1 week solo race?

So i wondered when you gonna do that. I bet theres alot of people who would give it a shot.
1 week no life solo? Please no more races longer then 2 hours. :[
The 1 weekers should be 1 week Blamt, so they can farm ledge for weeks XD
I have been waiting forever for a one week solo. My computer can not handle big parties very easily and I like competing so I just do not even play them actively.

Hilbert wrote:
The 1 weekers should be 1 week Blamt, so they can farm ledge for weeks XD

Although I think blamt is a retarded mod that would be funny
General Racing Guide for Act 1
Ive also been looking forward to a 1 week (or 2 weeks, or 1 month) solo event, and even better if it comes with extra difficulty modifiers. Partying trivializes the game, as does trading, and as such its hard to see the long term events to date as actual races- theyre more like timed grinds with minimal challenge involved.

I also wonder why weve never had any such solo events after over a year of them being requested, and why the topic has been continually ignored by GGG even though its been repeatedly brought up since the first 2 week event in closed beta.
IGN: KoTao
i remember ggg even promised custom leagues...
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Don't think it would end up being that popular. And especially if you die it's going to be much harder to level back up without your bros helping you out, which is already an issue with 1 week races with the hype really starting to die out after 2/3rd day.

I'd still probably play in it though. I like fresh economies.
CT should be around the art of PKing and not griefing lower levels.
KoTao wrote:
I also wonder why weve never had any such solo events after over a year of them being requested, and why the topic has been continually ignored by GGG even though its been repeatedly brought up since the first 2 week event in closed beta.

Precisely this. I don't think we're ever going to see 1 week solo races. I figure it's because they don't want to promote solo/no trade, they want to promote community and trading. Probably the same reasons they don't want self-found leagues is the reason we never see solo 1 week+ races.

ZoRoXo wrote:
Don't think it would end up being that popular.

I think most of the playerbase does short party races solo (due to not having a competitive team, or not wanting one), so i think 1 week solo would be about the same popularity as 1 week party.

ZoRoXo wrote:
And especially if you die it's going to be much harder to level back up without your bros helping you out, which is already an issue with 1 week races with the hype really starting to die out after 2/3rd day.

I almost always play 1 week races as if they were solo. Relevelling after dying is not a big deal at all. From stashed gear you are usually twice as fast the next go.
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I vote for having one 1 week solo self found race per season!

For alot of people partying isnt viable cause of lags, they are in a disadvantage if they wanna compete in the race season anyway. It would even out the odds for solo players a little bit.
Precisely this. I don't think we're ever going to see 1 week solo races. I figure it's because they don't want to promote solo/no trade, they want to promote community and trading. Probably the same reasons they don't want self-found leagues is the reason we never see solo 1 week+ races.

If they would create a solo 1 week they would officially admit how bad droprates are and how much RMT is involved.

It also wouldn't receive much of a hype because regular racers would do much better than those getting carried(1-2 runners and they grind docks/sarn/ledge) and nolife towards rank 1.

I think most of the playerbase does short party races solo (due to not having a competitive team, or not wanting one), so i think 1 week solo would be about the same popularity as 1 week party.

Hmm the opposite here I got problems to find parties on my FL when the race is >90min and doesn't offer interesting mods after everybody got his points for certain reward.

I almost always play 1 week races as if they were solo. Relevelling after dying is not a big deal at all. From stashed gear you are usually twice as fast the next go.

That heavily depends on the build!

I vote for having one 1 week solo self found race per season!

For alot of people partying isnt viable cause of lags, they are in a disadvantage if they wanna compete in the race season anyway. It would even out the odds for solo players a little bit.

Blame poor code. Ground effects and MTX will fuck everybody up.
In fact if you bought all MTX you could piss off the entire party and constantly cause 1 sec lags.

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