1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal
" Yes actually. I haven't seen it compared yet, but this is essentially what Diablo did. You had to go around and collect a few items to open up some portals for a CHANCE at a really good item. TO get that item, there is an actual challenge, which is why I play games, to be challenged. I suppose some people enjoy the act of mindless farming. From what I remember, it went over really well. I personally enjoyed it and hope for more stuff like it. When you log on you have the choice of going to hunt for some vaal areas and collect gems/"keys". Both are beneficial to end-game but give a much welcome break from mindless farming. Why exactly are people complaining? |
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well, apparently witch tree will stay trash for another 4months. epic failure from ggg
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" Lets hope that was the part of the WIP patch notes that will be announced tomorrow. Otherwise still happy with the spell dmg buffs :) |
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I'm a CI facebreaker and I don't think the Vaal Pact nerf is THAT significant considering we get blood rage for free. It might just mean that you'll need to use the life leech gem rather than just rely on passive leech. The damage is still perfectly viable.
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" LMAO. Your obvious solution is exactly what GGG did: reduced crit damage on several uniques, reduced or removed crit damage nodes throughout the passive tree, changed how leech is applied, and modified the passive node responsible for enabling leech-through-reflect = tone down crit mechanics and redesign how leech is applied does it not? So WTH are you complaining about? Last edited by Galtrovan#5344 on Mar 4, 2014, 3:51:35 PM
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" And self casting still looks like shit. I'm afraid I won't be able to play a decent CI Freeze-Pulser any time soon. Too bad ;it's the skill + Keystone combo that got me into the game, and it is not even playable (please don't tell me about legacy Kaom's + 6L Taryn's Shiver). I never got to play it actually, since it requires a crapton of gear to work and by the time I could afford it, changes made it bad. Now I'm really looking forward to seeing how the "new" game plays though. 20 days to convince me before RoS comes out. 51 days before Dark Souls II. Don't fail me (again) GGG. " Cast a single spell on a double reflect and minus max res. I dare you. Building around that was possible at the cost of some damage output (I had a build on the back-burner able to survive the worst-case scenario). Now melee doesn't give a shit, obviously. Because the damage per hit tends to be so low it gets mitigated by Armour, Endurance charges and Arctic Armour. Inb4 incinerate gets nerfed too. To learn is to live... Last edited by Stakhanov#1261 on Mar 4, 2014, 3:56:49 PM
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Gz GGG for the good work!!!
BUT Eventhough I think most uniques/skills nerfs are due, I think you seem to not devote the same energy to get the weak/underused ones buffed. There are so many Gems that need attention and that would bring so much variety to builds. Pls give these Gems some love! I do think if passive tree buffs to spell dmg and mainly ELE dmg are good enough, a lot of these Gems will get the love they need. |
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" What passive leech? What? The leech you get back from bloodrage will be reduced by a 60% if you have VP. how is that not that significant? @HabiaUnaVez_Truz or leave a PM if im offline
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So excited about the new leagues, this 24 hour wait is going to be ugly.
To people calling on nerfs and buffs or whatever: For me, these patch notes don't affect any of the builds I had or have in mind in any negative way. This is becouse I tend to search and theorycraft WEIRD as FUCK builds that may totally fail or not. So far, the build I've tried and I've enjoyed most was a bow user using mines and traps (specially for puncture). What I try to say by this is: try to enjoy the game by what it is, a huge playground were you can play with the numbers, skills, supports, gear, enemies and experiment crazy stuff that might actually work. This way is were I've got the most fun out of this game. Also, big THANKS to all the team of GGG for making such a hardcore and thrilling game. There's nothing as good to me to be able to overcome a big challenge, and this is something many games lack in the present and which saddens me. Best regards to everyone and have a lot of fun in the upcoming re-release! IGN: PipeBender
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Literally, noone else is. I would not even log into some previous chars if i didn't get a recspec every few months.
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