Level 32: 10 Reward Points - 85 Minute Fixed

If you know how to do this, please share the secret. Double qs + ms boots from hillock or shortly after + unique wep?
50 ipd + flat+ double ele+ias driftwood + wanderlust off hillock
ms at vendor
qs at mud flats
rustic at lower
whetstone at legde
shiversting at coves
15 ms boots from siren
2nd qs from monkeys
wideswing off fidelitas
^if i get all of this i'll prob get lvl 28 or smth :P
alt art shop view-thread/1195695
t.me/jstqw for contact
jstq wrote:
50 ipd + flat+ double ele+ias driftwood + wanderlust off hillock
ms at vendor
qs at mud flats
rustic at lower
whetstone at legde
shiversting at coves
15 ms boots from siren
2nd qs from monkeys
wideswing off fidelitas
^if i get all of this i'll prob get lvl 28 or smth :P


1 in 10,000,000 RNG and 32 still seems crazy. I can think of three maybe four occasions at the absolute most where I hit 32 with 15 mins left in the 100min fixed.
terrex wrote:
1 in 10,000,000 RNG

i got 2 bor's today in 2 hours of gameplay
maybe they tweaked rng so this stuff i wrote in my previous post will happen more often?
alt art shop view-thread/1195695
t.me/jstqw for contact
My theory is Neon copy and pasted the forum post from last season's signature races and just forgot to edit the levels... yeah?
Rithz wrote:
My theory is Neon copy and pasted the forum post from last season's signature races and just forgot to edit the levels... yeah?

Well, I thought you hit the nail on the head there Rithz, but as it turns out the brackets did have a minor adjustment.

link to season 6 sig:

link to season 7 sig:

Now the minimum level requirement for the 2nd tier reward (7pts) is 28-31 up from 27-31.
The max level for the 3rd tier reward (6pts) was adjusted to match: 23-27 up from 23-26.
All other numbers remain unchained.

>This seems strange to me.

The numbers were adjusted (slightly), indicating a deliberate change. However, the race is 15 min shorter making it harder to reach any bracket and now even more difficult for the 7 point bracket in particular.

Compared to last season, apparently you now have 15 min less to hit any point bracket, and for the 7pt reward bracket you must additionally be one level higher for the minimum requirement.
Superb dev testing skills after the nerfs lol.

And then people will wonder why #1 will be level 28.

How about the devs responsible for the shedule start racing.
I bet like 80+ players do better than them.

I can see 31s and 32s happening. 32 is probably going to be the record for a few classes in the end, but the best will hit the 29-31 area for the first few races.

Chances are that 33+ is god tier RNG.
it will depend on layouts aswell
cobaIt wrote:
The numbers were adjusted (slightly), indicating a deliberate change. However, the race is 15 min shorter making it harder to reach any bracket and now even more difficult for the 7 point bracket in particular.

Compared to last season, apparently you now have 15 min less to hit any point bracket, and for the 7pt reward bracket you must additionally be one level higher for the minimum requirement.

It's because of corrupted side zones obviously. heh heh

Because of shrines? :P
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