Righteous fire resource guide
Hello all,
after having a lot of fun using this skill and making a guide I thought it would be a good idea to have a central thread with information about this skill. I still get a lot of questions from players new to RF which, quite understandably, cannot go through 30+ pages in a thread to see if their question has been answered already or read a complete guide looking for information that might not be even there. I hope with this all information regarding RF can be found easily and quick. This thread will gather all information about the skill alone, not about specific builds. Any information and feedback is welcome! Righteous fire builds I need your help with this as I've only played my character but there are many other variations. If you played other variation you can link the thread and the experiences you got, etc...I'll add it to this section. Obviously I'll start with mine :P
Necro's scion RF life based: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 Pro's and cons
- Hardcore viable - Very cheap - Very good DPS - Tanky. 6k+ hp, 90% physical damage reduction with 7 endurance charges and without granite, 100% fire resistance with ruby flask and 90% lightning resistance with purity of lightning and topaz flask - Easy to gear and overcap resistances - Reflect and corrupted blood inmune - Only 4l needed Cons - Cannot do -max resistances, half/no regen and blood magic map mods - Vulnerability map mod can be done but late game or with specialized gear (blooddance boots) - Rise of the phoenix unique shield needed - Alternate skill to kill totems is needed as RF doesn't damage totems - Fun really starts at level 65 Softcore
Righteous fire, the skill
The skill is a buff (it damages enemies) and a debuff (it damages you), it is not a spell. Once it's cast the character will be burning taking 90% life and 70% energy shield burning damage per second until life reaches 1hp, a flask with "dispels burning" mod is used or an area change. While the character is burning it will damage enemies for 50% of the character's maximum life and 50% of the maximum energy shield in a small area around the character and it will make your spells do 40%-59% more damage. The damage is damage overtime similar to fire trap's burning damage, not the explosion. Once an enemy enters the area of righteous fire it will start taking damage RF is an imprint of cast moment (snapshoot). This means any applicable to RF damage mods from gear that is equipped at the cast moment will apply to RF until RF is dispelled. You can remove or change gear after RF is cast and the skill, together with any mods will still be on. Note An exception is life and ES, this will update as soon as the gear is changed. I tested this long ago, if someone can verify it still works like this please let me know. Righteous fire calculators
Damage and damage taken calculator. I've set the spreadsheet to download only as people kept messing around with it. Download it and edit locally https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AhTmpl0rcbtGdHRnbmJKaVdKMVZHT0hxUG93MXBTTmc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 More in depth damage calculator, thanks to Madcow1120 for making it, link to post with some tips about using it http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331/page/5#p7451134 In depth dmg calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aic42gBY8wpqdHplWlJMRTZqQ3RBaDJ6ZkFHcHhxaXc&usp=sharing#gid=0 Webbased damage calculator, thanks to Manuakasam for making it: http://rf.samminds.com/ If you don't have ms office try open office https://www.openoffice.org/ It lets you use any ms office type of document Righteous fire damage done to you
Righteous fire does the following fire damage: - 90% of character's maximum life - 70% of character's maximum energy shield Damage taken formula
Life regeneration = a
Fire resistance = b Increased buff effect = c RF life damage in % = ((90 * (1+c/100)) * (1-(b/100))) - a RF ES damage in % = ((70 * (1+c/100)) * (1-(b/100))) - a The following will increase the damage taken from RF - Increased effect of buffs on you. For example the Inner force passive cluster. - Vulnerability curse. This will increase DOT damage taken by 40%. Mitigating righteous fire damage done to you
The damage taken from RF can be mitigated by increasing maximum fires resistance and regenerating life. If the mix between resists/regen is higher than the damage taken from RF you will take NO damage, if it's lower you WILL take damage Examples RF does 90% of you maximum life as fire damage, you have 85% fire resist and 10% life regeneration, the damage taken from RF then would be: 90% * 0.15 (we mitigate 85% due to fire resistance) = 13,5% We would take 13,5% of maximum life as fire damage, we regenerate 10% life the total damage taken would be: 13,5 - 10% = 3,5% of maximum life taken as fire damage Now the same but we have 90% fire resistance. Damage taken = 90% * 0,1 = 9% and we regenerate 10%. Total damage taken = 9% - 10% = -1% This means we regenerate 1% of life, we outregen the damage taken from RF and regenerate an additional 1% Righteous fire damage done to enemies
Below are the possibilities to increase the damage that RF does to enemies - Character's life and energy shield - Debuffing enemies: vulnerability curse and lowering enemies fire resistance with flammability, elemental weakness or elemental equilibrium (damage done by RF doesn't trigger elemental equilibrium) - Burning damage - Fire damage - Elemental damage - Area damage (this includes concentrated effect) - DOT damage - Damage mods from items if they're equipped at the time RF is cast. For instace Readbeck's "100% increased damage while on low life" mod if you cast RF on low life Damage done formula
life: a
es: b increased elemental damage: c increased fire damage: d increased burning damage: e increased damage: f increased AOE damage: g increased DOT damage: h more damage from concentrated effect: i life and es * increased damage * more damage = x (1/2*a + 1/2*b)*(1+((c/100)+(d/100)+(e/100)+(f/100)+(g/100)+(h/100)))*(1+i/100) enemy fire resistance after curses, elemental equilibrium, etc: y Total damage z: x * 1 + enemy fire resistance x * (1 - (y/100)) = z Magic find with righteous fire
The following works with regards to magic find and RF. Tests were done with IIQ as it can be verified easily. I assume IIR behaves the same way but I haven't tested it - Snapshoot IIQ gem - IIQ from gear on the character at the moment of killing an enemy. This means gear IIQ cannot be snapshooted What does not work with RF?
The following will not work with RF - Spell damage - Fire penetration - Removing MF gear after snapshooting RF Maximizing fire resistance
There are a few ways to get extra maximum fire resistance - Purity of fire aura. It caps at level 23 for a +5% to maximum fire resistance - Uniques with +x% to maximum fire resistance like rise of the phoenix - As of v1.1.0 the following passives give extra maximum fire resistance: Diamond skin in the marauder area. +1% to maximum fire resistance Fire resistance in the marauder area. +1% to maximum fire resistance Elemental adaptation between templar and and witch area. +2% to maximum fire resistance - 1% to maximum resistances from a corrupted chest armour Total achievable maximum fire resistance
- 10% from level 23 pof with 100+ aura/buff nodes - 1% from corrupted chest - 1% from corrupted amulet - 4% from tree - 8% from rise of the phoenix Total: 99% fire resistance Support gems for RF
The following support gems work with RF:
- Increased burning damage - Concentrated effect - Increased area of effect - IIQ - IIR - Empower (not useful) - Enhance (not useful) - Enlighten (not useful) My guides HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976 HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382 RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331 Last edited by Necropotence#0405 on May 18, 2014, 4:51:42 AM
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Reserved, made first draft with only information from my guide.
My guides HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976 HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382 RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331 Last edited by Necropotence#0405 on Mar 13, 2014, 7:35:52 AM
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" The -y might throw off others since one can assume that monsters with fire resistance have a positive value, and of course you are subtracting instead of adding it. Not saying you are wrong, since it will eventually come down to subtracting 1 with the monster's resistance, but you forced the equation to change the sign which is extra work. Though, I can understand if you did it that way assuming everyone using the equation is taking Elemental Equilibrium into consideration. Only then will my equation require more work. In my case, I do not use EE. x * (1 - (y/100) + Flammability(when applicable) + Elemental Weakness(when applicable)= z In the end, Total Damage z: x * (1 - enemy fire/elemental resistance) + curse(1) +....+ curse(w) w = the number of curses found in the equation As for Inner Force buffing up the self-inflicting damage, I am not sure it actually does after DoT mechanic change patch, but I could be wrong. Inner Force also effects aura gems like Purity of Fire, so it essentially cancels out. Inner Force is one of the reasons why I got 94% max fire res instead of 93% max fire res. Other than that, the guide looks great. Edit: What is in bold is my updated post. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Mar 13, 2014, 8:36:01 AM
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Hopefully we'll see more people doing RF builds across all leagues if we get all the information in one concise place. Like you said RF is quite a complex skill, and being able to run it as your main source of damage without being suicidal can be tricky. Thanks for the information! IGN: Ghured Last edited by Vandalain#2745 on Mar 16, 2014, 4:57:47 PM
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I'd recommend a section on how to achieve max fire resist.
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" Hello, you're correct the formula you posted is actually the same I used, yours is easier to see thougth. I don't remember why I used it in that form maybe because of putting the formula in excel, I'll change it in the op. The thing about RF damage is we cannot know how much damage it actually does because we don't know the enemies fire resistance. To me personally the dps calculator is just for fun and giggles, all I know is that RF does very good damage :) Increased buffs increases RF damage to you 100% verified " Hello, please no build questions or remarks. I'll add a build section to op with links to all the different RF builds out there. Please understand that build information is already available in the forums, I would like to keep this strictly about the skill itself otherwise the thread will be full of questions, opinions, etc...for specific builds or passives. My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976 HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382 RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331 |
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Is it confirmed to benefit from concentrated effect? I know it didn't work on BM..
@Supporting RF - i belive the dream combo is : RF+Increased burn+Increased area+empower+enhance+item rarity :] And no other support gem really work with RF >< |
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" I was doubting it would work because of patch 1.0.2 note. Maybe I read it incorrectly. " Yes, Righteous Fire works with concentrated effect since it is AoE. Sometimes you can take the game out of the garage but you can't take the garage out of the game. - raics, 06.08.2016 Last edited by JohnNamikaze#6516 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:13:08 PM
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" Empower and Enhance do very little for RF. They only buff up Increased burn and AoE. A lvl1 RF does the same damage as a lvl20. The increased spell damage is for other spells you use. Concentrated Effect lowers the AoE range, but gives RF a MASSIVE boost. If you happen to have one, IIQ gem works with RF as well. I run RF+Increased Burning+Increaed AoE+IIR+IIQ for most areas. On tougher boss maps I swap IIR for Concentrated Effect...just to kill em fast. I would run them all, but I don't have a 6L. Last edited by mondobogus#6351 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:51:27 PM
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" Hello, good idea added to the op Cheers! My guides
HC melee ranger: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/507976 HC RF scion: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/666667 HC RF marauder: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/842382 RF resource guide: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/832331 |
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