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Fyndel's CI SPLIT ARROW CRIT VAAL PACT GUIDE [1.1.0] 80k SA(with chain),420k Frenzy [Endgame build]
![]() Hello first of all THIS BUILD GOT RLY HARD TO MAKE IT WORK WITH 1.1.0. IF YOUR LOOKING FOR MY SPECTRAL THROW BUILD ITS HERE Intro: Introducing a new way to play Bow , as CI , no life no Kaoms no Voltaxic. This is my first guide and I am up for alot of feedback to improve it. Some things to say when you continue reading , I didnt made this guide to show of my gear or impress other people,I made this guide to tell people how CI+Vaal pact works with Crit. A other reason is that alot of friends/people asked me why I went CI and how I am able to survive insane dmg and have great survivability.(You dont need Uber gear to make this work) The Key thing about this build is the Harbinger Bow with a crit implicit roll on it what alows people to stack crit to absured amounts (80-95% with power charges)another important thing is Auxium Chain belt , in my opinion one of the best uniques ever made in Path of Exile ,it alows CI people to not use Dream Fragments what would lower our dmg by alot. This whole build needs alot of stuff to make it work(because of 1.1 vaalpact nerf)before starting this build make sure you got a amulet with Life leech and ring aswell or mana leech or there will be no way you can sustain your life/mana the other rly important item is auxium (dont play this build if you dont have a auxium) Enogh said now to the build : Build: 1. Heart of the Oak + Ondar's Ranger Version : Witch Version : Leveling build 20-60: If you need more dmg while leveling go up and take the crit nodes , if you need more defense go down and take iron reflex , vaal pact you only get when respeccing to CI , if you got question about leveling try to pm me , i know its hard to switch from life to CI When to switch from Life to CI :First of all dont go CI before you got your gear setuped in your stash , Ci is not a thing you can just go and have fun you have to have everything rdy that means , something that protects you from frozen , enogh passiv points to be stun immune OR avoidance , and enogh ES to survive the dmg burst (4-5k), I would recommend it at about level 80 DONT LEVEL AS CI!! Some people linked me there tree with all the ES nodes eventhough they were Life , just take the life nodes and respecc them when you switch you get a respec points from questing. Gear: To eq a CI Bow character takes abit of time, some items are rly important but most Ci builds need important items. Gear Setup:
Try to save up Jewler and Fusing orbs and alchemy EVERY harbinger bow you can find , since I linked this build harbinger bows are impossible to find 5l or 6l.
Bow: Harbinger bow , no other bow ,crit > ALL Quiver: Crit Multi + Crit chance if no auxium available then + mana leech with axium + life leech. Helmet: Int(rly important gives es + mana we need both alot),350es+ ,some res Chest: Int or Lots of res , 800es+ Boots: Int , 150es+ ,20 movmentspeed+ ,you can use rainbowstrides helps alot with mana but not required cause the spell block doesnt help at all (no shield). Gloves: If possible rare gloves when to less dmg then Maligaros IMPORTANT TO KNOW > If you got crit strikes linked to your frenzy and have a high level you will have 95% crit chance what is THE MAX and cannot be higher. Rare gloves : Int , 150es+ ,accuracy or phys dmg, attack speed is alright too but wont help as much cause mana is a big factor in this build. Belt: Auxium !!! (with uber gear Headhunter but needs frozen dispel flask +high level and alot of expierence to play) Rings:(LIFE LEECH OR MANA LEECH REQUIRED) Any ring with accuracy , phys dmg , ele dmg , added ele dmg, Int , ES ,res IMPORTANT TO KNOW If you got crit strikes linked to your frenzy you will have 95% crit without diamond rings or maligaros (requires Harbinger with added crit on it 9%+) Taiming is a alright ring but there are WAY better rings out there , I use it cause I mostly play in a group with 6 man and Aura builds are rly popular nowadays(I wouldnt use taiming in solo play). Amulet:(LIFE LEECH OR MANA LEECH REQUIRED) Crit multi , crit chance, % ES important , accuracy. Weapon Swap : Leapslam+Faster Attacks + Brightbeak OR any weapon with Faster Casting+Reduced Duration+Lightning Warp or both. Flask Setup :
Granite flask with dispels bleed + crit recharge
Granite flask with dispels frozen and chiled + crit recharge Granite flask with stun recovery 40-60(heart of the oak ondors only)+ crit recharge Movment Speed flask with 20 charges and 30% movmentspeed Mana flask with dispels shocked other flask set ups linked in my gear + crit recharge. My Gear: I show my gear only so people understand the screenshots with the dmg and ES. My gear is rly good but not even 1/3 of it is required it just makes the build extremly strong and helps people to not waist there currency on wrong items like Thicket bow, shavronnes ,Crown of eyes more Explanation later in the FAQ.
Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable Unavailable How does reflect work and how can we survive it:
First of all with rly endgear and 6l frenzy you wont be able to use the singel target ability cause its way to much impact dmg(note that bow CI players can use a 6l frenzy!). with a 5l and way less crit multi there shouldnt be any problem (when you have lifeleech gear)(our aoe dmg is already 4 times more then a voltaxic person anyways).Now with 1.1 and the vaal pact nerfs reflect rly got a problem not having leech on amulet or rings makes it not possible.
Split arrow is not a problem AT ALL thx to the support gem chain , it reduces our IMPACT dmg by 50% but still increases the dmg cause of the 2 extra chains. You guys should still have a Life Leech gem and a Added chaos dmg gem in your inventory for Vunerbility+Phys reflect maps or Ele weakness or Minux max + ele reflect+anger+wrath+hatred , just remove added fire and put life leech in and remove crit multi and put added chaos in NOTE THIS IS ONLY FOR HARDCORE PLAYERS or people with rly High level who dont wanna risk to die at all.In solo play or with a 5l split arrow there is no need for life leech gem or added chaos. AND NEVER FORGET TO TURN ON BLOOD RAGE OR YOU ARE DEATH VS REFLECT! , Cast when dmg taken + Immortal call+Enduring cry HELPS ALOT TOO. By the way for the people who dont know how reflect works for example as a life based person you leech 20% of your Max Hp(delayed leech) with quality on life leech 40%(delayed leech too) leech BUT with vaal pact(INSTA LEECH!) you leech 40% and without a delay. note that reflect will first hit you and then you will leech back. so doing 1m dmg will always 1 shot you even if you are Vaalpact. Bandit Rewards: Normal:+1 passive point Cruel:+18% phys dmg Merciless:+1 Power charge Screenshots: Self Buffed Dps(5 frenzy charges + 6 power charges + Hatred): Frenzy:(Singel Target)
![]() Split arrow:(Aoe)
![]() Auto attack(You can see accuracy on this):
![]() Party Buffed Dps(5 frenzy + 6 power +hatred+anger+warth+haste+headhunter Frenzy:
![]() Split arrow:
![]() Defensiv Stats: Discipline+Grace:
![]() FAQ!!! QUESTION I GET ASKED ALOT. 1.Q:Why are you not Lowlife Shavronne's your gear is insane ? A:Shavronns is not good for a bow build we dont have a shield were people can get 600+es (we got enogh dmg anyways no worries.) BUT if you are crazy and dont wanna level or never wanna get 100 you can go lowlife but after level 94 you will stop it(we are talking about bow) wanders and more can go lowlife without anyproblems cause of there op shield. 2.Q:Why are you not Crown of Eyes ? A:Bow has no shield and shield is the number 1 spot to get spell dmg on , and taking spell dmg nodes would be abig waist cause we already need alot of points. (No spell dmg = no 30% more :). 3.Q:You dont have Life leech in your gear socket why? A:Blood rage is rly fucking strong it gives 13% Physical leech at level 20/20 with level 3 enhance and there is no life leech gem needed. 4:Q:I got a Lioneye's Glare 6l should I try this build or a thicket bow. A: NO dont do this build without CRIT its boring and not fun. 40% crit chance with lioneys 95% with Harbinger :) 5:Q How can you survive Reflect are you crazy? A:VAAL PACT + CHAIN + Blood rage+ Life Leech amu = no reflect dmg! 6:Q I got a mirrord thicket bow with 6% crit is it good? A: NO garbage , way to fast no crit you can play voltaxic instead. total crit chance is based on the weapon so every 1% crit makes you do WAY more dmg. 7:Q Why are you not going Lightning arrow crit+lightning dmg = shock? A:the mana cost of Lightning arrow is way to high and its rly slow attack speed too mostly only useable when dropping chain and replacing it with something else.(Some people still love it). boo boo <3 8:Q Is this build Hardcore viable / new league viable? A: It is hardcore viable , some examples for it is Deize he played the same build until level 96 see view-thread/535800 good guide.Other examples are TheGreatOnePoe he is playing the build on Nemesis right now link to his stream other example is Baker he is playing the build with a Lioneyes see view-thread/750358 (he is trying to craft a harbinger no worries guys). new league viable? I dont sugest to start with this build CI is rly hard to set up in the first place. 9:Q:Why are you using Crit chance in frenzy and not faster attacks? A:Frenzy with 20q and level 20 has and extremly well scaling with frenzy charges and gets an insane boost in attack speed , getting faster attacks as CI would make you blank shot alot, having crit chance is good for bosses 95% perma freeze. 10:Q: Does this build work with 1.1 and Vaal pact nerf? A: 1 version of the build got destroyed it costs way to many points and not good , the evasion part is still rly strong but needs alot of life and mana leech on gear what makes it extremly gear required. WILL ADD MORE QUESTIONS WHEN THEY GET ASKED. Videos: 1.0.6 videos :( wont work that great anymore only with ubergear(mana leech lifeleech on everything) VIDEOOOOOOOS , I tried my best to include some awesome videos to the guide but there was 1 problem , I was only able to record the sound from 1 position (ingamesound+friend) or (my voice only without anything)I took the ingamesound+friend so dont be surprised when you hear my friend talk to me but you can't here me. MAP MODES ARE SHOWN IN THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO! 78 Palace Map(140q) : 78 Palace Map(easy fast kill)°New° : 78 Coutyard Map(130q) : 77 Shrine Map(Double Boss)+bad quality :/ : 77 Shipyard Map : 76 Crematorium Map(Temporal Chains) : 76 Academy Map : 75 Plateau Map(with reflect) : 74 Gorge Map(Super Speed) : The person in some of the videos is my friend Cloud_Templar gonna try to upload more stuff! Thx for reading the guide , if you got any question write in this thread , if you need big help pm me in the forums or ingame @Fyndel Gonna try to improve and update the guide as much as I can every feedback will help. And thx to GGG for making this Great Game! Every Class 100 Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Aug 28, 2014, 12:01:01 PM
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What a sexy beast xD
Recruiting for Archnemesis League/Siege of the Atlas!
Umbra Exiles: The Official Path of Exile Guild Directory: |
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Nice guide mate.
Top stuff. |
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Note: If you forgot blood rage on ref map you died ;)
IGN: Brubee
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" sup brue , read the "How does reflect work and how can we survive it" and press the spoiler I wrote there "AND NEVER FORGET TO TURN ON BLOOD RAGE OR YOU ARE DEATH VS REFLECT! , Cast when dmg taken + Immortal call+Enduring cry HELPS ALOT TOO." Blood Rage is like my Brother :3 do not forget it ! Every Class 100 Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Feb 9, 2014, 7:11:04 AM
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Great Build. 2 thoughts
1.) It looks like you have 4 max frenzy charges, but by your screenshot for dps it says 5 frenzy charges. 2.) Ever thought of adding some life leech on your gear somewhere? Ntt wasting a socket but just getting some on your quiver or ammy. Would let you not die on the off chance you happened to forget your brother at home. My Phys Crit Split Arrow Ranger Guide: My Poison Arrow Ranger Guide: Last edited by Asidra#2906 on Feb 3, 2014, 7:31:09 PM
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" 1.The reason I got 5 frenzy charges on my screenshots is cause I got them on the tree I dont wanted to post the skill tree of level 97 cause its abit to high but I can pm it to you if you want.With level 99 I will get my 6th frenzy charge. 2.Yes your absolutely right adding leech on 1 peace of gear is rly important so when you forget to cast blood rage you wont get insta killed me for example got it on quiver I think thats the best place to get it on. (amulet would be to much) Every Class 100 Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe Last edited by Fyndel#2106 on Feb 4, 2014, 2:04:04 AM
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ur a god alex wtf? 420k frenzy? nice guide bro, id be ur aura slave any day
ign: flumie
/357218 -- Store /1195032 -- <ZZZ> Sleepless Guild Thread -- 90+ AUS players in STD recruiting! |
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thx! yes I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee your auras
Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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Can you do the build without a mirrored harbinger?
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