[3.1] GLADIATOR 1H+Shield Max Block&Spell Block Tank + a BoR version

Dooder39 wrote:
I'm starting to doubt this build (the Infernal Blow variant), currently level 58 and trying to do Kaom's dream but the TTK has ramped significantly and at the same time the tankiness has been dropped hard. And Cruel Argus is a no-go. Guess one thing I can do is praying to Kuduku and hope my last Fusing orb will turn my chestplate into a 5L.

I've kept myself to the skill tree (except for 2 points since I needed DEX and had a jewel that would help the DPS). I've trying to let my items have increased armor and max hp as much as possible, but being level 58 with 2,3K HP I fail to see how I'm supposed to get 5K hp at level 70 (without dropping a shitton of exalts into trading). And so far I've died more then using my own builds (which aren't what you would call "good"(first time I use someone else his build)).

Fire and Lightning Resists are maxed (in Cruel, and fire has a bit of an overkill in resists), Cold almost maxed and Chaos is still above 0%.

What's your gear like?

at level 75 I don't have 5k life, I have 4k but I'm 2 levels away from Discipline and training which is a pretty good node, with 7.5k armor and capped resists, I haven't had any issues running maps so far(up to tier 6) and I've only dropped 1 fusing for trading.

I do admit I got pretty lucky with my 5link chest that dropped.
Placebo334 wrote:
What's your gear like?

Check my characters tab, its public (I have nothing to hide). That said, I'm aware that my gear is pretty lacking.
Dooder39 wrote:
Placebo334 wrote:
What's your gear like?

Check my characters tab, its public (I have nothing to hide). That said, I'm aware that my gear is pretty lacking.

buy yourself:
1) a weapon with more than 200 physical dps
2) Crest of Perandus unique shiled
3) Meginord's Girdle unique belt
4) either a Tabula Rasa or a white 5-link armor chest and drop 1 alch on it

the first three things cost 1 chaos each
a Tabula is like 12c, a white 5-link around 3c depending on the base

with minimal investment you can fly well into maps, i had a Crest of Perandus and a Tabula till level 81 and tier 6 maps
i still have Meginord equipped
Last edited by BeRse#5550 on Mar 14, 2016, 8:30:10 AM
I spec'd out of Violent Retaliation and into Outmatch and Outlast and it's vastly superior. The node before it alone is like 4 VR blocks and most of the time you don't get that many more anyway (the lack of 2% block is negligible to me since I wear legacy BoR). You can get 5 frenzy charges easily, that's 20% MORE damage + 20% IAS (which also beats the movement speed from VR since we're using leap slam to move around).

We're gaining endurance charges through other means and honestly I don't know which build they had in mind for "off hand kills" since even dual strike counts as main hand kills (see here).
So like a poster a page or so back. I'm still up in the air between EQ and Ice Crash. I'm swapping between the two, but I'm not sure which to pick. Is it Doryani's for Ice Crash and Soul Taker for EQ?

Trying to see which attack will eventually eek out the most at the end of the day. I'm a total noob at this so any thoughts would be appreciated.
Would Reave be a possibility with this build?
Bataille wrote:
I spec'd out of Violent Retaliation and into Outmatch and Outlast and it's vastly superior. The node before it alone is like 4 VR blocks and most of the time you don't get that many more anyway (the lack of 2% block is negligible to me since I wear legacy BoR). You can get 5 frenzy charges easily, that's 20% MORE damage + 20% IAS (which also beats the movement speed from VR since we're using leap slam to move around).

We're gaining endurance charges through other means and honestly I don't know which build they had in mind for "off hand kills" since even dual strike counts as main hand kills (see here).

the only situation where you really need the more damage from frenzy charges would be at hard bosses - but there you won't have them because they are expired
i agree with you that VR is not that great usually but i don't think OaO is better overall

furthermore - where do you get the 3 passive points for the fifth frenzy charge?
Dooder39 wrote:
Placebo334 wrote:
What's your gear like?

Check my characters tab, its public (I have nothing to hide). That said, I'm aware that my gear is pretty lacking.

you should get +xx to Maximum life on your items, so it will get increased with ur passive Points +xx% increased Maximum life.

my gear

BoR 3chaos
Axe 3chaos
rings 4chaos
shield 2chaos
belt ~5chaos
gloves ~5chaos

edit: have ~4.2k life and still 4 life nodes to get
currently saving up to get that aegis Aurora and then Switch my boots and rings to get resis and better rings
after that trying to get a 6-Link astral plate, ST and Alpha's Howl+Conquerer's Efficiency to use Hatred+HoA+Blasphemy for more DPS
Last edited by MrZimz#7722 on Mar 14, 2016, 10:15:58 AM
MrZimz wrote:

after that trying to get a 6-Link astral plate, ST and Alpha's Howl+Conquerer's Efficiency to use Hatred+HoA+Blasphemy for more DPS

with that you have 100% mana reserved - how do you plan to attack?
BeRse wrote:
MrZimz wrote:

after that trying to get a 6-Link astral plate, ST and Alpha's Howl+Conquerer's Efficiency to use Hatred+HoA+Blasphemy for more DPS

with that you have 100% mana reserved - how do you plan to attack?

ST = Soul Taker = Melee attacks aren't prevented by lack of mana

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