Hopefully GGG will add races during the season break -- What races do you want to see?

KoTao wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
I'd much rather see them fix existing problems and not add more content which subsequently adds even more problems.

Unfortunately, this is a lesson that arpg/mmo devs appear to be literally incapable of learning.

I think it's more that this method appeases/distracts 99% of the playerbase. Business-wise, it's correct. Obviously it sux for people that favor quality.
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unsane wrote:
KoTao wrote:
SlixSC wrote:
I'd much rather see them fix existing problems and not add more content which subsequently adds even more problems.

Unfortunately, this is a lesson that arpg/mmo devs appear to be literally incapable of learning.

I think it's more that this method appeases/distracts 99% of the playerbase. Business-wise, it's correct. Obviously it sux for people that favor quality.

Business-wise, its put more arpg and mmo dev houses out of business than i can count. Flagship comes to mind as a recent example- hgl had tons of gameplay issues that cost it 95%~ of the player base within the first 3 months- most of which they never fixed, devoting their resources to mindlessly pooping out content instead (which did nothing to improve the dismal player base) until the ship sunk. Ascaron apparently did much the same with sacred 2. Not even getting into the next to countless number of mmos that have done exactly the same thing.

While i originally hoped ggg would act differently, they seem not to have learned this particular lesson. So here we are, heading into yet another large content update with a bloated company, a diminishing player base, questionable to unfathomable prioritization and no end to the chronic desync, performance, balance, economy obsession and rngitis issues in sight. Its like flagship and hgl all over again.

PoE is nevertheless a fun game (like hgl was, under all its flaws) and i do hope ggg manages not to repeat history in the end, but at this point it seems rather unlikely that their 10-year dream is going to come anywhere close to reality.

And back on topic: So, about that 1-week endless ledge!
IGN: KoTao
Last edited by KoTao#4717 on Feb 25, 2014, 2:58:43 AM
1 week race would be nice, i don't care really what type. Need something to waste time on :)

Also some old descents, and champion descents(open 24h maybe) would be fun.
Any other random race types also welcome, better than nothing.

Oh and buff cleave please :( everyone misses cleave
IGN: Rollface
Last edited by grindis123#7879 on Feb 25, 2014, 7:03:44 AM
. Ascaron apparently did much the same with sacred 2.

Ascarons Downfall wasn't only Sacred 2.
Ascaron had only 2 strong selling game series.
The strongest selling being The Patrician and Anstoss.

Ascarons Downfall began with EA hiring the Designers and coders of "Anstoss 3", which is imo still the best Football Manager.

The Anstoss successors were buggy, crashing uninspired pieces of crap which had several re-re-re-re-releases. Most of their money went into developing a worthy successor but they utterly failed. They gave up in 2007 since the Football Manager wasn't any different from EA's manager with the only difference being missing FIFA and UEFA licenses for the use of real names(which was usually bypassed by userfiles each season)

And with pieces of crap I mean you buy a full price game you can't even install!
Imagine you ship millions of CD-ROMs around Europe where Football is the national sport and the game works for nobody.
Then the game crashed because it couldn't handle millions of data files if you choose countries where Football is popular as playing countries, so you had to choose like 3 big main countries and 2 small countries instead of usually taking GER, ESP, ITA, FRA, UK, NL/TUR/RUS

This shit heavily drained Ascarons budget and believe me they put far more effort in Anstoss they put in Sacred or Sacred 2. They did so much research on football clubs if you ever played soccer during that time you could find yourself with a different name but the same Birth Date etc.
For example John Smith would becomes John Smoth. And the club names were changed too so for example Chicago Bulls would be called Chicago Cows, Dallas Cowboys become Dallas Indians etc. because of missing licenses.
Meh, I remember how much time I played in Sacred. That was really great clone of diablo and this comes from great amount of side quests and nice universe. Underworld was piece of shit.
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I remember I played some Illidan character in Sacred 1, made it quite far, killed a bunch of dragons. Then I had no idea where to go next, and I often got some crash screens, so I just quit the game.

Never actually tried Sacred 2, just heard it was garbage.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
Ok Hilbert confirmed clueless.

A3 was the best football manager ever made, I still play that game almost every day. It's so fast-paced, you can finish an entire season in about 10 minutes if you know what you're doing.

A1 was really good aswell, but I don't think it was nearly as good as 3. I tried A2 some but thought it was mediocre at best and lacked alot of the features of A3 and everything that came after A3 was trash I agree with that, but really A3 was and still is insanely good.
#1 Victim of Murphy's Law.
I think a 1 week with crazy mods that they would never run in a real 1 week would be nice. Good testing, good feedback, good fun. Basically a preview of paid leagues, when we can make our own 1 weeks.

1 Week BLAMT go.
Phrecia: 92 Scavenger
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Clueless why? I agree with you that A3 is the best football manager because you can finish seasons really fast and it has nice detailed features.

A1 and A2 had massive flaws. If you won the team values got better and you kept winning if you lost your team values got destroyed and you had to reload because you were losing and got fired at some point.
Especially annoying was the malaria virus incident at the end of a season. While there was a cure some weeks later you might have 2-3 losses in regular gameplay and if the incident happened in the last weeks of the season the cure dropped into a week you had no control of meaning your team got weaker for good.

A3 fixed that with motivation as well there being overmotivation. The only problem I had with A3 were that some incidents were way too rare and others were way too common. For example players dying to doping if you flew to the Doping camp every week was quiet rare.
Or a lifetime ban on doping was 255 weeks instead of removing the player for good if the appeal failed.

But after A3 EA hired almost everybody of the original team.

A4 never installed for me.
A4 gold crashed if I took every big country.
A03/04 which was the second rerelease wasn't fun
A2005 wasn't different from EA and you ended up 20+ minutes in the Manager screen before each game, aside from several crashes and bugs such as you being accused as a pirate if you had for example clone cd installed.
A2007 was just another release with pretty much the same issues and even more leauges.

Sometimes I wish A3 would just go open src because I am certain within 1 year there would be an updated version with far more features a 64+ player multiplayer etc.

Well fuck I hope races begin soon I'm already bored of the normal game.

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