March Mini-Expansion Announcement Timeline

This world is an illusion, as you know. We are going to fight in some meaty-red macabre plane scape after dominus fight, like where demons in Berserk live
CharanJaydemyr wrote:
Magnicon wrote:
Back to misusing gaming terms? Thats a shame. Its just a content update or patch, like nearly every other game has. Mislabeling it as if its some kind of free expansion isn't going to bring new players in.

the action of becoming larger or more extensive.

I know for a fact that both are happening with 1.1.

And you're right. It probably won't bring many new players. My hope is more that it helps get rid of old ones who should have moved on by now.

It was downgraded from a full expansion when they realised that Act 4 wasn't going to be a part of 1.1...realistically speaking, I don't think anyone was surprised.

It took Blizzard North a year to implement a full expansion for Diablo 2 after its release; we're barely six months into PoE's, and Blizzard North had much more in the way of resources at the time.

Consider this a courtesy, not an invitation for dialogue.

More content is the sweetest music to my ears. It is imo, the best reason to continue supporting GGG. I want them to be able to keep doing what they are doing for a long time!

For the doubters - imagine if Diablo2 had had five or six expansions over the years instead of just the one.

GGG can do this even better.

"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Any info on city(ies) - dates you'll be hitting on the West Coast?
"The only legitimate use of a computer is to play games." - Eugene Jarvis
PoE Origins - Piety's story
Sweet, looking forward to it! :-)
So hyped about this!
Very nice! The background art reminds me of the tombs in the Canyon of the Magi. It has a very ancient feel about it.
super exciting stuff. cant wait! :D
sidtherat wrote:
As usual, we're working on this content right up until the last minute.

i kinda hoped that youd change that - risky - approach and test stuff before releasing. stuff that was rushed almost universally was a mistake

- trigger gems
- act3x balance, polish and gfx performance
- domino fight as a 'surprise you die' encounter
- scion class that made practically almost all other classes redundant (great Ivalesco thread when he one by one shows that on examples). people are playing non-scions because they cannot stand her chatter and are used to 'old ways'/dont want to respec as other char but all but one of my builds would have been better if respecced as scion..
- Crown of Bad Balance.. how could you have missed it..

you are no longer a garage company and certain level of polish is expected. your infra is ok, your game balance and testing is a wild horse that you have issues taming

also - the way youve handled the pvp smells bad. on the d3 pvp 'bad' level

even though a little strongly worded, i agree to some extent
(except i quite liked the Dominus fight and how hard it was at the beginning)
IGN PPPPanddddaPPPPanicccc

still waiting for that 'Chris Wilson-director's cut' version

oh wait, I finally got it. Thanks team!
rampagingrabbit wrote:
I am voting with my wallet and urge other players with legitimate issues that are constantly overlooked or just plain ignored to do likewise.

here you're not a customer who pays after delivery, you're supporting a company which is reliant on donations in the first place to pay it's developers.
to finance their staff other companies enforce a subsciption on you before you play, you should be happy ggg isn't doing so.
if people stop donating because they don't like the color of their pets or similar, ggg is stopping the servers, there will be no free poe afterwards, chris made that clear during release.

luckily ggg is doing fine financially at the moment and is not dependent of your 10$ purchase of some features so keep your bl money and have a nice cup of stfu.
Tiamak wrote:
God damn. STOP doing 4month leagues!!!!!! Standart dies cuz all newbies the default is a new leagues.

4-month Leagues>Permanent Leagues
Without 4-month Leagues, where everyone starts from scratch, everyone would be stuck in the economic wasteland that is the Permanent League. If you don't like the fact that it's dead, then play the 4-month League.

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