Rilke's 45ks dps Dual Strike Face Tank Build
Rilke's Dual Strike Face Tank Build
Thanks to Lendo + Martin (THIS IS A WORK IN PROGRESS. I just figured that I'd put up what I have while I continue to work on it) The main point of the build is to be so tanky, with such high dps, that you can leap from pack to pack, obliterating every monster while having to show little regard for your character's well-being. If this doesn't sound appealing to you - then I suggest you quit reading now and start looking for a less manly build =) Pros You have to fear very few things! Can do nearly every map mod High Life Leech 40k+ dps(insane scaling from op dual strike gem) Incredibly Tanky Ability to use two resistance flaks Build is effective at all points in level progression Can solo any boss Ability to carry group(if no cod bm summoner is around- i kid i kid =) Cons Build uses expensive items: soul taker/bringer of rain/ming's heart(although I've recently added a mings/soul takerless wings of entropy build as an alternative) Build is weak to void bearers ("You like dags?" you shouldn't with this build!) You have to be near the monsters you are killing Build Mechanics (will fill this part in soon!(have done a lot already today) Passive Tree(s)
(around level 16) You are heading towards IR and grabbing and grabbing the life leech node along the way so that you don't have to worry about life leech until end game content. For now, you will want to be running hatred because there isn't another viable option. And besides, isn't it really fun watching mobs shatter? (around level 30+) At this point, you'll start using grace as your only aura and capitalize on the powerful IR + GRACE combo. Also, now with dervish, your base 15% blcok(from dual wielding) will be augmented to 29% and you will see this build's defenses really starting to grow. In zones where you know armor is of little importance you can run hatred instead if you prefer the quicker killing speed. But for me, I almost always prefer grace when given the choice as your dps will be really high from using proper gems+unique setup. (around level 45) Your tree should look like this next. You will get RT first because as you've probably noticed your overpowered early game accuracy is already starting to fail you. Then you can head up towards the juicy scion area while getting all the nodes that are integral assets for hard core melee builds. (around level 65) Not that the top of the tree(around templar) is bad - it just isn't dense enough to bother speccing yet. Depending on how your resists and hp are on your gear, you will want to head towards different areas. If you need help with resists then you should head towards diamond flesh, if not then you can go towards ranger start and gain lots of DPS and 4% more block(making the total 33%) Early to mid mapping (around lvl 87) You should look to spec EE early at this point unless your resists are lacking. Before now, you hadn't really specced any specific weapon nodes(and you could even have starting mara 15% phys), but now you will start - if you don't have ST(soul taker) or an axe - don't worry - instead of the 3 fell of the weak nodes, you can grab blade of the renown or baptism by light)(after fell of the weak(if st) you should plan on speccing splitting strikes) If you don't have ST, you should still be using mana leech and avoiding half regen maps and waiting to spec the soverignty wheel. However, if you do have ST, you should have the sovereignty wheel EXACTLY how I have it. With this wheel - you will be able to run 3 auras on mana (2x 60 and 1 x 30) and buff them very nicely. And if the above isn't the case(no st) you can skip out on purity of flesh. My spec at 100(for ming's heart users only) For non ming's heart users (lvl 100 too) Wings of Entropy Version Since some people just wont be able to afford soul taker I added a wings of entropy/bor version that everyone should be able to eventually afford: Gems
Early game: Before Dual striking, you will use: leap slam - heavy strike - hatred and decoy totem. and you will use added fire for support gems if the sockets are available. At lvl 20 you will switch from Leap slam/heavy strike to dual strike and make sure you have enfeeble instead of vulnerbility if you can only afford to use one curse because you will need it for some of the bosses =) In addition to hatred and decoy totem(you will keep leapslam for movement if you have enough sockets) you will need dual strike, melee splash and added fire. You can have a second dual strike without melee splash for single target. And if you're still using a three link at lvl 31 you should switch your added fire to melee physical. Mid Game: The gems won't really change, in your Dual Strike four link for aoe, you should have: Dual Strike, Multi Strike, Melee Splash and melee physical and if you want one for single target you can put in faster attacks instead of melee splash. At about this point, you want to start blood magicing your enfeeble/decoy totem/leapslam and keep relying on mana leech for your dual strike. 5 Link Dual Strike: DS, Melee Physical, Multi Strike, melee splash and Added Fire or Faster attacks. The question of the last two gems here, relates to your attack speed and how it affects your mana leech. If you have a high attack speed weapon you should lean towards added fire but if you have a slow weapon you should use faster attacks. End Game Gems: 6 Link Dual Strike for aoe(bringer/soul taker): DS, Melee Physical, Multi Strike, melee splash, added fire and faster attacks. 6 Link Dual strike for single target: DS, Melee Physica, Multi Strike, Added Fire, Faster Attacks and Melee DMG on Full Life. If using Ming's Heart you will want Blood Magic/Increased Duration/Blood rage in one of your weapons. It HAS to be in your weapon so that if you need to take blood rage off for any reason you can just switch your weapon. If you aren't using Ming's heart, then you can continue using decoy totem is what i'd recommend. CWDT Setup:lvl 1 CWDT - lvl 5 enfeeble - level 7 molten shell - level 5 enduring cry (although I don't recomment using CWDT I did and that was only because after 94 levels of spamming enduring cry and enfeeble on HC I naturally became lazy =( For your auars - you will run any combination of Grace/Determ with vitality(to help with half regen or vuln on maps) or purtiy of fire and possibly even consider having a second pair of gloves with blue/red/red/green link until you have gg gear with insane resists so that you can do ele weakness maps For no regen - unless you have an infallible connection - I wouldn't recommend running blood rage. I'd just switch Added Fire with life leech and keep it off. On minus max or phys reflect + vuln maps, you should definitely switch your added fire with life gain on hit. Although, if your gear isn't quite top notch you can play this by ear because you probably won't have to be as cautious about reflect. You can also consider running life leech (if you aren't using mings) on terribly difficult maps if you're still running blood drinker passive as your only leech. Bandit Rewards
Normal= Save oak(40hp) Cruel= Save Oak (18%physical) Merciless= kill all or save oak Gear
Leveling uniques: x2 of these to cleave with: level 13 wep to leapslam/heavy strike with use x2 of these at lvl 20 and switch to dual strike: lvl 35 weps: So as you see, you are set for weapons until about lvl 45-50 ish, from that point on you will need to acquire some kind of rare one handers, preferably of slow attack speed to make mana leech work better. Top tier gear you should aim to have linked below(hp/resists/flat phys), unless you are planning on playing end game without ming's heart then you should really have 2-4% additional leech on your gear. My gear:
Potions (If you want to stay alive in HC, then I suggest you read this part)
As you level - obviously you use whichever potions you can find. Later on (something like 40+) you will definitely need to spend some alts on flasks. You should have at least 1 bubbling or seething potions(two preferred) with at least staunching on one of them to remove corrupting blood. To have much more than this early on is difficult and probably not too worth it. However, for end game maps, potions are INCREDIBLY important. These are the potions that I always have equipped: They are perfect except for the fact that the ruby should be ample or perpetual. I also always have thse potions in my inventory: Now you may ask: "Why the fuck do need/carry all of these potions?" Well, for magera, I use two rubies. For the Academy boss I use the extra warding granite. For shrine piety I use two Topazs. For minus max maps I'll use the sapphire flask if I know there are freezing pulsers(academy/humanoids) or if I see them or frogs in the map. The reason what I keep two staunchings is so that when I fight high scaling cb mobs(giant skeles/golems/zombies/necros) I clear the cb stacks before they get high to be safer =). It's always good to have a base topaz flask for storm heralds and volatiles =) The Fire flask is so good becuase it obviously helps vs volatiles too, but the hardest possible mobs for this build is voidbearers. Nemesis Tips(CB/SH/VOLATILE Info)
info soon
Last edited by FranzKafka#2523 on Jan 19, 2014, 10:20:54 PM
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Alright, after taking a break from the game I'm going to try your build! Just assigned my passives on my level 48 marauder, let's wait for the updates!
I'm going to see how I'll level up, maybe cleave :P Thanks for the help and gz on level 100! (Probably late but whatever haha) |
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Thanks man - you should level as dual strike - i'm working on that part now =)
Dual strike single target 4 link = DS/Melee Phys/Multi Strike/Added fire(can be faster attacks instead if you don't have issues with attack too fast) with mana leech from slither pinch or wurm's molt. Dual strike aoe 4 link = DS/Multi Strike/Melee Phys/ Melee Splash Last edited by FranzKafka#2523 on Jan 17, 2014, 4:36:52 PM
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Hey man!
Am I seeing it wrong or are the two 100 builds exactly the same? Otherwise please explain to me where the differences are. |
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The ming's heart build connects mara and duelist areas via scion and the non ming's heart build connects mara and duelist from below. In addition to one having splitting strikes and the other having one hand dmg nodes and more hp at ranger since you gain many points being able to connect duelist/mara via scion.
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i'll write something more indepth about the differences too - thanks for giving me that good idea =)
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I built a dual striker, followed Pulp's one week Wings of Entropy build...
how can I adapt your skill tree guide to wings of entropy, cause i probably wont have 35 exalts for soul taker or other crazy expensive equipment.. The current tree as it is. Last edited by Trevasotilo#2623 on Jan 17, 2014, 6:30:42 PM
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" as far as i can see it u posted exactly the same builds for both... U havent skilled splitting strikes in both Last edited by Discotank#7256 on Jan 17, 2014, 7:02:58 PM
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fixed now - at least i believe =))
Last edited by FranzKafka#2523 on Jan 17, 2014, 7:07:52 PM
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This is what I'd personally do if I were going wings of entroy. I took out the bottom of duelist (definitely not worth it going to via 10 str nodes. Unspecced the 1% duelist hp regen. Specced Splitting STrikes (no idea why he skipped it). Went to ranger to make wrecking blow actaully worth it(it's def not worth it for 5points). Then grabbed the two gg nodes bheind fell of the weak and got soverignty to buff the auras and give extra mana remaining while using In fact, Ill add this at the bottom of the builds part to give some alternatives for people who can't afford st, thanks for the idea friend! Last edited by FranzKafka#2523 on Jan 18, 2014, 3:12:58 AM
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