[0.10.4b] Bow Marauder (The Shocker (tm)) [**TO BE UPDATED SOON 1.0.0**]

doubleDs wrote:
Xendran wrote:
doubleDs wrote:
I am currently have mana problems.. i cant seem to have enough mana to activate all 6 auras. Im level 79 and i have all the talents as suggested without blood magic passive. I have all auras linked with reduce mana.. Most i could do is 5 auras with like 0 mana. My max mana is 600.. it seems as if i need gear with mana but you didnt specify you needed mana.

Run a flat aura on blood.

err.. i tried that right now and its not looking good.. blood magic gem multiplier is HUGE and A LOT.. of life is reserved.. from 3.6k down to 2.5k. too much???

...no flat aura other than clarity could cost that much

...no flat aura other than clarity could cost that much[/quote]

well it does. im looking at it right now. Anger + wrath + Grace + blood magic = 286 + 286 + 390 = 962 life. oh geez almost 1k life reserved. thats pretty ridiculous. also i assume blood magic is required for Lightning arrow/elemental hit so the gem setup as suggested can never work (LA + LoH + Fasteratk + chain + LMP + Wep ele dmg). Either im doing something wrong.. or this build needs alot of tweaking.. seems like the dps trade off for more tanky build isnt worth it.
doubleDs wrote:

well it does. im looking at it right now. Anger + wrath + Grace + blood magic = 286 + 286 + 390 = 962 life. oh geez almost 1k life reserved. thats pretty ridiculous. also i assume blood magic is required for Lightning arrow/elemental hit so the gem setup as suggested can never work (LA + LoH + Fasteratk + chain + LMP + Wep ele dmg). Either im doing something wrong.. or this build needs alot of tweaking.. seems like the dps trade off for more tanky build isnt worth it.

I said A flat aura, not all of your damn flat auras.

Last edited by Xendran#1127 on Feb 22, 2013, 4:18:14 PM
The questions is to BM or not to BM 6x Auras or 3? big big question here.

and if its BM then what endgame stat points are viable and useful?
according to latest build changes what should i remove in 5L(LA) to put BM gem ?
and in 4L (Elemental hit)?
ign: ithrowitcomesback
Well, i used your previous build as base for my bow marauder and it worked really well out. I changed few things but as said before, the base is still the same. Right now my build looks like this:


Did not picked up the last Frenzy Point and the 3x 3% attack speed circle yet.

Iam using:

LA + Life on Hit + wep ele dmg + chain + lmp +(faster attacks) ; 5L currently

Frenzy + Faster attacks + wep ele dmg + added fire + (added lightning) + (life leech) ; 4L currently

Grace + Anger + Wrath + Reduced Mana (400 life reserved)

Spelltotem + faster casting + summon sceletons

Ele hit + item rarity + item qantity + conductivity (for lasthitting bosses)

Elemental Weakness and temporal chains

I have enough survivability, iam currently on 4200 hp and 30% dmg reduction (must be around 4000 armor?), resistens are maxed out and still do enough dmg. la is on 1400 dps and frenzy charged up at 7200 dps. i dont have to care about mana, can facetank brain afk mobs on maps (66-69) and bosses are no problem at all. cast spell totem and tc and just auto attack. higher maps are also no problem (70-75). just dont play too much brain afk :p

My gear isnt that good, i think with perfect gear i would have 5000+ hp, 10k+ on frenzy and 2k+ on la


liked that old build way more then the current one
ign: LadyRemuu
Twitch: www.twitch.tv/shana_14
Youtube: www.youtube.com/user/DragonSlayerShana
Lightning Crit Cycloner Guide: view-thread/1814828
Xendran wrote:
doubleDs wrote:

well it does. im looking at it right now. Anger + wrath + Grace + blood magic = 286 + 286 + 390 = 962 life. oh geez almost 1k life reserved. thats pretty ridiculous. also i assume blood magic is required for Lightning arrow/elemental hit so the gem setup as suggested can never work (LA + LoH + Fasteratk + chain + LMP + Wep ele dmg). Either im doing something wrong.. or this build needs alot of tweaking.. seems like the dps trade off for more tanky build isnt worth it.

I said A flat aura, not all of your damn flat auras.


Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
doubleDs wrote:
I am currently have mana problems.. i cant seem to have enough mana to activate all 6 auras. Im level 79 and i have all the talents as suggested without blood magic passive. I have all auras linked with reduce mana.. Most i could do is 5 auras with like 0 mana. My max mana is 600.. it seems as if i need gear with mana but you didnt specify you needed mana.

To answer the question though; what level is your reduced mana support gem? That is the problem here, I'm sure.
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
e6dyh wrote:
according to latest build changes what should i remove in 5L(LA) to put BM gem ?
and in 4L (Elemental hit)?

Don't switch to the endgame build unless you are at least lvl75 and have confidence that your character can handle endgame well.

And 5L LA = LA+WED+LMP+BM+LoH, 4L EH = EH+WED+FA+BM (don't go hitting an ele reflect boss with that 4L...)
Life is tough... but it is tougher if you're stupid.
Showing off my gear at lvl 65:

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