[1.3.0][Explosive Arrow][Blood Magic][Lightning Coil] marauder with a bit of IIR

Builds compilation index:


1.3.0 Patch Update

- Gained about 100 ish more life
- 3% additinoal fire pen
- gained double curse

1.2.0 Patch Update


- gained about 100 more life
- gained 55% increased fire damage
- gained 45% increased burning damage
- 2% additional fire pen
- lost about 10% resistance reduction from ele weakness curse

Skill Tree

Gears Requirement

only need quilrain, rest should be hp / res / armour / IIR

Leveling Tips


- use 2h ground slam til you finish a3n's searing bond quest, then just level with searing bond.

- get the increased burning dmg gem from cruel's hailrake quest for more dps

- dual totem is recommended for better aoe clearing.

- craft a + 1 fire gem scepter as soon as you can, with the vendor recipe of course. when you reach around level 50, try to find a +2 scepter.

- link should be searing bond + inc burning dmg + rarity gem

- go for templar's and marauder's endurance charges first, get hp / damage along the way. Recommend go toward north right away. then spec into bloodmagic and the fire cluster nearby, when u ready for EA in a3m. a1m works as well if you can't wait to use EA; but it's safest / best to use EA in a3m.

- level your EA gems along the way.

Combat Tips


- before you get lightning coil, keep up all the endurance charges since that with cast when damage taken + immortal call is your only physical mitigation.

- utilize EA's special stacking mechanics as much as you can( refer to Gem Setup )

Gem Setup


- I utilize EA's special stacking mechanics here, read more below:

you need 2 sets of EA, one linked with chance to ignite / ele prolif/ fire pen / inc aoe (5th L) / conc effect (6th L), and it must has quality; another one with lmp / faster attack / fire pen, the quality is not important on it.

note that I don't have the correct color yet for my quil rain yet, so i'm using an lvl 3 empower in place of conc effect.

use the first set EA(just one fuse) to mark target, then use second set of EA to quickly stack up the fuses / more explosion damages

- Immortal call + Cwdt + inc duration + arctic breath for maximum survivability

- Rain of Arrow + Curse on Hit + Flamability + Elemental weakness for double cursing fast

- Manual casting enduring cry for consistent phy mitigation and reliable IC duration.

Bandit quests:


help oak / kill all / help oak

Map Gear Showcase

sitting at 6.9k hp @ lvl 90.
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Last edited by abcnever#3020 on Feb 28, 2015, 10:35:52 PM

Here cleaned up the tree a bit, and explosive arrow isn't affected by elemental damage only fire damage.
Colomp wrote:

Here cleaned up the tree a bit, and explosive arrow isn't affected by elemental damage only fire damage.

Are u sure EA isn't affected by elemntal damage?
I'm pretty sure it sure does. Only spell elemental and weapon elemental doesnt affect.

Anyway, this is my build so far, still need more level to grab more node e.g the +1 max fire res and more endur charges. Currently sitting at 200IIR + Increased Rare Gem


ah yeah, that's probably a lot better to go that way, yea im 100% sure elemental dmg does not increase EA.

and 6L you want conc effect :)
Last edited by Colomp#0782 on Apr 19, 2014, 11:22:46 AM
Colomp wrote:
ah yeah, that's probably a lot better to go that way, yea im 100% sure elemental dmg does not increase EA.

and 6L you want conc effect :)

fire damage is elemental damage, so elemental dmg does increase EA's dmg. just like the elemental gem level on voidbringer increases fire gem's level as well.

also ye I realized that going through the bottom of duelist tree saves me one point. thx :)
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Last edited by abcnever#3020 on Apr 23, 2014, 9:30:30 AM
zXavier wrote:
Colomp wrote:

Here cleaned up the tree a bit, and explosive arrow isn't affected by elemental damage only fire damage.

Are u sure EA isn't affected by elemntal damage?
I'm pretty sure it sure does. Only spell elemental and weapon elemental doesnt affect.

Anyway, this is my build so far, still need more level to grab more node e.g the +1 max fire res and more endur charges. Currently sitting at 200IIR + Increased Rare Gem


the reason I used EA snapshotting is to avoid attack speed nodes so I can maximize defense / damage. the extra HP and 2 end charges from my build adds a tons of survivability to EA builds. also the extra regen from end charges nodes help a lot with the cost of EA on BM.

also my build has 282% life, with my mapping gear I had 6K + hp. with 8 end charges (+ 1 on belt) almost nothing could kill me (welp except judgement apparatus be4 he got nerfed :( )

though I admit, with EE, ur build does do more dmg than mine.
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Last edited by abcnever#3020 on Jun 11, 2014, 4:18:16 PM
Colomp wrote:
ah yeah, that's probably a lot better to go that way, yea im 100% sure elemental dmg does not increase EA.

and 6L you want conc effect :)

I think conc effect is really nice. though I'm more afraid of killing myself on reflect. so probably inc aoe gem be4 I get my kaom :P
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Using this build in 2wk race right now. melting mobs with only 4ls!

added gear showcase
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Last edited by abcnever#3020 on May 20, 2014, 2:27:35 AM
updated gears with invasion stash.
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updated bandit quests
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