[1.1.0] TankyTotems - Dual Searing Bond Templar

Anyone know what node scales best with SB damage; +fire dmg, +burning dmg, +totem dmg or +dmg over time?
on your gear:
increased fire damage/increased elemental damage have a dps boost effect, and they are equal.

"adds fire" damage has no effect. like any other "adds xxxxxx damage"

passive notes:
+ totem damage has the same effect like increased fire damage.
actually all have the same effect.
not sure about increased burning damage, if it has more or less effect. but its a must have anyways on the passive tree.

How exactly are you applying EE? You have to hit with elemental damage. Ancestral bond stops you doing any damage. Traps don't apply EE.
Asday wrote:
How exactly are you applying EE? You have to hit with elemental damage. Ancestral bond stops you doing any damage. Traps don't apply EE.

I'm using Lightning Trap for EE and when it goes off the text "Vulnerable to Fire" appears under the minion's life bar so I'm confident that traps can proc EE.
Last edited by Biratancho#7476 on Apr 28, 2014, 9:08:57 AM
Lit trap does work for EE. Ive been using it as well and the vul to fire pops up.
I'd like to know how OP got so much mana regen. I'm level 69, and i have 49 mana regen.

My gear:

Edit: Clarity gem. Derp.
Last edited by ChillQuill#7387 on May 10, 2014, 10:42:22 PM
Edit: nevermind
Last edited by Xelios#1088 on May 11, 2014, 9:31:01 AM

Why don't you got for powerful templar HP nodes?
Why don't you go for shamanistic fury?
ChillQuill wrote:
I'd like to know how OP got so much mana regen. I'm level 69, and i have 49 mana regen.

My gear:

Edit: Clarity gem. Derp.

its not only the clarity it is a combination from eldritch battery+clarity. the higher your manapool is the higher is your mana regen. include then 140+ mana regen from keystones and your fne running a lv20 AA easily.

by using the keystone EB all your es is transfered to mana -> adds mana reg!!
when i see your gear i dont see much of es on it so you should look for hybrid gear or one piece with high es on it (maybe shield). one tipp from me...if you can run discipline 2 you get a ton of mana+.

i made a similar char (using a scepter) but i can run more auras since i took more of the reduced mana keystones. i have less life (not much less ofc) but i think 4.5k mana or something. but my effective hp is around the same...mom+hp combo.
First of all - thanks for a great guide. Way too many of these guide-writers should learn how to do that, honestly. This is a brilliant example of work fine done.
Just one question. Why there's never mentioned Fire Penetration skill gem? Looks like it could help with fire res mobs, doesn't it? Flammability -49%, FP -35% - and there's no fireproof monsters. As a side plus - you don't need to cast that.

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