bad as people seem to make out, and the pros more than make up for it.

2x shrine piety

This is actually an earlier iteration of the build, I made some mistakes in the video and my gear/build is not optimised, but it does demonstrate the DPS of RF against high level bosses

Bazaar map - vulnerability

Apex of Sacrifice: Atziri

Apex of Sacrifice: Q'ura, Y'ara'az & A'alai

Passive Tree

Build Highlights

* 60K+ DPS
* 7.5k Life
* 8K armour
* Estimated 68% Physical damage reduction at level 91 (with enduring cry up)
* 78 fire/lightning resistance
* 6 Possible Enduring Cry charges (enabling 10+ second immortal call duration)
* Buffed auras from passives
* Freeze immunity
* 93% Fire resistance (103% during flask effect)
* 900 life/second regeneration
* Further increased survivabiliy with cyclone+faster attacks+life gain on hit
* More than capable of doing apex of sacrifice / killing Atziri (I've done it!)

How to calculate your RF Damage

I made a google-doc with an example of how to calculate your RF DPS.
With EE + curses - 61000 dps

All of the above with Kaom's instead of carcass jack
77000 dps (overkill)


* Excessive damage (60K+, fully capable of killing any boss in the game in a short amount of time.
* Cheap to gear
* Requires only 4L gear to run at max efficiency
* Capable of running elemental weakness/vulnerability map mods
* Very high survivability
* Insane life regeneration


* Totems are your nemesis
* Potentially tricky to level if you're new
* Scales best if your character is high level
* Can't run RF until level 65 minimum (Rise of the Phoenix Shield)
* Not viable until you have a high level purity of fire (level 18+)
* Cannot run some mapmods:
-Minus max resistances
-50% Life/Mana regeneration
-No Life/Mana regeneration

Oak / Kill / Oak

Gearing / Items
Required Items

You will need one of these equipped before you can turn RF on or you'll simply burn for an unsustainable amount of damage.

While these 3 items are not technically "required", they are so cheap (about 1 chaos each) that there's really no reason you couldn't attain them.
Redbeaks are for snapshotting RF while on low life, the ring is obviously for the extra curse.

Highly Recommended

Great synergy with RF, increases the radius and damage output. Alternatively and high life chest.
5L is a lurxury, 4L does just fine, MF gem is obviously not a requirement for RF.

Alpha howl - easily one of the best items in the game; freeze immunity, buffs up your auras like crazy, reduces aura cost, high evasion and some resists.

This item is great for putting purity aura gems in, you can swap out your curse ring and put this ring in with purity of lightning (for example) to up your max light resists for those high-damage lightning bosses like shrine piety or 2x vaal bosses in the apex of sacrifice.
You can also use it with purity of fire while you're still leveling the gem up.

Luxury Items

This will increase your HP by upwards of 1.8K, and accordingly your life regeneration scales up too.
It's not remotely required for the build, and it DOES NOT scale up RF's damage (unless you snapshot RF while kaom's is equipped!).
This item is purely for luxury.

My Gear

Skills / Gems

Your go-to auras are:
* Purity of fire
* Grace
* Vitality
Recommend running these in a 4-link with reduced mana.

If you're still leveling your purity of fire and want to buff it up, you can run it in any 1-hand weapon with +2 fire gems, OR you can put it in a voideye ring for a massive +5 levels!

Active Skills


Linked with LoH + faster attacks, the faster your weapon and the more enemies you hit, the higher your life gain.
Used to proc EE and prevent body blocking/momement through enemies.

Leap slam

Go-to movement skill when your movement pots are down, or enemies are desycning (so you can jump on their heads!)

Enduring Cry / Immortal call / Searing bond

Allows you to apply 10 sec+ immortal calls to nullify those heavy hitting physical bosses such as the Trio-boss in Apex of sacrifice or Kole/Brutus in their various incarnations.

Searing bond is used solely for killing totems.

Passive Skills (CWDT)

Curses / Cast when damage taken

I use this so I don't have to bother cursing enemies; if the enemy cannot inflict 440 damage to you before it dies, it's probably not worth cursing.
Vulnerability will increase damage by 40% regardless of gem level, while a quality ele weakness will do 44% (it can do more if leveled, but obviously you can't run it with CWDT if you do level it!)

Righteous Fire

Self explanatory - activate the skill and watch everything melt.
5L is nice for running MF, otherwise it is not required and 4L will do just fine.
"there is no spoone" - The Matricks
Last edited by Zeekin#4930 on Apr 10, 2014, 7:22:05 PM
what is the difference between your build and the more popular one below?


i see more end charges, but you dont pick up the life regen from the scion tree. why is that, and you get more aura buffs. overall your build has more %life nodes, but less life regen unless at max end charges than it is the same.
Dynamic Environment - Day/Night, Rain/Lightning - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/110100

GGG's design philosophy in three words:
Quantity over Quality.
** Added Atziri & Apex trio boss kill videos ** (If not showing up, check back in an hour - might still be uploading/processing)

laycast wrote:
what is the difference between your build and the more popular one below?


i see more end charges, but you dont pick up the life regen from the scion tree. why is that, and you get more aura buffs. overall your build has more %life nodes, but less life regen unless at max end charges than it is the same.

All RF builds are going to be similar to some degree, some differences between mine and the one you linked:
* +2 enduring cry charges (6 total)
* Inner force
* More life nodes & more DoT nodes & inner force = RF burns for more damage
* Less passive regen (although this is compensated by having enduring cry up and inner force buff to vitality aura)
* Didn't take the armour nodes - I feel they are a waste. Again this is compensated for in part by inner force buffing grace. Estimated damage reduction at level 91 is 69% with 6x cry charges up, but the main point of this is that you can run immortal call for 11 seconds at a time with 6 charges. A good demo of this is the apex trio bosses (added video in OP)
* Didn't take the two 4% size nodes - considering that increased area gem does ~44% and carcase jack does 20%, another 8% increased RF area size really isn't going to add much - much prefer to spend those 2 points elsewhere.

"there is no spoone" - The Matricks
so what would the point progression look like? Where should I be at with 20 points, 40 points, 60 points...ect.. what keystones to rush to be able to use RF effectively at lvl 65ish
Dynamic Environment - Day/Night, Rain/Lightning - http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/110100

GGG's design philosophy in three words:
Quantity over Quality.
Last edited by laycast#7668 on Apr 9, 2014, 11:20:06 AM
This is so cool. Going to run your build once Ambush ends and I can get into my standard currency to buy your recommended items. Truly neat, sir!!
POE is life. POE is ♥.
Last edited by KonaLuvsPOE#3058 on Apr 9, 2014, 2:41:00 PM
So I grabbed a Carcass Jack and went to 5L it real quick...

And there's literally not 5 support gems for RF in Ambush :(
IGN: Emfx
Inner force and increased buff passives don't increase the RF damage done to enemies, but they do increase the damage you take from RF. They can still be very useful mainly for purity auras, when you need some extra buff to reach the next extra +x% to maximum resistance. In your case it makes that 4% to maximum fire resistance 6%. Another scenario is at very high fire resistance when the extra damage taken from inner force becomes insignificant while the boost to any other aura is pure benefit.
My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976
HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667
HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382
RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331
Necropotence wrote:
Inner force and increased buff passives don't increase the RF damage done to enemies, but they do increase the damage you take from RF. They can still be very useful mainly for purity auras, when you need some extra buff to reach the next extra +x% to maximum resistance. In your case it makes that 4% to maximum fire resistance 6%. Another scenario is at very high fire resistance when the extra damage taken from inner force becomes insignificant while the boost to any other aura is pure benefit.

In that case I may consider speccing out of inner force provided I can maintain the 6% fire res buff from purity; although not too sure where I'd spend those points elsewhere.. yet.

updated the spreadsheet to remove innerforce and holy strength from damage calculation

I recently found that you can snapshot RF while under the effect of a "Massive" shrine for much lol's. Makes your aura width RF about 1/2 screen height!
"there is no spoone" - The Matricks
Last edited by Zeekin#4930 on Apr 10, 2014, 7:23:45 PM
For the fire res in your current setup you'll need at least 1.5 increase to auras which you get to with inner force. Without it you'll need at least a corrupted level 21 pof or combine it with empower etc. to get to +6%

That's a nice find about the shrines :)

My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976
HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667
HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382
RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331
was following Oro's guide but specced into yours at level 65 (since i'm on scion anyway).
pretty happy with everything so far. spent about 7-8ex of currency to gear her up, excluding alpha's howl.

i also don't use an ele weapon to proc EE, and relies on ice nova for that. any suggestion for improvements? gear and passives as follows:



edit: now using
to proc double EE
Last edited by adinth#0048 on Apr 14, 2014, 12:03:13 AM

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