Righteous fire resource guide
if minus fire resist doesnt work, how come i see people use elemental equilibrium with RF?
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" The guide only says that Fire Penetration doesn't work with RF. This isn't the same as saying curses/EE do not. |
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ah i see
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Sure about that? I did not perform any test, but on my interpretation of game mechanics it should look more like (feel free to discuss my opinion): Life regeneration = a (hp/sec) Fire resistance = b Increased buff effect = c ES regeneration = d (hp/sec) You can get d from some gear (shav ring) or by passive keystone; it has nothing to do with the cooldown, since I think that you cannot have ES cooldown if you are continuosly taking damage. RF life damage in %: lfd = ((90 * (1+c/100)) * (1-(b/100))) RF ES damage in %: esd = ((70 * (1+c/100)) * (1-(b/100))) Total damage: td = lfd*maxLife + esd*maxES To calculate the 'final' damage done to you, you have to distinguish if you are on full/partial life or full/partial/zero ES. E.G. Full life + full es: This can happen only if d > td. In this case the damge is zero Full/partial ES, partial life: Your life is fully regenerating (a), and your ES take the damage (td - d) Partial/full life, zero ES: You are taking td - ( a + d ) damge on life. If ( a + d ) > td AND td >= d, then you are regenerating a + d - td life (if you have partial life). If ( a + d ) > td AND td <= d then you are regenerating (a) life and (d - td) ES. etc... PS: some consideration on %5 fire-purity: it can be ha huge bonus with respect to 4%. For example if you have 40% increased aura bonus, it leads to +2% bonus (7% purity vs 5%). Roma timezone (Italy)
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im really interested in this
i downloaded the RF calculator.xlsx and also downloaded this http://shell.windows.com/fileassoc/0409/xml/redir.asp?EXT=xlsx the excel viewer, i doesnt seem to work, help? "Yeena thinks she knows the Spirit. That it talks to her. She talks to herself." -Greust <3
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" You did forget something :P Amulets can roll 1% max-resists too, so you can achieve 99%. But to be fair... why running 99% fire-resist, if you can also run 95% all resists with a Saffels? Doing this and wearing Lightning-Coil means there is basically no thread in the game anymore besides Chaos-Damage. |
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" Gl finding a + max resist armor and amulet. Currently only 4 are listed in ambush league, and 3 of them blow. Likely these will be amongst the most expensive items in the game For years i searched for deep truths. A thousand revelations. At the very edge...the ability to think itself dissolves away.Thinking in human language is the problem. Any separation from 'the whole truth' is incomplete.My incomplete concepts may add to your 'whole truth', accept it or think about it
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" They propably are. But to be fair. I used my Aura-build with Atziri's Foible almost forever and I won't hesitate to do it again. And to be fair it wasn't that expensive and corrupting it should work evt. I'm more concerned about the lvl21 Auras and the chest, exspecially if you want more than a 4l, which you don't really need with RF. If you do RF with Saffels and 95% resist you can propably use a Lightning-Coil and 4l and corrupt it. It is propably not the best armor, but it has a decent HP-roll and provides a lot of defense. It also isn't too expensive to corrupt. So in that case buying lvl20 Purities of Fire/Cold/Lightning and corrupting them to get lvl21 is propably more expensive :P |
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" Hello, try open office https://www.openoffice.org/. It's free software that lets you use any ms office document My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976 HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382 RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331 |
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" Hello, RF always deals damage based on your max hp and es " Hello, yes I did forget that! Thanks for the heads up, will add it to the guide :) " Best way to use RF is to snapshoot it on other chest (carcass jack is best imo) this means lightning coil doesn't need a 6l which will make it easier to find one with +1 max all res. As for the amu it shouldn't be that difficult/expensive to find one or craft yourself. This is exactly the thought for the character I'm building right now, will add it to OP :) My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976 HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382 RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331 |
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