Pela's Spray N Pray Split Arrow Crit Build Guide with MoM

Hi. I'm making this as an easy reference for myself if I decide to replay the build in the future. Also may it helps other people start off their own split arrow build. My passive choices havent been min/max effectively ( not tweaked as much as my other build due to short term on this char) so I welcome any and all suggestions to improve it.

Pros & Cons

+Very fast mob clear
+Can close both eyes and spray everything to death
+Its critting. Things shatter or melt to death
+The main dps dealer in parties. Easy to use solo but works brilliantly in parties
+Gear independant. Upgrade your equipment to improve your character as you progress. No need fancy uniques etc.

-Not the most tanky of builds
-Your damage depends on your bow mostly
- 1 vs 1 against bosses is a bit messy
-Depends on your gear choices, chroming might get expensive


For bandit Quests, take hp from helping oak in normal. Oak for 18% phys dmg or kill all for skill point (Feel free to justify your choice to me in reply, I'm not 100% certain myself). Merciless, kill all for skill points ( I justified in my replies.).

Point progression is basically dmg(and mostly crit chances) early on up to middle of cruel. Then start getting defensive nodes (hp, iron reflex). By merciless you should know what u're lacking as u progress. Work on mana regen nodes. Then grab reserve aura nodes. By now you should be able to grab MoM. It's just 1 skillpoints so if u're having problem with it, u can drop it and take it once you feel more comfortable with it. After, you can work on getting more crit chances nodes and HP as you're now at endgame level.

Feel free to lose the reduced mana nodes if u decide to not have Mind Over Matter. You can respec them into more health nodes. Which might actually works better but I like the high mana regen and MoM helps dealing with reflects dmg. Only 2% lifeleech on gear and I dont need to use blood magic which frees a gem space for more dmg.


The Spray And Pray Split Arrow Combo
Split Arrow + Added Fire Dmg + Chain + Faster Attack + Phys Proj Dmg + Weapon Ele Dmg

Single Target Gone Too Fast To Care Combo
Burning Arrow + Faster Attack + Added Fire Dmg + Increase Crit Multi + Phys Proj Dmg + Weapon Ele Dmg

Movement Skills
Lightning Warp + Reduced Duration + Blood Magic + Faster Cast/Culling Strike
In a perfect world, offcoloring doesnt cost exalts++. But yea, I kinda gave up on trying to get 4 offcolor on my goldwyrm so I stayed with rrbg thus the reason i use culling strike instead of faster cast. It works well tbh, u can cull as u light warp away lol. Why blood magic this? Well in some case you might get mobbed and need to escape, or bear trapped maybe. You wouldnt want your character to get stuck and yelling NO MANA!!! and soon after u'll hear her death yell. Blood magic guarantees your escape.

For Auras you should use Hatred first, add Wrath ( i think thats the name for lightning dmg aura?) when u can ( when ur reduced mana gem leveled up enough to allow you to use 2 60% gem with enough mana to use skills). Once you get the aura reserve nodes you can run clarity (if u want, i didnt) or use Alphas howl to run another 60% auras comfortably. Purity is also not a bad choice if u cant max ur resist or in special case where purity of lightning will enable u to facetank piety lightning attack in maps.

Critical weakness.
Just use it.

CWDT combo
Cast When Dmg Taken + Blind + Molten Shell + Shockwave totem
This will be your savior is a lot of situation when things got out of hands a bit too fast. Rarely happens as things shatter and die before u get close to them. But it helps to be safe. You can level blind to lvl 20 no problem cause there no lvl req for support gem. You basically want the cwdt dmg trigger at 1/3rd of your hp. I think thats the perfect balance between too much trigger and after you're dead trigger.

Gears & Gems

Gears are very flexible tbh. 5L is great, 6L is a luxury. Try to get more crit chances and multi from gears. You can get crit chance n multi from your amulets. Crit chance from ring. Altho I feel like 2 stone rings are better in helping you max your resists. Basically I look for health, +max mana, accuracy, resists, str/int from rings.

As an alternative, you can use Rats Nest for helm if u want more crit. Alphas Howl helm if you want to run another % aura such as Haste or Purity or Clarity even. I recommend goldwyrm for shoes. The mana regen from it helps with the build. Comes with IIQ and 50% fire resist. Whats not to like?! It's a b*tch to offcolor tho...

Take a look at the gems slotted in. They are how I arrange them in my current setup. Might have used other combos for Split arrow if the chest isnt so hard to chrome. I kind of just used what I already have to cut cost for the build. Thus the reason I'm using an astral plate. It works great atm but I would have liked to experiment more.

Flask Choices

By act 3 Merciless you should be able to have all those flask. They help with ur survivability.


1.Is Lioneye's Glare good for this build?
Nope. Not really. Tested it. Better Attack speed but way less crits. Harbinger is simply the best for crit build.

2.How does MoM helps with reflect?
Well simply put, if u take too much dmg from reflect you'll run out of mana. Its like auto stop mechanic to safeguard u from killing urself accidentally.

3. Whats burning arrow for?
Its your main skill against single target. Like bosses etc when theyre alone.

Closing Thoughts.
Thanks to everyone whos helped me with this build. This includes my bros and homies in Global 2 and my Royal guildmates. I was interested in Split arrow when I talked to Mezz. So thanks buddy for that. Gud Lux n Haf Fun.

p/s: Look at the walls around you after u killed your enemy.
Pure Hard Luck
Pela's Duelist 2H Axxor For MFers:
Pela's Spray & Pray Split Puncture Critness:
IGN : PelacurZ
Last edited by wira020#7112 on Jan 31, 2014, 9:03:09 AM
If you have any question. Feel free.

Version 1 ( Game version 1.0.6) 4.40am 31Jan2014

Version 1.1 added a few missing infos as pointed out in replies (thanks for pointing it out). 10.36pm 31Jan2014

Version 1.2 Added Skillset section 10.58pm 31Jan2014

note: need polishing.
Pure Hard Luck
Pela's Duelist 2H Axxor For MFers:
Pela's Spray & Pray Split Puncture Critness:
IGN : PelacurZ
Last edited by wira020#7112 on Jan 31, 2014, 8:59:16 AM
I can't tell you how excited I am to see a build that doesn't use Frenzy for single target DPS. Kudos - and 15k on Burning Arrow is solid.

And very nice Armor
My Phys Crit Split Arrow Ranger Guide:

My Poison Arrow Ranger Guide:
This looks great, thanks for posting. I have a new ranger and was wondering in what order you'd recommend assigning the points. So far I have Ballistic Mastery, Aspect of the Eagle, Pressure Points, and Heart of Oak. Should I head for MoM right away, or prioritize something else?
Last edited by Bhledas#1686 on Jan 30, 2014, 7:07:34 PM
@Asidra, thanks :D.

@bhledes, in my experience, the best way to assign for points is to get dmg nodes early (helps level up faster in domination), start getting hp and iron reflex mid cruel, after that you will feel the need for mana which prompts u to take mana nodes to keep up skill uses. I recommend taking MoM after u get all the nearby mana regen nodes. Then take mana reserve nodes last. You wont need MoM until mapping IMO. If you have trouble soloing ( probably due to having subpar harbinger bow like 200dps below), u can join public parties and have other people tank for u as u level. Good luck!

edit: by dmg nodes i mostly mean crit chance nodes.
Pure Hard Luck
Pela's Duelist 2H Axxor For MFers:
Pela's Spray & Pray Split Puncture Critness:
IGN : PelacurZ
Last edited by wira020#7112 on Jan 31, 2014, 4:46:33 AM
Excellent, that's the info I was looking for, much appreciated.

Since the respec books are rather expensive...any thoughts on Bandit choices? I just got to that point on Normal and I'm trying to decide. The build has quite a few +%Mana nodes, so it would defnitely benefit from the +40 base mana, so that's what I'm leaning to atm, but I guess the same could be said for +40 HP.
pasti indo
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... -- Bex_GGG
Left that information out cause i forgot it in the initial write up. For normal oak, i'd recommend hp. Mana isnt worth it imo. You'll have over twice the hp% nodes compared to mana% nodes.

For cruel, u can get phys dmg nodes (18% phys dmg is alot for bows and futureproof if u decide to change build in the future), i wouldnt recommend aspd. Never done the math myself tbh. Skill point is also a safe option.

For merciless, kill all and get skillpoints. This build doesnt depend on charges but if u ever feel like getting power charges, u can save alira and get powerchargees in the passive tree. I'd rather not depend on power charges tbh. This build is really gear independant and thats how i like my builds. Adding charges requires gear changes to add more maximum charges or to gain charges etc to justify using charges. That can quickly get messy.

@estu87, malaysian actually :)
Pure Hard Luck
Pela's Duelist 2H Axxor For MFers:
Pela's Spray & Pray Split Puncture Critness:
IGN : PelacurZ
Gonna try this out!
I'm just excited to see a crit build without CoC.

For bosses I use Puncture with Added Physical, Fire and Increased Crit Damage Multiplier.

Even Merc Piety bleeds herself out in a couple of shots.

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