1.1.0 Patch Notes - Sacrifice of the Vaal

This update offers me little, if anything, nerfs my favorite build (Incinerate Life Max Block build)

I'm off to check out eso until things appeal to me again.
i hope that vaal pact will not be at useless position in tree. other stuff just awesome! :)
And now I have a bunch of legacy items ah yis.
Pizzarugi wrote:
Because I don't spend too much time on the forum, is it possible for you to elaborate on how this is good for whiners? From a surface viewpoint, I only see this change as making rare things rarer.

It's genuine curiosity, really. Being a poor player whose never seen an exalt drop since closed beta, I actually see this change as hurting me. Unless there's a bigger change that I'm not grasping, like removing 'increased quantity' mods/gems will balance out standard league's economy because there will be less orbs coming into the game.

I hink the IIQ/IIR changes we are seeing on PoE's recent past is less about economy and more about making drops more meaningful. Before we had a smorgasbord of useless drops, so GGG is trying to reach the sweet spot of lootage satisfaction. And they definetely should, cause D3 with loot 2.0 is revealing itself a good and fun surprise.
Sheriff_K wrote:
All the Legacy and Permanent League QQ'ing...
Or the "make a different Parent League" QQ, do they not realize that that League would have Legacies as well, once the 4-monthers end, because of the 4-month only Uniques?!

You can't make a new Parent League every time a 4-monther ends, that defeats the ENTIRE purpose of the 4-month Leagues. Which are created SPECIFICALLY for the people who care about Legacy items not existing, and the economy being less corrupted...


Finally, somebody who understands. +1
Paximus wrote:
This update offers me little, if anything, nerfs my favorite build (Incinerate Life Max Block build)

I'm off to check out eso until things appeal to me again.

Use a cybils paw and LGOH.
Mr_Bill wrote:
Patch note check list for 1.1.0

Patch notes late - check
Buffs - check
Nerfs - check
People not realizing that some nerfs are negated by some buffs - check
Some nerd rage themselves into probabation - check
Mandatory hand wringing about legacy items - check
Mandatory, OMG this game is Hard Core - check
Mandatory asking for skill tree ahead of patch - check
Explaining that skill tree is based on live server - Not completed yet

By far my favorite reply in this thread.
Paximus wrote:
This update offers me little, if anything, nerfs my favorite build (Incinerate Life Max Block build)

I'm off to check out eso until things appeal to me again.

Hint for anyone else who wants to make posts like this: no one cares.

The players on this forum certainly don't care. They have their own characters and builds to worry about. You coming on here and saying that you're leaving is going to convince exactly zero other people to leave. Many of them will instead deride you for being so poor a player that you can't even be bothered to play if your one pet build, which probably represents the sum total of what you're capable of playing, is nerfed a tiny bit.

GGG doesn't care, or at least doesn't care any more than is proportional for them to care about one person from among their thousands leaving. There's turnover. That's the way all games are, they'll get over it. In the meantime, your supporter badges indicate that they've already gotten three times as much money from you as they would have by selling the game for $50 on the shelf, perhaps much more. You'll be back because you've invested a lot.

In short, have fun at ESO. We all know you'll be playing PoE tomorrow evening anyway.
I love this arguement, "the game is ruined because new players cant have the best items drop in a legacy league, making the game not worth playing."

It's such a disappointment to see all the selfish kids that would rather other peoples items/builds get nerfed simply because they didnt find/buy one.

Non 4 month leagues aren't even viable unless your too casual to play in a challenge league, or too casual to make a new hero. If this is the case why would you want GGG to suddenly "balance" all the legacy leagues so everybody needs to regear and respec? This could mean your items nerfed and suddenly alot of peoples builds dont work, but hey at least somebody doesnt have something you dont have right?

So selfish, so bad. Please respect GGG's choice on legacy because its obviously the best for everyone and go play a 4 month if an even playing field is that important when youre new. New players that didnt or wont be able to find legacy items can still farm up currency and buy them but, of course, theyre too casual to ever do that so QQ on children.
Buy the ticket, take the ride.
Last edited by p0t#2885 on Mar 4, 2014, 12:12:49 PM
Everyone sees that vaal pact change right? So dont build melee, bow, or self cast if youd like to enjoy end game content. Your only options are animator, summoner, totems, or traps

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