Low-life RF Generic Build - Best fun you can have - a must read

Galax201 wrote:
rel4us wrote:

Just posted an idea for a scion variant inspired by your tree and my
theorycrafting on a different scion low life summoner

The generic idea was to extend it with a wand,RF and/or movement speed.
The base tree would look like this:


But i didn't decide on what to give up :)

the main idea is very good, but....

you need inner force to have 94% fire res.....

i changed the tree abit...

it's more critical chance, no area DPS (you don't need it realy, damage notes of this type are overkill)


i allso took mana geyser, and power charge, you can be fine with no increased buff effects, it's allso a defensive overkill

but i liked the general idea.... looks better the the wich tree
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
guide updated
The real king of the hill - ASSZERKER CoC - high life, insane damage and clear speed
IGN: ascendant_broken_heart, thread number: 1608112
rel4us wrote:
guide updated

You got any low life FP cold crit builds by any chance? If not why has it become so unpopular?
Animalistic in nature, somebody help me
pianokingx3 wrote:
rel4us wrote:
guide updated

You got any low life FP cold crit builds by any chance? If not why has it become so unpopular?

I'll ask him to update it.
[3.22] 💀The Grim Reaper💀 - Hexblast Poison Mines Assassin

[3.22] ❄️⚡CantripN's Hadoken! - Lightning Conduit / Crackling Lance / Arc Permafreeze⚡❄️
Hey man just curious how you deal with reflect...
I have a RRRGGB Shavronnes with what would you link Cyclone? I still want to keep EE so no added fire damage.
Hey mate, I have RRRBGG Shavs and cant decide which skill I will use. How do you link flicker??
What's your initial tree before altering at level 88?

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