SHARP's Step by Step (Low Budget) leveling guide from 1 to 90+ LvL **Updated for SotV

serlev wrote:
My passive tree, got 2 unused points, any suggestion where to put them?

nice progress , gratz mate..

for the skill tree: If u need more dps then u can get 3 nodes (seasoned sinew) just over the Runed Cleaver node group.
if u need more ES/armor u can start for Void Barrier or Nullification groups..


Thanks, i'll update again as I reach 85-90 or if anything good happens. Goodluck to us. ^_^
IGN: Ruripe

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Last edited by coldcursor#1094 on Mar 22, 2014, 5:57:04 AM
First: nice guide, and thx for your time investment.

start today to lvl up my sharp scion with your guide in the ambush league. Right now lvl 17.
Maybe you wanna make a new part in that guide: "how to get fast the exalts for the rest of the gear". What to pike up, what to vendor, chaos recipe, what to sell per poexyz, alts to jewelers and fusings yes or no? etc.. etc...

and one more question: can you easy transfer from your lvl guide here to the steel cannon build? or only to the CI immortal build?
Last edited by derbund666#1482 on Mar 23, 2014, 2:58:05 PM
Maybe you wanna make a new part in that guide:

The build is ok for Standart or Ambush (or whatever the name will be in future which is similar to Standart).. These 4 months Leagues have a new economy and it is impossible for anyone to know what the prices will be; therefore whatever I priced in this guide are of course for standart league.
There are lots of guides about farming and earning currencies released already; I am neither an expert about this subject nor have any interest.. sorry..

First: nice guide, and thx for your time investment.

If any one is happy with this guide it makes me happy too.. enjoy..

and one more question: can you easy transfer from your lvl guide here to the steel cannon build? or only to the CI immortal build?

yep u can respect to Steel cannon build easily, even much more easy since Steel cannon is life based..

Serlev, I have been running this build as my first char build. (Mistake because expensive) But I have managed to get to a point where I have 6.5k ES but only 6.5kDPS. I am using a 318pDPS axe and no Aegis yet. In order to not be so useless, I put on a Bringer of Rain and my dps increases to 10.5k with blood rage, but my ES drops to 2.5k nobuff, and 3.9k with buffs. Is there anything I can do to continue being CI and also make it more viable? I have started throwing away +block/defense nodes for +damage with Axe's/One Handers because I do not have an Aegis yet. I am currently level 81 on Ambush.

Any guidance/suggestions? All my buddies tell me the build is not the way to go for a first character and to stop trying to spend all my exalts/currency on ES items when I'm still going to suck at DPS (no soul taker).

ZhiDao on Ambush

Last edited by TripleCrab#6027 on May 19, 2014, 6:59:41 AM
hey great guide. should i buy aegis aurora instead of using another es shield like the one you recommend? will that work just as good?
thanks :)
Saionjik wrote:
Serlev, I have been running this build as my first char build. (Mistake because expensive) But I have managed to get to a point where I have 6.5k ES but only 6.5kDPS. I am using a 318pDPS axe and no Aegis yet. In order to not be so useless, I put on a Bringer of Rain and my dps increases to 10.5k with blood rage, but my ES drops to 2.5k nobuff, and 3.9k with buffs. Is there anything I can do to continue being CI and also make it more viable? I have started throwing away +block/defense nodes for +damage with Axe's/One Handers because I do not have an Aegis yet. I am currently level 81 on Ambush.

Any guidance/suggestions? All my buddies tell me the build is not the way to go for a first character and to stop trying to spend all my exalts/currency on ES items when I'm still going to suck at DPS (no soul taker).

ZhiDao on Ambush

yeah build hurts late game without ST because you don't need mana to attack so you can 6L 6 great dmg gems.
Just wanted to first say great guide, taking the time to detail everything out is awesome which most don't do. I have a lvl 92 block/blender build which is awesome because most things cant kill him with 75% block and 62% spell block, but on onslaught only does about 15k dps.
So I'm starting a new guy and running this guy to see how much better it is than my build.

1 suggestion to people who are doing this build focusing on the OP later and have currency, get a legacy FB with a Q20 Infernal blow and Q20 melee splash, at lvl 16 you will have over 500 dps and by 20 over 1k, phy dmg/ mana regen jewelry are a must. and get a crest of perandus for life leech and meginords belt to super hype your dps. Again only those with currency to spend as FB with those gems and gear will melt packs in 1 or 2 shots. evan through cruel.
I want to switch to DS but right now I don't have a good 1H and my dps drops a ton right now. Best ive seen is only around 140 dps. right now im at level 40 getting set to kill merveil and only a couple times have a come close to dying. Biggest thing is watch your life, have real good potions. My goal is to try build to get through entire game without dying once.
But all in all, great build and incredible job investing your time into such a detailed explaination of it.
The trees for level 70 and beyond won't load properly. Unless it's one massive troll move to just leave the entire thing blank with it loading nodes that aren't even connected but still somehow chosen....yeah, there's that.
Xenkai wrote:
The trees for level 70 and beyond won't load properly. Unless it's one massive troll move to just leave the entire thing blank with it loading nodes that aren't even connected but still somehow chosen....yeah, there's that.

New skilltree. Wont work until op updates the guide for 1.2

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