[1-2.0] CoC Sci/Sha/Ran/Due with Block - Song of Ice and Fire. Cheap. Fun. Nerfed

Finally up and running:

Have this for later:

Everything look ok? The rings, boots and belt are items I had sitting in my stash, those will be upgraded down the road. I'm still in Act 3 normal with this Scion, I used my tree reset from the patch to do this build, so I wasn't worried about those slots yet.

How much crit chance should we be aiming for? I'm at 32% right now after grabbing Mental Acuity.
Last edited by Radagastt#5613 on Apr 11, 2014, 2:46:08 AM
Radagastt wrote:

How much crit chance should we be aiming for? I'm at 32% right now after grabbing Mental Acuity.

Ideally you want 55% crit chance or higher imo. Lower isn't the end of the world but you will kill at a fast consistent pace once you get around that mark.
+1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159
#1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745
The Tale of Foe Bite --->>> http://tinyurl.com/o6ox7an
2 Questions:

1. Does Spell Block help mitigate Elemental reflect And Throns? Only Elemental reflect and not so much thorns? PS, ill have abt 53 spell block with my ammy.

2. MY friend decided to follow this build after he saw me raping face. If we decide to do maps together, will two elemental coc builds work nicely or will we screw up each others EE and do less damage overall?
JakeAlmighty wrote:
EcNeRWaLJ wrote:
I used it until about late 60s

Nice to meet you in game man. (completely at random... he recognised me from this thread lol)

Your char was doing good, keep it up!

Nice to meet you too and good luck with the new build!!
SunnyRay wrote:
EcNeRWaLJ, ty :) Why not surgeon's flasks?

I like being able to just spam instant heals especially when I hit reflect or when I am fighting an exile. It basically makes me feel a lot safer. I'm still not 100% sure about them yet though.
Hello everyone!

I made some changes to my gear and now toting almost max resistances. I think only Fire needs an additional 5%. no bigyy :)

The only things i have left to work on are leveling and fixing some of my gears. im only at 2.3k life and really need to fix that sooner rather than later. there are some life nodes i have not taken yet and its showing.

besides that, crit's are hovering around 44% and block chance is around 55. once again, i need to level and snatch up those remaining block/life notes.



i really appreciate all of the advice people have given me so far. I think a lot of my issues will be solved once i get another 10-12 levels. i may also clear some dungeons that i missed earlier to pad the stats.
Scrapm3tal wrote:
1. Does Spell Block help mitigate Elemental reflect And Throns?

AFAIK, yes.

Scrapm3tal wrote:
2. MY friend decided to follow this build after he saw me raping face. If we decide to do maps together, will two elemental coc builds work nicely or will we screw up each others EE and do less damage overall?

You'll be fine, don't know about your graphics cards :)

Wish you could make gear invisible in this game, I actually like the Scion's default armor. I went the cheap route to making my daggers look like ice and fire :)
Last edited by Radagastt#5613 on Apr 11, 2014, 5:59:32 PM
Not sure if I'm going to stick with Immortal Call in my leveled CWDT set-up. The strength requirement on a leveled Immortal Call would require me to get +attributes jewelry and I don't feel like it does much to help me really. The chances of it being triggered while I have endurance charges up seems really low. I am still in Cruel, though, so maybe I'll see how it goes when I get to Merciless.
Radagastt wrote:
Not sure if I'm going to stick with Immortal Call in my leveled CWDT set-up. The strength requirement on a leveled Immortal Call would require me to get +attributes jewelry and I don't feel like it does much to help me really. The chances of it being triggered while I have endurance charges up seems really low. I am still in Cruel, though, so maybe I'll see how it goes when I get to Merciless.

I find it interesting that you're having trouble getting enough strength. I think we usually plan to leave it somewhere around lvl16 - getting that much strength shouldn't be difficult I think. (I didn't even notice it on mine)
+1 Shavs Project -----> /1075009
+1 Acuity Project ----> /990159
#1 6 t1 Wand FOE BITE (5 perfect mods) SOLD /1031745
The Tale of Foe Bite --->>> http://tinyurl.com/o6ox7an

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