Fixed seed again

jstq wrote:
my best sarn is 1:05 and all my docks is terribly slow and rippy, dunno is it worth it to go to docks at all

Well from what I've seen a terrible docks (as in having to kite back and scared of dying to white dogs with aura rare barely on screen) is xp wise on par with a good, but not amazing sarn. So if possible it's always worth it.

Also if memory serves correct, a good - decent run you roughly started walking from sarn @lvl25 to docks around 1hour 3 min - 1hour 8 min. Of course this was with good and easy fixed + known layouts. Can't really be certain if all the zones will have non leap slam friendly layouts. Not having bridges in river crossings + the run up to Vaal can be pretty fucking terrible sometimes.

Poison zombies in sins 1 might slow you slightly down as well, can't just yolo down blue packs with 2x iron rustic anymore.

I predict non leap slammers will eventually hit 31, and Marauder god hybris will get 32, with godkaizer making a casual comeback barely edging him out last few races in the season.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Last edited by ZoRoXo#7767 on Mar 25, 2014, 12:51:43 AM
Zoroxo so funny XD

OT: I guess making every signature fixed seed is one way to combat the new vaal zones, but it's kind of worrisome, because unless GGG removes them for future seasons what are the implications here? That all races will be fixed seed in the future?

But given that Vaal Zones are in races now (which is a complete joke obviously, but I've complained about that enough and it didn't mattter at all) I'm actually kind of happy it's a fixed seed signature next season. Just imagine racing+vaal zones and no maphacks, what a clusterfuck, what a nightmare.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
KoTao wrote:
Fixed seed again because its the best quickfix to races being completely dominated by maphack.

Id have been happier with a longer timelimit with some difficulty mods, or a progression based instead of xp based event, but oh well. At least its not descent or endless ledge.

again I agree (even quoted him this time). I really do not want to do non fixed seeds and obviously no descent/endless ledge

I have also been thinking of races that end at piety kill rather than a time limit... that sounds like it could be fun since I have no idea how to do act 3 progression. Only problem for me with piety kill is that it will be a long time probably....
General Racing Guide for Act 1
double posted somehow...
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Last edited by Powster#4710 on Mar 25, 2014, 6:07:48 AM
they could at least add another mod besides fixed seed?

oh well wanna see the rewards first
secret shit areas
boof wrote:
more impoprtantly "which is very interesting now that there are Corrupted Secret Areas."

Whose rancid asshole are these guys pulling feedback regarding racing from?

Yeah seriously, that comment screamed "out of touch".

From my perspective the signature race is the same as last season, which is pretty bland/boring, but i guess they are kind of backed into a corner.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
P2: 85 Infern; 77 Warbr; 75 Demon
PoE character archive: view-thread/963707
SC: 95 97 96 100 95 96 97 98 95 97
HC: 96 (dead)

Fixed seed again because its the best quickfix to races being completely dominated by maphack.

Fixed seed fine. The duration is almost the same. 0.5-1 level difference at best.

And the season will be filled again with 66% being 12min busts, endless crap and Descent Randommode.

oh well wanna see the rewards first

It's not like you receive a level 80 atziri unique for 1000 points or unique maps at 7 points.

You got the obligatori white ring at 50 or belt at 80 other stuff not getting 3d arts and some useless high level items.

GGG aleady started reusing uniques so expect something like Blue Tabula Rasa etc.
Or to "promote PVP" alt art voidhome.
I think 85 minute fixed seed is perfect... Next sig should be 80 minute fixed seed then after that 75 minute fixed seed. I like doing normal races without retarded mods
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Powster wrote:
I think 85 minute fixed seed is perfect... Next sig should be 80 minute fixed seed then after that 75 minute fixed seed. I like doing normal races without retarded mods

What is wrong with you Jared?

Dude comes in and removes a gif of a stickman setting a computer on fire then shooting himself. GGG moderation, somehow keeps scraping the bottom the barrel and hitting new lows, all the time.
Last edited by boof#2056 on Mar 25, 2014, 3:30:51 PM

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