So just use the extra point on any 10 int node. It still saves you a point which gives you a choice versus not having that point available because you took a different path.
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Are there any specific gems we don't want to max out?
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" you'r right, sorry it was late when i saw the tree so didnt see carefully. updated tree. |
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" not really. except for cwdt gem |
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Hello, I've used the guide to create a Magic Find totemer in Invasion League and it has been extremely cheap and effective. Just wanted to bounce some comments/critiques on you for how I see the build.
------------ There is only a slight modification I've made to the talent build which axed the branch under duelist that included the Armor node string to the life/regen nodes. I don't have near enough pure armor to try and pretend that +Armor% is worthy of talent points and 'Master of the Arena' is pretty much useless to this build so yeah, I chose a different direction. Here is my current build followed by my projected path to early 90's. Current Build (lvl 79):
Projected Build (lvl 93):
Additional notes on the build: I love the +%resistance nodes in this build. Makes gear required that much cheaper and easier to stack IIR. I will regear once I hit the Sentinel node and try to go for crazy IIR. Currently I'm at 200 with culling/iir gem on an additional arc. ------------ As for the links, I love the use of the traps. In some maps I'm pretty sure I could clear mobs without the use of totems. Instead of Shock Nova I use the newly improved Arc and it's OP in Trap/Multitrap (easy shock stacks with 0% lvl 17 gem in lvl 70 map). Ele equilibrium maps are super fun with the use of traps. I only use Elemental Weakness to curse and I do not use Fire Pen in my main link set (5L), instead I make use of the 400+ strength this build has and use Iron Will. You get ~80% spell damage from Iron Will which I believe to be much more efficient than fire pen which only effects about 70% of the flame totem with Added Chaos in the links. I've run lvl 70 maps with the +75% Fire Resist mod and barely felt a difference, so I feel confident Iron Will is the way to go. Again the traps do insane damage and you really do benefit greatly from spamming them. Gear/Links:
Off Pieces:
Additional notes on gear: Other than the chest piece which I did some pray-n-chaos (used 5c but before that I had a low level 5L chest) I spent 1-3c each on every other piece of gear (I self found belt and ammy). Again, it's super easy to gear for this build. I will likely add Cast Speed gem instead of Faster Projectiles when I throw down some currency on decent wands with %spell-damage + %cast-speed + %faster-projectiles. ------------ Anyways, I'm only level 79 with lvl 17 gems and close to 2k dps totem streams, I can solo clear level 70 maps easily at this point. Just thought I'd throw in some feedback on the build. Let me know if anyone has questions/comments. Last edited by Daowna#4253 on Apr 22, 2014, 5:34:06 AM
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My Flame Totem young lady (lvl 84) has been without a doubt the most fun character I have played thus far.
Level 76 maps and below have been very easy, have yet to find any higher level maps. I can get her to 237 IR if I want but after so many map runs as well as many Dominus/Piety runs I keep her around 107 IR and just clear whatever I do very fast. I have spent maybe 20 chaos total on her, most of it on wands (8c & 6c) and 3c on my gloves. Vendor find on the 5 link and did not use even one scouring orb. My dps on flame totem is 2k. My Gear: My current build: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAAdwCcQSzBS0GoAthEMwUIBRNFHEYkRmFGjgabBv6IWAkqiXfJy8n7SlPKhMspzbpPC1AoEGHRmlG10d-SsRM_1BHVbVYr1jlWfNaK13GXz9gS2EhZIRlTWaeaHRyqXTtdPF4DXloeu97IIKbhNmE74cpi4yQVZSgnrmezaIAo_KkGaSspzCnhKvFrKqvbLUEtz68n76KwBrBBMQVxPbFisau2E3aYt-_4XPi6uNq45_kIuoY7SDvDvAf8i_z3fau9zL4k_jr-b356PrS_oc= I see many areas where I can improve her, increase the quality on her gems, pick up at least 1 better wand and for sure some better armor, but for the last week or so, I have set her aside to work on a couple other builds, I think I may have come up with one that so far, looks like it could challenge my Flame Totem Queen in playable enjoyment. Again, this is a very cheap and powerful build. I personally enjoy my 4 link frost wall (see gems in my gloves above) as my get out of jail free skill. I can wall off just about anything forever, yes I do mean forever and only once in a blue moon can anything get past it. (Cyclone Rogue & Jumpers do get by now and again). My frost wall lasts 4.2 seconds is 28 units long and I can cast my wall then my 2 totems continuously and never see my health drop. Just to see if I could do it, I completely enclosed Piety in frost walls while dropping totems in and around the walls until she died, took about 45 seconds. NOTE: I would like to remove the culling strike gem and replace it with something that helps my frost wall, if anyone has a suggestion I welcome the input. Added cold damage gem did nothing. OP -- Many thanks for build. Ishkabibble For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know. USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969 Last edited by Ishkabibble#7519 on Apr 22, 2014, 11:29:19 AM
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glad that you guys enjoy it, at least 5-6 flame totems thread has popped up lately.
daowna - im not a hardcore/inv player so i never really thought about how to gear/skill tree for it, you'r free to change whatever you think is more suitable , i think there's a flame totem build for invasion somewhere =3 . once u get spelldmg/cast/fasterprojectiles wand , u will be replacing the faster projectile gem for extra dps. most likely with faster casting, what i might suggest is replacing added chaos with fire pen, so all your damage will be fire and they synergize better ( ele weakness dont affect chaos too ) your dps tooltip will take a hit but i think we can agree on dps tooltip not being the best reflection of your dps. |
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I think you should reconsider "the three dragons".
I'm running dual flame totems with "The Three dragons" and static blows, and without speccing towards crit i pretty much shock everything due to the fast cast of flames. Seems to me that, with very little effort, you could potentially get 30-90% more damage with that unique. Elemental prolif should guarantee full shock stacks. Hejren / Triceps / Regnbuen / Sarinti / Striglen / Mareridt / Spoegelset / Doktoren / Dobbelganger / Skjoldtrold / Forkynderen
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page 16.
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I just purchased a Level 10/41 - 14% Quality - Iron Will gem for 2c, I then took off my level 18/64 Fire Penetration to see the results.
With level 18 Fire Penetration - Flame Totem = 2,054.8 dps With level 10 - 14% Quality Iron Will - Flame Totem = 2,322.3 dps In a word: SWEET Ishkabibble For those who have fought for it, freedom has a flavor the protected will never know.
USMC - Vietnam 1967 - 1968 - 1969 |
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