when does season 7 start

Powster wrote:
so................. season 7?

Given the usual date ranges have come and gone, my guess is the CT events are interfering with it. The last CT event is today, so i'm expecting a S07 announcement in ~ a week. Then tack on another 2 weeks to that for the first race. Looks like April 11th or 18th.

Unfortunately this also probably means the extent of CT we're going to see for a long time is race events, in season 7, with no perma-CT in sight. Fuckin' 'ell.
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Well its been a month since season 6 ended.. hopefully they announce something.
the races are what keep me comin back to PoE every day. Hell i even put the ones i really dont want to miss on my calendar. I'm not even any good at them lol, but i miss them dearly. Please bring season 7 soon!

I keep talking with my friends about how awesome an off-season "minor league" type thing would be to keep it going for those who really enjoy it. Maybe separate points with either less significant rewards or different kinds of rewards all together, like cosmetic only rewards. Like id totally be happy with even something like "practice race events" during the off month where we can race just for fun/practice and ya know put some of the theory-crafting we been doing while we wait to the test. Anyway, just wishing/thinking out loud. Can't wait for whatever you have planned :)

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