I just killed a kitten

VictorDoom wrote:

That's kind of disturbing dude :S

Hardlicker wrote:
Whilst it was an accident, you still have to shoulder some of the blame. However if you had've let your dog do what comes naturally then you would be guilt free. Dogs take about 5 seconds to get over any guilt or shame, if they are capable of such feelings.

I don't think I agree that simply standing and watching my dog maul a defenseless little kitten would leave me guilt free. The thing is, I don't even think he was mauling it. If he was, it would have already been dead, or at least dead enough not to bite my hand. And that part has me concerned that I may have just over reacted out of panic at what Willem might have been doing rather than what he actually was doing.

Also, Willem feels guilt and shame. You should see the look on his face when he pisses somewhere he knows he wasn't supposed to. >.>

Hardlicker wrote:
The other way to alleviate any guilt would have been to eat your kill. I know the idea sounds off-putting but the rule of the jungle dictates that killing for food is ok but killing for sport is cruel.

I live in Cambodia, that kind of thing isn't entirely uncommon here and if you have a family full of hungry mouths to feed and no other way to do it, then your suggestion (while it may have been a joke) isn't actually that terrible. However, I'm not in that situation, I have all the food I need, and I don't eat cats, especially not to make up for accidentally killing one.

Raycheetah wrote:
My wife had a kitten die falling off a porch step; much as in this case, it simply hit its head, and died.

This is really the biggest lesson I've taken from the whole thing. I honestly didn't know cats died from small falls like that. I'm not completely dumb, I didn't think they were like invincible or anything, but I've seen them leaping around all my life and never saw one land on it's head like that. It's just a shame I had to learn it in such a horrible way.

Raycheetah wrote:
As for adopting a cat (or any other pet), be sure you're ready for the added responsibility. The OP already has a much-loved dog, but adding a cat is adding a dimension of dependence which could be either a wonderful challenge, or a burden, depending on circumstances. Think about it, before deciding.

If I get one, I'll get it from these guys. As long as I can get Willem (and Poppy, my other as yet unmentioned dog who's about the size of a cat) to be nice to the cat, it would be bound to have a better life than that of a stray. Pretty sure I'm going to do it, just need to give it a day or two's thought to make sure I'm ready :)

Oh and for those who haven't seen previously posted photos, here's what Willem looks like when he's not terrorizing kittens
This one time when I was 7 and went on holiday to some third world crap hole, I used to enjoy throwing rocks at starving wild dogs.

The whining satisfied me so much. Also I used to enjoy playing digging, finding worms and chopping them up into tiny pieces with my spade.

I was always a good boy.
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- PoE TOS.
bhavv wrote:
This one time when I was 7 and went on holiday to some third world crap hole, I used to enjoy throwing rocks at starving wild dogs.

If you're not joking (or even if you are) I don't get it.

In any case, I'd rather this not turn into a discussion about people intentionally being horrible to animals. That's not what happened. I love animals, generally more than humans as sad as that may be. It was an accident.
Oh I agree that animals are waaaay better than humans.

That might give some indication as to how much I dislike humans.
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- PoE TOS.
Last edited by bhavv on Feb 10, 2014, 9:35:40 PM
VictorDoom wrote:
i remember my cousin once drowned a cat in a tub of ice cold water.. cant remember why though i just remember laughing cause there was blood everywhere cause the cat scracthed him

and we did use to hunt cats with a BB gun, usually we tried to aim at their face or arseholes (i just realized how similar these parts of my childhood are to the film Gumo)

we were young though, it was pretty mental looking back at it

also i remember once when i was drinking with a lot of other people in public next to a jewish church thing whatever they;re called, and some of them started laughing really hard, got up to see what it was, an art student chick shoved a pencil so far up a kittens arse it had died

ive got more but i think these will be enough for the day

seriously, id have to imagine it would have been hard for me to not beat the ever loving shit out of that woman, or make it quick.

just came here to say that, thats seriously fucked up, that person ( and the ones laughing for that matter) would not be welcome withing about 100 metre's of me or anyone i knew. (if i didnt kill them)
IGN: EviiLe
Last edited by ImRight on Feb 11, 2014, 1:16:56 AM
I don't like cats after I had one and my sister had one. They stink up the house like crazy, I can't stand that litter smell, they like to jump on cars and scratch them. They are nuisance... I find them in the same category as rodents. They are pests and here in Florida they are creating havoc. It's not their fault just irresponsible humans who neuter and keep feeding the ally cats.

I am a sucker for cute animals but once cats start spraying in your house good luck trying to get the smell out.

Edit: I am a dog person :P
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Last edited by solwitch on Feb 11, 2014, 1:30:37 AM
bhavv wrote:
This one time when I was 7 and went on holiday to some third world crap hole, I used to enjoy throwing rocks at starving wild dogs.

The whining satisfied me so much. Also I used to enjoy playing digging, finding worms and chopping them up into tiny pieces with my spade.

I was always a good boy.

Christ i used to kill so many worms and insects when i was a kid, me and my cousin usually went out to get rid of the colorado bugs off of potato plants, but we did find an interesting way to get rid of them permanently, we shoved them in a tin can with a news paper and gas, when gathered like 200-300 we light them up they started popping and we found it really funny. And of course the worm slicing, bug disecting, pulling legs off insects, crushing them etc... oddly enough it seemed really normal to do that, i mean even our parents or grandparents didnt find it weird.

i guess thats what happens when a kid gets bored in the countryside

ImRight wrote:
VictorDoom wrote:
i remember my cousin once drowned a cat in a tub of ice cold water.. cant remember why though i just remember laughing cause there was blood everywhere cause the cat scracthed him

and we did use to hunt cats with a BB gun, usually we tried to aim at their face or arseholes (i just realized how similar these parts of my childhood are to the film Gumo)

we were young though, it was pretty mental looking back at it

also i remember once when i was drinking with a lot of other people in public next to a jewish church thing whatever they;re called, and some of them started laughing really hard, got up to see what it was, an art student chick shoved a pencil so far up a kittens arse it had died

ive got more but i think these will be enough for the day

seriously, id have to imagine it would have been hard for me to not beat the ever loving shit out of that woman, or make it quick.

just came here to say that, thats seriously fucked up, that person ( and the ones laughing for that matter) would not be welcome withing about 100 metre's of me or anyone i knew. (if i didnt kill them)

Meh, by the time that happened (around 4-5 years ago) i had seen stuff that was a lot worse and it didnt phase me, but yeah sometimes people do stupid shit when they're drunk.

lol i just remembered,a few years back a friend of mine once found a dead pigeon, grabbed it in his hand, went to the girl he liked he threw the pigeon down she crushed it(some organs popped out, that was nasty) and they started making out, im acutally not sure if it was pre planned or just spontaneous but im sure that the he did it to mock the jewish wedding ritual where they couple steps on glass before they get married .

I know im gonna get hated for this, but i laughed so fucking hard i almost pulled a muscle
I carve and sell real animal skulls, check out my work here: https://www.instagram.com/victorseiche/
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Last edited by VictorDoom on Feb 11, 2014, 8:12:04 AM
ImRight wrote:
VictorDoom wrote:
i remember my cousin once drowned a cat in a tub of ice cold water.. cant remember why though i just remember laughing cause there was blood everywhere cause the cat scracthed him

and we did use to hunt cats with a BB gun, usually we tried to aim at their face or arseholes (i just realized how similar these parts of my childhood are to the film Gumo)

we were young though, it was pretty mental looking back at it

also i remember once when i was drinking with a lot of other people in public next to a jewish church thing whatever they;re called, and some of them started laughing really hard, got up to see what it was, an art student chick shoved a pencil so far up a kittens arse it had died

ive got more but i think these will be enough for the day

seriously, id have to imagine it would have been hard for me to not beat the ever loving shit out of that woman, or make it quick.

just came here to say that, thats seriously fucked up, that person ( and the ones laughing for that matter) would not be welcome withing about 100 metre's of me or anyone i knew. (if i didnt kill them)

I agree, a societies social progress can be measured with their attitude towards animals. Fucked up deviants aside which clearly have some mental issues. In fact, I was always in line with Immanuel Kant when it came to animal ethic/animal rights.

Cited from the Metaphysic of Morals by Immanuel Kant:
In Ansehung des Schönen obgleich Leblosen in der Natur ist ein Hang zum bloßen Zerstören (spiritus destructionis) der Pflicht des Menschen gegen sich selbst zuwider; weil es dasjenige Gefühl im Menschen schwächt oder vertilgt, was zwar nicht für sich allein schon moralisch ist, aber doch diejenige Stimmung der Sinnlichkeit, welche die Moralität sehr befördert, wenigstens dazu vorbereitet, nämlich etwas auch ohne Absicht auf Nutzen zu lieben (z.B. die schöne Kristallisationen, das unbeschreiblich Schöne des Gewächsreichs).

In Ansehung des lebenden, obgleich vernunftlosen Teils der Geschöpfe ist die Pflicht der Enthaltung von gewaltsamer und zugleich grausamer Behandlung der Tiere der Pflicht des Menschen gegen sich selbst weit inniglicher entgegengesetzt, weil dadurch das Mitgefühl an ihrem Leiden im Menschen abgestumpft und dadurch eine der Moralität, im Verhältnisse zu anderen Menschen, sehr diensame natürliche Anlage geschwächt und nach und nach ausgetilgt wird; obgleich ihre behende (ohne Qual verrichtete) Tötung, oder auch ihre, nur nicht bis über Vermögen angestrengte, Arbeit (dergleichen auch wohl Menschen sich gefallen lassen müssen) unter die Befugnisse des Menschen gehören; da hingegen die martervolle physische Versuche, zum bloßen Behuf der Spekulation, wenn auch ohne sie der Zweck erreicht werden könnte, zu verabscheuen sind. – Selbst Dankbarkeit für lang geleistete Dienste eines alten Pferdes oder Hundes (gleich als ob sie Hausgenossen wären) gehört indirekt zur Pflicht des Menschen, nämlich in Ansehung dieser Tiere, direkt aber betrachtet ist sie immer nur Pflicht des Menschen gegen sich selbst.

A propensity to wanton destruction of what is beautiful in inanimate nature (spiritus destructionis) is opposed to man's duty to himself; for it weakens or uproots that feeling in man which, though not of itself moral, is still a disposition of sensibility that greatly promotes morality or at least prepares the way for it: the disposition, namely, to love something (e.g., beautiful crystal formations, the indescribable beauty of pants) even apart from any intention to use it.

With regard to the animate but nonrational part of creation, violent and cruel treatment of animals is far more intimately opposed to man's duty to himself, and he has a duty to refrain from this; for it dulls his shared feeling of their pain and so weakens and gradually uproots a natural predisposition that is very serviceable to morality in one's relation to other men. Man is authorized to kill animals quickly (without pain) and to put them to work that does not strain them beyond their capacities (such work as man himself must submit to). But agonizing physical experiments for the sake of mere speculation, when the end could also be achieved without these, are to be abhorred. Even gratitude for the long service of an old horse or dog (just as if they were members of the household) belongs indirectly to man's duty with regard to these animals; considering as a direct duty, however, it is always only a duty of man to himself.

Luckily the English version of this part is easy to understand compared to the rest of his works. All this aside, it is natural that a kid needs to learn principles of morality first. No one is born with societies indoctrination.
Last edited by Nightmare90 on Feb 11, 2014, 7:14:40 AM
I'm sorry you killed a kitten, you must be feeling sick. Animals aren't people though, they don't think or feel the same ways as people do, try not to dwell on it for too long.
OMG pulling the legs off aphids was amazing fun, always.

Pull off all the legs, leave the body sat there with the antennae still moving around, lelelelelelel.

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