
Last edited by nightblade157#6640 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:15:35 PM
A Cloak of Defiance would be an easy way to get MoM without investing the points, and it usually doesn't cost much. For an EB/AA build, it's fantastic. (I ran it last league with my summoner.)
With 130% added life and 1% life regen. even if u managed to run level 20 aa + mom + cloak of defiance. You'r not gonna have enough life and regen to be honest as we do not have life steal. You will probably have to end up eating pots all the time.

Added in to the fact that you have 24% + evasion/armor your build might not make it to piety without dying multiple times.
Last edited by Assmucus#4542 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:29:33 PM
Assmucus wrote:
With 130% added life and 1% life regen. even if u managed to run level 20 aa + mom + cloak of defiance. You'r not gonna have enough life and regen to be honest as we do not have life steal. You will probably have to end up eating pots all the time.

Added in to the fact that you have 24% + evasion/armor your build might not make it to piety without dying multiple times.

Yea as I said gotta test endgame survivability. I am just curious because I have a similar fire trapper build, with aoe/dot nodes instead of totem nodes, and is one of the best builds I ever played, making high maps a joke.

But I really like what Mivo suggested about cloak of defiance, might save me the trouble of going to the duelist area and instead focus on getting a ton of life & mana nodes, and more regen nodes. But this early in league I can't hope to have a 5 link cloak of defiance so gotta waste all those points in going there.

Edit : Also I don't play hardcore. The bm version is a definite no-brainer for hc, since for EB/MoM setup we don't get IR/MoM till around lvl 60.
Last edited by nightblade157#6640 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:35:40 PM
actually..due to the low armor of this build ( gear dependent for armor ) , i would think this build needs certain adjustments before it is suitable for hardcore.
if you are interested to take a look this build was send to me by a friend who theorycrafted a eb/mom/aa build. There are some mana regen/low es issues though.

Assmucus wrote:
if you are interested to take a look this build was send to me by a friend who theorycrafted a eb/mom/aa build. There are some mana regen/low es issues though.


That build is sacrificing a ton of dps by taking that other route to EB, and also won't have enough mana to sustain MoM. To reach EB, going through the immolation cluster and witch area is a too good dps boost to sacrifice. With MoM+arctic armor and the totems taking enemy fire, I don't think I would be needing that much life regen anyway. Maybe for hc. Also arctic armor reduces so much flat dmg that we only take considerable dmg from big damage sources, such as blackguard/rhoa charges and leap slammers.

Came up with this tankier version by sacrificing 66% dmg.


Has 184% life and 2.5% life regen. Might be able to run vitality too if I take the sovereignity cluster instead of some other nodes. I might actually run this one instead of the earlier build I posted for the extra life/regen.

Build will change considerably with a cloak of defiance though, I must agree.
Last edited by nightblade157#6640 on Mar 13, 2014, 3:58:06 PM
Would be great if someone posted a video please and thankyou
You don't really need those fire nodes as flame totem kills fast enough without them. A 16% fire dmg amulet only increases my damage from 1800-1860 atm so I would rather take life nodes for survivability.
Maybe you could try levelling up your char and we can do a comparison in game.
Assmucus wrote:
You don't really need those fire nodes as flame totem kills fast enough without them. A 16% fire dmg amulet only increases my damage from 1800-1860 atm so I would rather take life nodes for survivability.
Maybe you could try levelling up your char and we can do a comparison in game.

True. Currently killed cruel dominus at lvl 52 with no deaths without IR or MoM, so now I can start merciless and start to check the actual potential of the build. And yeah flame totem already does a crap load of damage, thats true. In fact, just for lolz i put a lvl 1 flame totem on a standard crit-based char in 6 link, with around 24% crit chance on flame totem, and it was able to clear merciless lunaris 3 lol.. had around 600% crit mult though.
Last edited by nightblade157#6640 on Mar 13, 2014, 4:09:13 PM

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