[1.2.0] Rampage/Beyond - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / hc tested)
Hello Goran,
im at lvl 64 or st. now with this build (SC) and want to give another feedback. For now i use 2 flame totems most of the time. I did my first map at lvl58 with a friend of mine (lvl66) and it worked quiet well. But, if i go solo the Totams die quiet fast and im afraid that there are a lot of bosses you simply cant do with that build, because they just kill the totems instant. this is my first totemmancer so maybe im doing something wrong (skilled the totem resist stuff and using a quality resist gem thou...). Another point is that the build scales more or less pure with gemlevel/quality, this makes the build perfect for beginners but hard to scale into lategame. i usally dont have the time to grind docks till i got lvl20 gems. so for now i freezed the guy cause i dont see how i can do "endgamestuff". I didnt found a 5L so far to improove the totems by a 4th mod but i feel that i wouldnt have the mana for this. However this "con" is the biggest plus, cause i really didnt need any specific equip at all to play into merc. So i can really recomment this for a first build. |
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" the mana cost gets quite big with more links. late game you will definitely need to use either EB or blood magic (passive or gem) just to sustain totem summoning, especially if you are running auras like grace/determination+clarity. and quality on flame totem becomes more essential later on. really need the health on totem, try getting the ironwood cluster as well which gives more totem resilience |
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Yes it needs to be reworked a bit, im stuck at lvl 60 not sure where to spend more points as the guide doesn't go any further then where i am.
Dont have the points to go for EB and MOM, it's simply to far away, running this setup with AA would also require a lot of +mana regen gear effectively (i know because i have a lvl 80 Scion running ZiggyD's tanky version of it) I think i would be better off spending the points near the bottom of the Marauder tree or going into witch for more dmg. Will most likely be the marauder nodes as im playing on invasion. Jup jup!
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" my current skilltree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUABLMFWxDMFE0WbxmFGjgabB8CJKoo-ilPKhMrtiycLKctHzbFNulBh0SrRZ1G10kbSsRVrlXGWOVZ81orXcZeXWBtbRlyqXhpeqp7IIIegpuCx4M4h2WLjIxGj0aPppBVmuCcLZ2Ana6iAKPypwinhKeUrKqvt7UEtz64k8AawfPDE8auz2XQ0NH92CTa3dsL3fPhc-Nq5CLqGOvu7DjtIPAf9q73MviT-Ov56P6H maybe you can go for the manaregen notes at the scion tree. this would be 9 skillpoints for: 50 Int 18% Life 24% Mana 40% Manaregen
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUABLMFWxDMFE0WbxmFGjgabBzcHpQfAiSqKPopTyoTK7YsnCynLR82xTbpQYdEq0WdRtdJG0rEVa5VxljlWfNaK13GXl1gbW0Zcql4aXi6eqp7IH_Ggh6Cm4LHgziHZYuMjEaPRo-mkFWTJ5rgnC2dgJ2un3uiAKKjo_KnCKeEp5SsP6yqr7e1BLc-uJPAGsHzwxPGrs9l0NDR_dgk2t3bC9xX3fPhc-Nq5CLqGOvu7DjtIPAf9q73MviT-Ov56P6H later on you could head for written in blood and clear mind or: you go for the witch starting notes. this would give you 40 Int 12% Life 28% Mana 60% Manaregen
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUABLMFWwdjEMwUTRZvGYUaOBpsHwIi9CSqKPopTyoTK7YsnCynLR82xTbpQYdEq0WdRtdJG0rEVK5VrlXGVytY5VnzWitdxl5dYG1rF20ZcqlzU3hpeqp7IH3Sgh6Cm4LHgziHZYuMjEaPRo-mkFWa4JwtnYCdrqIAo_KnCKeEp5Ssqq-3tQS3PriTwBrAVMHzwxPGrs9l0NDR_dgk2t3bC93z4XPjauQi5oHqGOvu7DjtIPAf9q73MviT-Ov56P6H on the backside you cant connect to written in blood so well (costs you 2 more points, 10int each) and clearmind would be another +10int note. or a 3rd variation: 9 points again, this time go for reduce skillcosts, gives you: 50Str 30 Int 20% Reduce Costs (which helps with clarity too).
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUABLMFWw48EMwUTRRxFm8ZhRo4GmwfAiSqKPopTyoTK7YsnCynLR8wdTbFNug26TpSQYdEq0WdRmlG10kbSsRVrlXGWK9Y5VnzWitdxl5dYG1tGXKpeGl6qnsggh6Cm4LHgziHZYuMjEaPRo-mkFWazJrgnC2dgJ2uogCj8qcIp4SnlKyqr7e1BLc-uJPAGsHzwxPGrs9l0NDR_dgk2t3bC93z4XPh2uNq5CLqGOvu7DjtIPAf9q73MviT-Ov56P6H reduce cost might be a good way to go, cause the regen doesnt seem to be a huge problem. imo its the pure amount of total mana needed for the totems, so reduce cost would solve this issue maybe. on the backhand here, you cant connect to any surviability notes at all. Last edited by hunTShoo#6713 on Mar 13, 2014, 7:09:16 AM
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" " At 2 posts above. I fixed the mana issues, and the totems dying so fast. ;) Like I said I would... Well totems will still die fast on certain things, like thorns, and on certain invaders, till you get all resist nodes and totems gain lvl. Also as suggested it's recommended that you get a quality Flame totem. On mana issues, I'm currently running 4L (effective 3L cause 4th is IIR), I use Totem resistance gem on switch if there's a el. boss/invader I wanna take down. I'm also running constantly lvl 7 AA constantly without any issues. lvl 61 and no mana regen on gear. My base mana is 1287 (I took Eldritch battery and got some ES or hybrid ES gear. Base mana regen is 45. Mana regen with clarity 85. Mana regen with clarity + disc is 102. (So I could run lvl 8 AA without losing mana while running) My mana after reserve is 720 which is more than enough to cast a few totems. :) Like I said... so far as testing goes, biggest issue I've had are with mana and those have been solved. Here's my current passive tree at lvl 61. Heading totemic mastery, then shamanistic fury... then not sure yet. Probably that fire + fire res node in witch tree. Firewalker.
" [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested)
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 |
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" After getting all the life nodes this would be possible, just so you can run a higher lvl AA. Anyhow... Here's the problem with above spec, too many wasted points. Since cast speed is good for totems and warp. Get over lord of the dead (yes you waste a point, and get "mana" and life nodes, 1 8% max mana and those 20% and 40% mana regen nodes. ;) Like so: Now this is somethin I will actually most likely do. ;) Actually I'm intrigued as to how far I can get AA to go. heh I'm also thinking about getting pair of nubbucks, would help, since I don't have any mana regen on gear still. 60% mana regen on those is great. Though they should be expensive now cause iiq at start of leagues. We'll see. ;) I got more problem with dex than anything atm. XD No dex on gear, I mean no dex ammy I'd like to keep for a while. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 Last edited by GoranH#3360 on Mar 13, 2014, 1:07:19 PM
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I died lvl 61 against an invasion boss while i was farming merivel. I had 3k HP resistances around 40% and was using determination linked to reduce mana. The only problem i have with the build is that i dont have enough HP and can get 1 shot by some bosses, and against the leapslam mobs i have to run back to heal every time.
Anyways after playing this build in Invasion and getting to lvl 61 i think this is the correct gem set up: Flame Totem - LMP - Fire Penetration - Added Chaos Damage - Increase Area of Effect For the last gem you can add Item Rarity or Faster Casting. DPS is so high that i didnt need to use the added chaos damage, was running with a 4l with Flame Totem - Fire Pen - LMP - IIR and had no problems. Now the nex 4l you want is: Frost Wall - Faster Casting - Flamability or Elem Weakness - Inc Duration The idea is to cast frost wall infront of the totems to protect them and also to protect you. I found a guide from a guy using Incinerate Totem with Frost Wall and there is a video showing how the combo works: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gC7XHEixP9c Im going to try this build again focusing more on HP and using frost wall to keep me and my totems safe. This is the tree that im going for: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgUAAnEEswVbC2EQzBRNFm8ZhRo4GmwkqicvKPopTyoTKo0spzWSNsU22DbpPfxBh0bXVcZYY1nzWitdxl5dXz9gbXgNeWh7IILHgziI8YuMjEaMz49GkFWXhZ2Ana6iAKPypKynCKeEp5SpbrUEtfK3PriTvJ_AGsEExq7G2M9l0NDR_dgk2t3d8-Fz42rjn-Qi6-7sOOxV7SDvDvAf8i_z3fZI-JP56P4K_oc= |
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" I'm sorry to hear that. Also resistances around 40% is awful, I recommend or at least will that you don't do merc until you're capped... and overcapped by few points to use el. adaptation. so 77% all. Also why determination? Armor isn't that useful against heavy hits. Why not grace if you were going that route? Also for totems reduced mana + Clarity + discipline is a great way to have insane regen, mana pool for casting totems and run AA which is imo better than using determination. ----------- EDIT: What was the invader if you don't mind me asking? ----------- Regardsless of the build some invaders can catch you off guard. But with smart totem placement, with this build you're likely to reduce that by a lot. So yes, build relies on you being careful, and having crapton of life to support initial burst of dmg till you notice and recognize the threat. And totems are always in front of you to shield your from dmg, and serve as test to see how dangerous is the mob ahead. Leapslammers are a problem as are rhoas. For me only problem with them is desync, I avoid them very easily, plus insta-heal flasks always help. Pack of blue rhoas, blue devourers etc popping from ground. This is dangerous thing in general, unless you got yourself a max block/high armor aegis aurora guy. heh I'll test AOE gem when I get my hands on it, somebody suggested it earlier in the thread, might have been you. On added chaos... on my nem guy this was my 5th link. When I get them gem will do the calc to see if it or faster cast is better. GMP will be better than LMP if you can handle mana cost, which I believe this build will be able to with mana regen/clarity/disc/EB. --------------- On side of frost wall, I'll see how that works for me, sound ok enough, though totems dying isn't still a problem for me, 'cause I have enough mana regen. Frost wall may be useful for keeping invaders at bay. Also on that tree, yes there's a lot of life... but you can get life from whole scion wheel, from witch/shadow area and with that tree you don't get El. dmg nodes, totem nodes, and most importantly Ancest bond until lately into game. But good luck. ;) I'm heading yet against Vaal (last time he ripped me). 3.2k hp, 77% (and bit overcapped res), AA lvl 7, so far so good, had one near rip moment. Mask of Rain, insane invader that showers you with chaos dmg rain when low on HP. Insanely scary, hopefully if I find him next time... AA will shield me by a bit, and I raised my chaos res by a bit too since last time. Think I might add amy flask to my flask list, or at least keep one in stash. Regards, and have fun! [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 Last edited by GoranH#3360 on Mar 13, 2014, 12:41:15 PM
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" Please check out info bellow. --------------------------------------------- Update: Again lvl 63 as my previous char, and here are some stats. I did buy the helmet and the sceptre (1 chaos each if I recall) but links and colours I've spent all my fuses/jews and most of my chroms. heh Still even without those I'd be good on res side, I got that sweet shield as a drop. Gear:
Stats (in merciless): (with disc/clarity running)
![]() Flame Totem stats: (Flame + Fire Pen + LMP (lvl 3))
![]() Current passive tree: So yet to get Shamanistic Fury, spell dmg, el. dmg, totem dmg, didn't link faster cast/added chaos. etc. Even without those, dmg feels very good. [1.1.0] Invasion/Ambush - Exiled Fiery Dragons (self-found / newbie friendly / invasion tested) http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/816814 Last edited by GoranH#3360 on Mar 13, 2014, 1:03:22 PM
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" The flying bug that does lightning damage, ive killed him many times but this time i got overconfident and he killed me with the lightning balls. And you are right im going change my auras. --------------- " In your case you dont care about totems getting killed cause you can summon them again given your big mana pool / regen. But in my case im focusing more on life and i cant recast totems every time thats why frost wall is better for me. " Actually the route you planned for the first 50 ponts remains almost the same, im planning on taking ancestral bond early in cruel (i will buy flame totem to level it up during normal) And about the El. Dmg nodes and Totem nodes i didnt take some of them and DPS was still more than enough to kill every invasion boss (challenge completed!) So i dont think thats going to be a major issue. BTW i got that tree idea from your build and Chris build, the GGG developer. He plays incinerate totem and also gets ton of HP. Here is the link if you want to take a look: http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/781048 Last edited by JerryVoy#1845 on Mar 13, 2014, 1:09:41 PM
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