[1.3] Templar Summoner a.k.a The Pillager - HC/Bloodlines - Updated
" I do like that. For better or worse, I came up with this:
I traded the 24% life on the east side for 1.2% life regen and 12 flat life. Then trading another 8% life and the Int nodes along the top for 36% ES. I'm not sure how it all maths out, but I feel like it should be close to your build, one way or the other. Probably a bit less life, but more regen and ES. Thoughts? |
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" Yup, that seems fine. Imho, I would rather take that 3*8% nodes east of Influence (right side aura cluster) than 1.2 regen and flat 12. I had a crazy idea just now. Since I have massive mana regen on my gear, I am thinking about Eldritch Battery and permanent Arctic Armour. I've tried it, and with it I have 2.2k mana and 130 mana/s regen, which is not enough, while moving anyway. Need like 170 regen p/s or so. This can work if I manage to find gear with more es and mana, since my current gear is mostly terrible. But, if, at some point, I manage to fit in Arctic Armour, this character will be a monster. I will test it and give you guys an update. [Update] I need waaaaay more Armour to go with AA. I managed to boost my mana regen to 220, but base armour is too low to run without ES. Will try at later date. Last edited by ComradeMrki#3041 on Feb 1, 2014, 4:16:36 PM
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So far so good! I am a starter and I am running real fine with this build!
currently, I just beat Piety without having any difficulty Only with quest reward gems! [I am playing on dominion league] and only with gears dropped by monsters! so I would like to say that this build is really newbie friendly too. Last edited by RageSloth#0687 on Feb 1, 2014, 3:11:43 PM
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" Glad to hear it, thanks! |
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I'm confused. I'm not trying to argue, or insult you, I'm new to this summoner thing.
Why not make the zombie setup in the chober chaber mallet? It gives +1 to minions, and +1 to melee. You would only lost +1minions but gain +1 to the melee gems multistrike, faster attacks, and splash, no? also can do a 5 link instead of 4, so now you can add minion damage gem. This will make your zombies much stronger wouldn't it? This would also be easier and cheaper to achieve than +2 helmet. Edit: But yes I'm level 50 on hardcore with this build so far and no problems, but I'm confused about some things still.. I don't quite get the snapshotting or the way you setup your gems, there's some conflicting information in the guide. It would be nice if you said which piece of gear has which gems. Last edited by ampdgmr#7090 on Feb 1, 2014, 11:01:37 PM
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" I an open to questions, suggestions and criticism, so no worries :) Here is why: First of all, Zombies are not you'r primary damage dealer. While they are incredible at higher levels, Burning Miscreations will always deal way way more damage. So our goal is to make those zombies as tanky as possible. Every build is made to function at high level right? So we are thinking about max level gems here. Some gems in this game are affected by +Level even after 20, some aren't. Faster attacks & melee splash have no additional bonuses after 20, multistrike gets 3% melee damage, while zombies at level 20 have 2416 base life, 2709 at 21 and 3027 at level 22. Those base stats are then affected by your minion life passives (90% total) and by Chober while summoning (33% in my case, up to 35% with perfect Chober). So would you rather have them deal 3% more damage with multistrike and 6050 life in Chober, or have 6900 life in +2 helm (that's 6000-6800 more life on your team)? And while they are dealing considerate damage, they are, primarily, your meatshield so you really don't need extra damage on them. Another problem with this is loss of survivability. Without shield you lose 24% allres + any extra res + good chunk of life you can have on your angelic shield, not counting block. As for price... 5L Chober is going for 1.5-2ex on Nemesis, and there is only 1 currently for sale, which means that it can get more expensive. On the other hand, I bought my +2minion helm for 5c, which you can check under my gear section. So, I don't see how is 5L Chober easier to achieve than +2 helm. And don't forget, I was piss broke when I started this character, so my goal was to make something that can work with pretty limited currency. Up to level 70, my entire gear was worth less than 20c and by then I was deep into mapping. Not counting Tabula Rasa, my current gear is worth around 50c or 2exalts and I am doing end-game content. You can see my skill combinations in my "current gear" section, simply mouse over the items and you will see which gem goes where :) I've explained snapshotting in that short video as best as I can. Have you turned anotations on while watching it? Anyway, here it goes: Step one - Get your 5l/Tabula Rasa and place Raise Spectre in top left slot. Fill all the other slots with support gems. Step two - Go to Lunaris 2, find some Burning Miscreations and kill them. Step three - Raise specters. Step four - With your specters up and running and you'r 5L/Tabula still equipped go back to town. Step five - When in town: 1: Un-equip your 5L/Tabula 2: Equip chest you want to use, with more life/resi/whatever 3: Take Raise Spectre gem out of 5L/Tabula and place it in the same slot that it was in, top left. 4: Leave town and you will have you'r specters with you. I hope this helps. Cheers! Last edited by ComradeMrki#3041 on Feb 2, 2014, 8:15:10 AM
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Just a update level 43 now and so far zero deaths. I have played this game from beta and once again I am excited to play. I lacked playing bored whatever with the game but this once again has made me want to play. I love this build and wanna thank you so much for you efforts and time have have devoted to making sure we understand it. Thanks will keep you updated.
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" You are most welcome, and it's a pleasure. As for no deaths, that's the goal here, in Nemesis death is a no-no :) Last edited by ComradeMrki#3041 on Feb 2, 2014, 10:08:27 AM
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Killing Dominus was absolute overkill. Finished Museum map, lost couple of minions on that boss pack. Finished Colonnade map with dual Carnage (Kole boss) and it was super easy. So far, this build works like a charm. To test it completely I will try to get my hands on Poorjoy's Asylum (also known as the RIP map), and if I finish that one without dying, I'll be completely sure about this build :) Cheers! Ps. Merci Dominus kill at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM7oYOMbrJg Last edited by ComradeMrki#3041 on Feb 2, 2014, 11:44:57 AM
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"while zombies at level 20 have 2416 base life, 2709 at 21 and 3027 at level 22."
Wow I didn't know such a big leap, that makes sense, thanks for the explanation. I get it now, the snapshotting I think. I need to find this tabula rasa. Ty again. So I put on chober and sidhebreath, and now I can summon fullstrength zombies without swapping anything else. Tabula is 6 links, so when we summon spectre we can attach another support gem to it? what do u recommend? maybe fire penetration? Last edited by ampdgmr#7090 on Feb 2, 2014, 1:29:03 PM
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