Guild UI Images of HO Button / History / Log-Off Time / Member Sorting / Online-Offline Ratio, ETC.
Note: Earlier comments may be irrelevant to the current OP updates.
Furthermore, I posted this on Reddit today (something I should have done 2 years ago when I created this thread). Perhaps now I can receive more feedback on this. Let me know what you think of these suggested Guild improvements.
Updated 12/19/2014 - Open to see Guild Notes of the New Features as suggested
1. Added a 'Guild Hideout' button (the Leader's Hideout) so Guild Members can meet up with each other in one place. NEW
2. Added a 'Give Points?' button and the amount of Microtransaction Points a Guild has in the upper left-hand corner of the Guild Window. This makes it easier for Guild Leaders to keep track of their Guild Balance and for raising awareness to new players that the 'Give Points?' button exists. 3. Added a Guild Announcements tab where the Leader and Officers can write daily announcements for all Guild Members to see. 4. Everything in the Guild History is recorded via who left the Guild, who joined the Guild, who got kicked from the Guild, and who extracted items from and added items to the Guild Stash. Note: Only 50 Guild History messages will be displayed at once at any time. Anything that exceeds that limit will be removed since any number higher than 50 (or infinite) would create unnecessary excess and clutter. 5. The ability to sort Officers and Members by Level, Alphabetical Order, and Difficulty. 6. When Guild Members go Offline, the time they've been Offline is recorded. This can be seen by hovering over the little Clock Icon with your cursor. 7. When Guild Members are Offline or Online, it tells you how many Officers and Members are Online out of the number of Officers and Members that joined your Guild. This beats scrolling down out of say, 30-50 Guild Members (especially if you bought more Guild Member Slots,) to see how many members there are that are Online and Offline. 8. The text is slightly brighter for 'Leader,' 'Officers,' 'Members,' 'Invitations Sent,' and 'Invitations Received.' 9. The old 'Guild Status' with the bulky 'Update' button has been cut out and replaced with the Announcements tab. 10. When Guild Members enter an area no matter where they are in the game, it now shows what Difficulty and Act each Guild Member is in. This makes it much easier to meet up with Guild Members or to see where they're at.
Updated 12/19/2014 - Open to see the new Guild Window in FULL USE
Note 1: The Guild Hideout Button has now been added in the Guild Window. Personally, I believe all Guilds should have the main Hideout be the Guild Leader's Hideout where all Guild Members can meet with each other only if Guild Members are in Town. Furthermore, when players hover over the Guild Hideout button, the below text will come up, and then immediately disappear when a player's cursor moves away from the Hideout button: ![]() Note 2: The number of donated points to a Guild is now displayed in the top right-hand side of the Guild Window. Note 3: The text for how long a Guild Member has been Offline disappears when your cursor moves away from the Clock Icon. When you hover over it again, you'll see the Offline Time. Note 4: The background behind the text of the Offline Time would need to be black so the time doesn't jumble up with someone's message line when hovering the cursor over the Clock Icon. ![]()
Open to see Guild Announcements & History Tab:
![]() Please support. Thank you. HeavyMetalGear When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Apr 13, 2016, 2:55:56 AM Last bumped on Apr 13, 2016, 12:12:31 PM
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Dont replace the personal message!! Also, what good does knowing when someone logged off do? What if someone is on vacation or has IRL things to do, those things go first. You kick them because you think enough time passed from playing the last time? Who kicks the leader who isnt online for a week or so?
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" A lot of successful Guild systems in other games have recorded times in them, and they also record a lot more than what my OP displays. To directly answer your question(s), it's not just the Guild Leader and Officers that want to know how long players have been Offline, but regular Guild Members want to know too (out of curiosity.) It's not always for the sake of whether or not someone gets kicked because they were inactive for a long period of time. In addition to that, if the Leader or Officers play PoE frequent enough, anyway, they're going to know what Guild Members are inactive vs. those who are not very active. EDIT: I updated the Guild Window image where there is a small Clock Icon for Guild Members to hover over to see how long someone's been Offline without replacing the message line next to a player's name. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Dec 20, 2014, 10:04:28 PM
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" I'm sorry to say it, but that looks like a direct Copy/Paste idea from games like Guild Wars. I thought about that idea too (long ago,) but it's very unfitting for Path of Exile. In fact most, if not, all ARPGs (far as I know) don't even have a Guild system. PoE is the only ARPG I know that has a Guild system, and we're very lucky to have one since it's a feature only seen in MMORPGs. What I'm getting at is what I've displayed in my OP alone may not even get implemented, and so implementing what you're showing in that link, too, only complicates things even more. When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails. Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect. (me) Last edited by HeavyMetalGear#2712 on Dec 20, 2014, 10:03:35 PM
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Brilliant post. Great ideas. I hope we get them all, someday.
Personally, my biggest beef, with the system, here, is the lack of some sort of login tracking system so we can remove inactive members and replace them with new members so our guilds don't slowly die off into inactivity. ATM I use a third party tracker which doesn't work right and I end up kicking a few active members each time I remove my inactive ones. |
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Really nice ideas. I realized this week that I (and maybe more guilds) need the Announcements feature, it is tremendous difficult to announce something because your font in the guild chat still gray and humdrum. And announcement need to highlight, so to fix this I use to cap size something like "ANNOUNCEMENT:" or "GUILDIES:", but it look forced and scream-like. I strongly need that, but of course, the history log is the first priority among all the features needed.
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I agree with the most of these suggestions. Not hard to add, much benefit gained!
Path of Exile - RNG based hoarding simulator
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" I concur |
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Bump to this.
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