Why I feel no incentive to play in races.
I think the concept of races in general is pretty great and adds a bit of variation to what is basically a very repetitive genre. However I feel that the idea is not being implemented to its full potential.
In my opinion (and I think a lot of people agree with this) the strongest part of PoE is the freedom and creativity that it allows its players with its complexity, which is why the game is designed around rerolling and trying a lot of fun and creative builds. The problem here is that in the early game, when your build is still undeveloped, the gameplay is very slow (even tho the combat is not as clunky as it once was in the early stages of development) and not nearly as fun and smooth as it will be once your build starts to kick in. So why is it that every race starts at lvl1? Why do we keep repeating (with little variation) what is, in my opinion and a lot of people I have spoken with about the subject, the least fun part of the game? This completely kills my incentive to take part in the races, even tho I really enjoy the competitve idea behind the whole thing and the reward system, I just find them too boring to play and end up skipping them altogether. This also seems to be the case with a lot of people in my friends list. Why can't we take advantage of the best this game has to offer? Maybe we could have races that started us on different points of the game other than act1, we could start with some basic gear/gems and on a higher level character and have to decide on the spot how to allocate the points (Which would be pretty cool if we had no info on what to expect before the start of the race). This would certainly reward game knowledge along with gameplay skill and provide new players with the opportunity to try higher level characters. (These would have to be deleted after the race is over obviously). And since we usually have new skills added to the game in a regular basis maybe we could have races where we would start with the new skill right after the patch hits and we would have to figure out on the spot how to best play around with it. (This is not to say that we shouldn't keep the type of races that we currently do now, I'm sure a lot of people still enjoy them, I'm just saying we should have more variation). TLDR: Read the last paragraph. |
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And i feel. To be honest, i hate rest of PoE. Only races is playable. Not perfect, but playable.
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This is something they could try out post-season to see if it's balanced and stuff. If it's balanced and has no other problems include it in the following season, if not improve it and try again.
There is so much GGG could try with post-season events, sadly (and I feel like I'm repeating myself again here) they don't use the full potential of their game. #1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
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the only incentive is the race rewards, which are guaranteed unlike rng loot in the main game.
and of course more race variety with unique mods would make the racing experience less dull. and their race schedules could be better, to take into account different timezones ESPECIALLY DURING ONE WEEK RACE |
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If you're only playing for the rewards, then you're probably better of playing the regular game for currency and buying them. If you have an efficient character, you can get rich pretty easily by farming piety with some mf gear.
With that being said, clap yo hands errybody [quote="Hilbert"]
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels. [/quote] http://www.twitch.tv/zoroxo123 |
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Dunno, death's rush was sooo easy to get, I think it takes way longer even with efficiency to grind out 8-10 ex than it does to get 80 points, since even for mediocre racer you can pull down 10-16 points from a set of bursts. I ripped my 3% one from onslaught to standard the day they posted it as a race reward and sold it for 10 ex, since HC was a ghost town at the time.
That's a little lame they used the same alt art demi for seasons 5 and 6. Is the alt art for the other seasons the same as well? I think the reason race rewards are getting so popular now is being able to have that gear waiting for you 2 weeks into a new league. If you can't put 8-10 hours a day into the game at the start of the league, that's a huge boost, since first couple weeks are by far the easiest time to make currency. Anarchy/Onslaught T shirt
Domination/Nemesis T shirt Tempest/War Bands T shirt |
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" as long as you are a decent racer its always better to race for rewards on multiple accounts when the races are on for you than farm rng veil of the night loot. |
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alt art items go for way more than ppl think. atleast on sc
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Raise your demis.
While I would like to see more fun formats, signature races are fine as they are. The time when you are most weak is where you identify the cream of the crop. Anyone can do well with gear. Not everyone knows how to handle the early game where it counts. Last edited by Lyralei#5969 on Feb 25, 2014, 11:08:07 AM
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Not anyone. I remember I had crazy gear sometimes in season 5, like shiverstings etc, and got only lvl 26 in signature
alt art shop view-thread/1195695
t.me/jstqw for contact |